better off dead chapter 37

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(AN: ugh, here we are, the day I'd thought I would never see. This is the last chapter of Better Off Dead, however I will be posting a thank you note after this sometime in the future. As always I love you all and you all have showed so much love to this story over the past few months and I couldn't be happier or prouder of myself and all you readers for being such nice and friendly people, seeing your comments literally makes my day. I'll keep it short and sweet until the thank you note because I'll cry... )

Gerard's POV

"Frank! No! Frank! Come on its going to be okay! I promise! Just please..." I shouted, tears streaming down my face as I ran over to his body that was on the cold dirty floor of the abandoned theatre, the movie still playing in the background.

"No, no, no, no, no, Frank no this just- I-I just..." I sobbed, running over and pulling his body up to meet mine in a cold, empty hug.

Pulling back from the hug, I lay him in my lap, his body on my legs as I held him up and sobbed int'l his shoulder, covered in his own blood.

His face was sickeningly pale and his lips were chapped and faded, his beautifully dark hair was hanging carelessly over his eyes and face.

"Please j-just come back Frankie... I need you!" I cried out, brushing his hair from his eyes and placing a tragically sweet kiss to his cold lips.

"I just want you to know, the world is fucking ugly Frankie... But you're still beautiful to me... I just hope you know I'm thinking of you now..." I choked out, my words burn because they are hard to say.

"I'll always fucking think of you Frankie! Who am i kidding? I just hope you're thinking of me like I'm think of you now, you were my fucking life! Why would you take him from me...fuck, you still are my everything! I fucking need you so bad!" I groaned, letting my head fall onto his chest as I hug him tighter than before.

I could hear the slowing beats of his heart, so much so that I stopped listening, I couldn't bring myself to hear the final beat knowing that he wouldn't suddenly wake up and be able to be with me forever.

"You fucking bitch! This is all you, his life was in your hands and you ended it all in fucking spite!" I screamed, looking around the room for my teary gaze to be drawn away from Frank and to another note on one of the movie theatre seats.

Dear Gerard Way, you weak fucking loser, I've won. I grew up and I hope you can bring yourself to do the same and move on from this pittiful state of affairs. I like to see you cry, it makes me feel good that somebody once so strong and brutal could be taken down by myself, however my time to see you cry is running short as you can see, your mate is dead and so I presume you will be coming for your brutally sweet revenge because I know that's all you want. The spotlight. Gerard Ways brutally tasteful come back into the murder scene. Come and kill me fucker-

I stopped reading.

Partly because I couldn't bare to read what she was making me believe to be the truth.

And partly because there was something else more worthy of my attention.


His hand, that I was gripping tight enough to leave white marks as I let go, moved.

Just enough to grab my attention.

"Frank!" I gasped, holding him closer to my body.

"Oh come on, you can do this, I love you frankie... I really do! You're my world, no matter w-what happens now you'll always be my fucking world..." I stumbled over my words, bringing franks cold body close to mine in our final embrace and then leaving my final kiss on his faded pink lips.

My eyes, still tear stained red and blurry, trained down back to the note.

Come and kill me fucker I know it's what coming for me and killing that bitch was worth this, when I'm dead you'll only realize your ented up killing yourself. Now turn the note over when you're ready to grow up and apologise for making us come to this.

I turned over the note, still holding Frank in my trembling arms, to see another paragraph of what I presumed to be hell.

Before I could continue to read the bitter sweet note she had left for me my attention was grabbed again, this time in a much more subtle way, but one way that I will never forget.

"I love you too Gerard..." He looked up to me as he pulled me down to him and placed a soft passionate kiss to my lips.

"Frankie! W-wait Frank what- what were t-they?" I beamed, tears of pure happiness streaming down from my from eyes, as I questioned him.

"F-fangs Gerard... I- I think I'm a vampire!" He stammered, sitting up in my lap and trying to find his pulse in his neck humorously.

"Here let me help you babe..." I smiled, placing a kiss to where his pulse would be then print my fingers to the spot.

"Frank... You're dead! But how? I thought she killed you! What happened?" I questioned, utterly confused as to how Frank had been changed.

"The drink, she gave me a drink, it must have had her blood in it! That sneaky little- wait what's that?" He stopped mid explanation, pointing to the note I had scrunched in my hand.

What did she write on the other side?

"It's an explanation note from Luna, saying why she brutally murdered you." I laughed slightly, unfolding the note and thinking about why she went to all this trouble just to change him.

Did she mean to change him?

Or was it her sadistic plan to hurt us both so much?

We sat in silence and read the reverse of the note together.

Dear Gerard Way, my gulliable ex-boyfriend, I hoped at least after we dated for a few years that you'd know by now: I could never hurt you that much. So dry your eyes and come and get your sweet revenge, after all theres nothing better. I'm waiting for you to end me so come and do it you brutal motherfucker because you know you've still got it in you after all these years. I wouldn't kill Frank, just torture him enough to kill a little of both of you, I never hated you that much.

Yours forever more- Luna xoxo

I turned to see Frank, tears rolling down his perfect face, words on the edge of his tongue that he could quite mutter to me just yet.

But that was okay.

I'd never understood life or love for that matter up until now but I can see that this is what I've always looked for to fill that void.


He filled that void in my life.

"Gerard, I love you so much and there is nothing that I have ever looked forward to more than spending the rest of eternity with you..." He smiled, kissing my cheek and grabbing my hand as he lead me out of the theatre.

"This is all I've ever wanted, and now I've got it, I love you too Frank..."

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