better off dead chapter 34

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(AN: shit is going down right now bitches!)

Franks POV

"Ugh... I feel so sick Gerard..." I groaned, rolling over on the sofa and lying face down with my head in a pillow as he walked in from the kitchen, kneeling down beside me and stroking my head, playing with my hair.

"Still? Oh Frankie... It's been nearly three days, I knew I should have went and bought you that medication..." He sighed, leaning forward and placing a light kiss to my lips.

"I don't want you to leave me Gee... It'll only make things worse because if you go, she'll come back..." I weakly mumbled into the pillow, feeling him momentarily stop playing with my hair so that he could take a sip of his coffee.

"I know baby, I know... But the meds will help you pull through this faster, they'll thin your blood so it can get round your body faster and that'll help you to get better. We can do this, I won't be gone long, I wouldn't leave you like that." He smiled, standing up and putting his almost empty coffee cup back into the kitchen.

"Okay... I know you wouldn't be long, I'll just try to stay awake... I'll make some coffee or something..." I moaned, pulling myself of of the couch and into the kitchen where Gerard was already pouring a cup for me and one to go for himself.

"Take this, its strong and it should keep you awake long enough... I'll be as quick as I can, I love you..." He planted a firm kiss onto my lips and walked out of the house.

"I love you too!" I called out from the window as I watched him walk down the street, dressed all in black on a perfect summers day.

That's the thing, I really do love him. So fucking much...

But one thing I do not love is this coffee, it is too strong and too tiring to not throw my guts up trying to stomach it. Taking a long and slow sip, I could feel the liquid running down my throat, practically falling into an empty stomach as a sudden wave of sickness over came me.


Not now.

Please not now.

He's not here.

And no matter what or how I pleaded to myself I still found myself kneeling before the toilet throwing up any remnants of the coffee and anything in my system.

Washing my mouth out and ploding back into the living room, I lay on the sofa completely exhausted and wanting more than anything to just pass out for once with no consequences.

Don't fall asleep.

He's not here.

Don't fall asleep.

He's not here.

Don't fucking fall asleep.

He's not fucking here.

And once again, not matter how or what I pleaded to myself I was still found regreteably falling asleep on the sofa, just hoping that she would leave me alone.

But obviously she wouldn't because that would be too easy for her, wouldn't it?

~ Franks dream ~

"Quickly! Get up! We need to go, now!" Luna pleaded, pulling me up from the sofa and handing me the same duffle bag as before, however this time the whole thing seemed to be different.

"She's right we need to leave, they'll be he soon! Take this Frank." Gerard said, stroking in from the kitchen and handing me another bag as I watched them both confer as to what we were doing, both of them carrying an auora of desperation and mystery.

"W-who Is coming?" I choked out, standing there very confused.

If it wasn't Luna or Gerard we were running from then who was it?

It meant nothing because it was a dream but because it was a dream it meant everything.

Grabbing Luna by the shoulders and pulling her close, Gerard planted and firm and quick kiss to her lips.

Excuse me?

What the actual fuck is this?

Back off bitch he's mine!

"Stay close, I love you." He breathed, looking into her eyes.

He breathed, she was making him breath without bring emotionally damaging to him unlike me.

"I love you too babe." She smiled, pecking his lips and pulling him into a brief embrace much like the ones we shared.

"And I fucking love you!" I shouted above all the commotion of running away as they both looked up shocked to hear me say that.

"What?" He laughed, picking up a backpack and walking to the door dressing Luna with him, her becoming me to follow.

"You- you heard me! I love you and you know that! You fucker!" I shouted once again but with a sense of more urgency, he wasn't mine, he was hers.

She knew it.

That's what we'll these mind games had been for.

He was hers first and that means he always would be.

She was the anomaly in our code.

He was hers.

And I knew who we were running from.

Who she was making us run from.

We were running from the truth.

But she knew we weren't running from a concept.

We were running from somebody who embodied what the reality should have been.

We were running from me.

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