Better off dead chapter 22

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Franks POV

"Get the fuck up!" Gerard shouted, leaping onto the bed and, if my overreaction was anything to go off, he broke three of my ribs and winded me whilst being the cutest dumb fuck I know.

"Nope... This bed is far too comfortable..." I laughed into my pillow as me crawled off of me, standing in the doorway being ASAP.

ASAP meaning, obviously, as sassy as possible.

"But frankie," he whined, tilting back his head."I'm leaving soon and I wanna kiss your stupid fucking face and watch you drink your stupid fucking coffee I made you before I leave for the weekend..." He half smiled, waltzing over and extending his arm.

"Coffee?" I perked up and grabbed at his hand.

I really wanted to drink some coffee.

And obviously see him before he left.

But coffee first.

"So where exactly are you going again?" I laughed, perched on the kitchen counter sipping my coffee.

"Baltimore, my friend Alex needs me to help him with some shit. His boyfriend Jack just got discharged from hospital after, what, a year now? And I think he wants my help throwing a party for him. I met them both around the same time I first found you, great guys you should have came babe." He smiled, grabbing his sunglasses from the table and putting them on his head, taking a drag from the cigarette I didn't know he had lit.

"I didn't feel like it, besides they're your friends and its his discharge party so I wouldn't want to be an inconvenience, I mean they literally have no idea who I am." I laughed, grabbing his hand and spinning him around, causing a spiral of smoke.

Speaking of not know who people are...

"D-do they know about you?" I stuttered slightly.

Real fucking smooth frank. Real fucking smooth.

"Well Alex does, I'm not sure if he's told jack though. Alex is a full blood, that's why jack in hospital, they had an 'accident' at a party last year, jack lost tons of blood we didn't think he was gonna make it..." The way he air quoted accident made me sick to my stomach.

What if we had an 'accident'?

"Oh okay, how easy is it for these accidents to happen?" I dumbed down my nerves with another sip of my coffee.

My stupid fucking coffee that my stupid fucking boyfr- wait, are we boyfriends? My stupid fucking Gerard? Would that be right? Is he even mine?

"Gerard?" I cut him off just as he opened his mouth to answer my previous question.

"Go on." He rolled his eyes, smirking at me and taking a final drag of his cigarette.

"What are we? I mean was that a stupid fucking coffee made by my stupid fucking boyfriend, or was that a stupid fucking coffee made by Gerard?" I smiled, hoping for the best answer.

I mean, I haven't really even finished school yet so I'm no expert at this relationship thing.

I sucked his dick.

What does that mean?

I do not know.

I've slept in the same bed with him since we met nearly two weeks ago.

What does that mean?

I do not know.

We do a lot of making out.

Guess what?

I still do not know shit!

"Well, sugar tits, how about this?" He called out as he ran into the other room to retrieve something.

Another thing I do not know.

Slowly, he crept into the room again and kneeled in front of me, his hands behind his back.

"Frank iero, we haven't done the do yet but we have made out, slept together and sucked dicks for cocaine, sorry scratch that. And you've sucked my dick, for no cocaine, I'm hoping. Anyways, I would be honoured if you would say yes to being my boyfriend?" He looked up, raising an eyebrow and pulling his hands to his front and opening them slowly.

The shining foil caught my eye in his hand as he opened them, waiting for my answer.

Normal people would just say "do you wanna be my boyfriend?" But no, not Gerard.

He gets down on one knee, talks about dicks and cocaine and then presents you with a condom.

A fucking condom.

How romantic?

"Of course ill be your boyfriend fucktard, now go get your shit together your cabs going to be hear any second!" I grinned, grabbing the condom and throwing it at him as he ran to get his case.

"See you on Monday, I love you!" He cheered, dragging his case over to the cab and waving as he climbed in.

"I love you too!" I laughed, practically hanging out of the front door waving desperately back to him.

Four nights and, what, five days without Gerard? Ugh he's going to be so far away. At least we can text or something.

Walking back into the kitchen and staring around the room I sat back on the bench.

"Huh." I half heartedly laughed.

That was the first time I've even been in this god forsaken kitchen and not been with Gerard, holding hands or almost slow dancing for that matter.

Taking the last sips I finished my coffee.

My perfect fucking coffee from my perfect fucking boyfriend.

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