better off dead chapter 33

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(AN: sorry if this update is short I really didn't want to write in the next chapter yet and I also didn't want to just write about nothing so here we are. Also I'm sorry if I made any of you cry with those last updates I'm sorry. One last sorry: if there are any grammar mistakes it because I had no time to read over this so I'm sorry and I'm sorry for saying sorry so much in this AN)

Gerard's POV

"Frank! F-Frankie! No y-you can't leave me!" I screamed, holding his stilling body close to mine as I sobbed into his almost lifeless shoulder.

I could hear the gently faint and out of time beats of his fighting heart as I clung to him.

"You can't leave me... N-Not like this..." I whispered to him, picking him up bridal style and carrying him back to the house watching his final breaths come out  scared and shakey.

He was gone but he wasn't, his consciousness in a different place completely to where his body and life were and I needed to bring it back.

"I-I told you Frankie... I'm going to f-fix everything... You, me, us, this..." I cried, laying him down on the couch in what I presumed to be a comfortable way and put a blanket over his body from the shoulders down to keep him warm.

Boiling the kettle and filing a hour water bottle as fast as I could, I practically ran back to the living room to get back to him. Placing the warm object onto his body and waiting for it to heat him up slightly.

He could still survive, although the chances were slim, I'd taken not enough blood to turn him but enough to kill him. I just hope that his body can cope with all this, I know he's strong but I can't shake the feeling that I'm going to loose my Frank.

"Come on Frankie, you can pull through this... Can't you? Do it for me, p-please?" I gently cooed, moving his hair from his eyes and laying beside him on the sofa, his head on my chest and my arms around his small fragile frame.

I was breathing.

The only reason being: I as indescribably destroyed and  devastated.

Laying my head against the sofa and pulling Frank as close to my body as I could, he let out a string of exasperated breaths. Full of worry but completely exhausted, I dropped my head back and drifted into an uneasy sleep.

~time skip to the next morning still in Gerard's POV~

"Gee..." A faint whisper echoed through the room and woke me instantly as I almost leapt up and sat in front of him, practically on his lap trying not to be dead weight on his weak body.

"Frankie! Ugh, you did it I'm so proud of you! Thank you so much!" I beamed, feeling years of pure happiness roll down my cheeks.

I was breathing again.

I was so happy.

"F-For what?" He giggled, liking up to me through his glazed eyes, wrapping good arms around my neck in a weak attempt at a hug. Lowering my upper body to his level, I took control as I wrapped my arms gentle around his body and pulled him into a tight hug.

"For everything, just b-being you and fucking waking up! I love you Frankie, you're just amazing in every fucking way and if you didn't wake up I don't know what I would have done..." I trailed off, leaving the rest of the unimaginable truth to his imagination add I finally let go of the embrace that I had waited so long for, it felt like centuries.

Technically I had been, but that's not important here.

And that's what's so tragically perfect about us together, neither of us have ever been particularly important to anybody and suddenly we both feel like we are the end all and be all of somebody's life and that's pretty fucking amazing, is like walking on a cloud, everybody want it for the hype but only some stay to apriciate what people not so special as them have created. And nobody is as special as Frank so it's just us up here on this cloud, both of us dying just to live.

"Gerard... I love you too..." He whispered in faint tones that were like a poisoned melody only I could listen to, something so sickeningly sweet nobody else could ever have it.

"And I love to hear you say that..." I laughed slightly, leaning down and kissing him lightly on the forehead, snuggling back up beside him on the sofa, feeling his heavy and unsteady breaths vibrate through his touch.

"You need sleep Frankie... Just promise me one thing?" I looked down to where he was lay, his eyes closed contently as he lay with my arm around him.

"Yeah..." He smiled slightly, turning over and sticking his face into my side.

"That you'll always wake up..." I whispered, playing with his hair from behind and stroking his head as I let out a small and satisfying yawn.

"Only of you promise me that you'll always be there, even when I'm sleeping..." He replied, snuggling into my body.

"Always..." I smiled, the room falling silent as I walked for his reply.


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