better off dead - thank you note and stuff you'll wanna know

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Hello! Long time no see guys, I would have had this up sooner but I have been on vacation without WiFi so I couldn't upload. So anyways let's get this started.

I never know how to start these things so here we go (this will probably get hella formal by the way and I'm sorry!)

Okay so I'm going to be honest with you, When I set out writing this fic I had no story to support it, just a title that I thought was awesome and had gotten from science class. I developed some ideas and just thought that'll do nobody is going to read this anyways and so I published my first chapter.

After that I tried playing with the story more and now I find myself realizing that I changed the story plot at least three times whilst uploading the chapters to you all. Although nobody was pressuring me I was pressuring myself into getting this updated because of the sudden flood of attention and lovely comments you all left.

Thank you all so much, I love you all.

As i sit here now im finding myself purely ashtonished as to how a three word title i made up, whilst starting out the window in science class, has grown and changed into a 37 chapter story with just over 3.02k reads.

Im not trying to tag a sob story to this but I am thankful for all of this because its just been so nice to finally hear, or in this instance see, somebody show me that I'm appreciated and that I matter. In a way this story has helped me so much because I sit here in my bedroom and upload a chapter of something I thought of myself and then I get to see people enjoy that.

It makes me so happy to see that I can create something that brings other people happiness when all I usually seem to do is dissapoint and on a rare occasion moderately 'not dissapoint'

Now I know I sound soppy but i love you all, never change for anybody no matter what. Your are all perfect no matter what anybody says to you. Even if it's your mom, talking smack about you, I want you to know you are perfect and you should never change because you have all had such a positive impact on my life and how you've helped me see that I at least have some talent.

Okay so moving on I'd just like to say there will be no sequel to this because I ain't about that life however in the future I might upload a story similar to what the sequel to this this would be.

But you could totally check out my other shit because ay yo fam hit me up I work moderately hard on these

As always, stay you because fuck everybody else you're the best and I love you all!

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