Better off dead chapter 9

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Gerard's POV

Uncertainly, I smiled as I pulled back from the hug.

'How much of last night can he remember exactly?' My mind worked hard.

There's one thing that I've never been good at and it's what I was about to do, I needed to be upfront.

"So, uh frank how much ca-" frank interrupted me with his burning question as he worriedly screwed up his face and placed his hand on my knee.

"Gerard why have you been crying?" He tilted his head and used his free hand to wipe away what must have been a stream of dried tears.

"F... Frank there's s...something I need to tell you." I choked out through my hitched coughs and unsteady breathing.

"Anything, what's on your mind!" He optimistically spoke.

I don't know how or why but our bond had been built immensely quickly since the 'gathering' in the bathroom the other day.

"But I'm gonna sound crazy..." I half laughed as I held my shaking hand to my forehead and searched around the room for something to fixate on.


"As long as its the truth ill believe you." He smiled and trained his hand from my tear stained cheek and down onto my shoulder.

'Just go for it!' My mind tormented.

'No I can't what if he thinks I'm crazy! Then where will be!' I fought back.

'Go for it!' It blindly replied.

'We'll be in a bloodbath that's fucking where!' I internally screamed whilst preparing for this speech.

"Okay... So... I think this would be easier if I showed you something first." I said hanging my head down.

Taking frank by the hand and pulling him from the bed I walked him to the bathroom and stood him in front of the mirror.

"Frank, how much do you actually remember from yesterday?" I questioned standing beside frank and not in the mirror reflection.

"What do you mean? I guess all I can really remember after school was going home and finding a letter from my mom explaining that she had left for England or somewhere and then I -" he stopped and darted his eyes to the floor.

Lifting his chin I spoke quietly.

"Got drunk..." I wished there was a more dignified word I could have used but this was appropriate for the situation we had created.

Nodding he grabbed me and shoved his head into my shoulder and sobbed.

"Why did I do it gerard?" He choked out, composing himself.

Smiling weakly I repositioned him in front of the mirror and began to speak again.

Just as much as I wanted to take him in my arms and tell him he was and would be okay, I needed to tell him this.

"Last night I... Found you in an alley, but before I could help you something... Happened. But, before you run off please let me finish explaining..." I nervously spoke, shaking my head.

"Gerard I, frank iero, here by swear that I will stay right here until you have fully explained the situation." He confidently saluted.

Something told he didn't quite understand how serious this was.

Silently, I removed the bandage from around his neck revealing the two small puncture wounds he had obviously forgotten about.

Leaning in for closer inspection frank clenched his neck in more pain and, still confused, he stared over to me.

I hated knowing that I had done this to him, I had physically harmed frank.

"Gerard-" frank began to speak but I placed my finger to his lips and shook my head.

"Just let me explain..." I mouthed almost inaudibly.

"Every vampire has a mate..." I began.

Franks face dropped in shock at the mention of the word.

"Even half bloods have mates. A half blood is a vampire that is missing half the 'vampire' toxins from their body. If a half bloods mate is also a half blood or a full vampire they are okay because they will not receive the urge to consume those other toxins." I paused carefully between my sentences.

"So what are you trying to say gerard?" He still stared blankly.

"A half bloods mate is determined by the amount of 'vampire' toxins they are missing from their body. For example if a half blood was missing forty toxins and another half blood only had forty toxins, at birth, they would be mates presuming the toxins in questions were in the same blood type or category." I tried harder to fit my details in briefly.

Showing less confusion in the topic and more in why the topic was apparent frank nodded slowly.

"But if a half bloods determined mate is a human then there will be trouble... Because most vampires see there to be no way to have a healthy romance with a human they usually drain the human right on the spot, gaining instantly what they crave most, the toxins from their mate. A half blood with a human mate can only resist the urge for their mates toxins for so long before they pretty much go on a mindless rampage where they hunt for their mates blood, for the toxins, or the closest thing... The rampages are caused by the hunger for more 'vampire' toxins and the body is completely taken over and the host is out of control. They only regain control after more toxins have been gained..." I held my hand to franks wound.

"Frank, you got this in a rampage..." I turned him to face me and dropped my head to rest of his shoulder.

"Frank, you're my mate..."

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