Better off dead chapter 23

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(A/N: nobody likes you when you're 23... Hint hint... It's chapter 23... This is basically the code for: soon shit is gonna go down...)

Gerard's POV

God I love him.

I thought, but didn't say it.

After all, I was in a cab and frank wasn't here.

Suddenly, the silence of the car was filled with the ringtone of my phone.

"Nobody likes you when you're 23 and you still act like you're in freshman year. What the hell is wrong with me? My friends say I should act my age, what's my age again? What's my age again?" The familiar song rang through the cab.

Forgetting it was my phone and not just a song on the radio, I tapped my fingers along to the words, only stopping at the cab drivers words.

"Aren't you gonna get that?" He laughed, Turing the cab at a junction so that we avoided the traffic.

"Oh yeah, sorry, hey?" I mumbled into my phones speaker, confused because I had failed to check the caller ID before I answered.

"Hey buddy! Where you at?" Alex's voice shouted out the speaker.

"Nearly leaving New Jersey now, why?" I giggled, I could hear the anticipation in his voice.

"Cause I'm fucking bored shitless! Tell you what? Hurry your ass up to Baltimore!" He laughed, as the dial tone rang in my ears after he abruptly hung up.

Okay then Alex.

I guess I'll just hurry my ass up then.

Well to be honest it's not gonna be my ass for long, it's franks.

This booty is his.

As usual, my mind began to wander, landing on frank. What an interesting topic he is, his eyes, his lips, his body, his fucked up personality which I would die for (if I wasn't already dead) and just him.

How interesting?

Trying my hardest, I attempted to not think about luna and what she was doing. Frank was so perfect and so undeserving of this. But here we are, my fucked up past jeopardising my perfectly imperfect future.

That bitch going around poisoning my franks mind and there's nothing I can do? Pretty shit of her. I'm gay, could she not just deal with that like any other ex would have and not come after me and my boyfriend wanting some messed up revenge?

Because of this I couldn't help but wonder more.

What if I changed him?

Would frank be better off dead?

~time skip~

Finally arriving, the new cab I was in (with a much less nice driver) pulled up to Alex's house.

Wait, is 'less nice' even a way to describe somebody?

Fuck it, I'm polite! Sue me! I should be British I'm so god damn polite.

Handing over the money and almost falling out of the door, I walked to the back of the cab and lifted my case out. Suddenly, I felt two hands grasp around my waist and throw me up.

"Ah! Fuck! No stop! Put me down!" I laughed in a demanding way as I realised it was in fact Alex, lifting me by my waist and almost throwing me on his shoulders.


"Here give me that!" He panted, out of breath from throwing my light weight around as he grabbed my case from me.

"Wait- Alex! No! Don't you dare- fuck!" I shouted, face palming myself as he span round in circles with my case in his hand and let go, throwing it across the lawn.

"Come on fucktard! Well get your shit later!" He grinned, running into the house.

This is going to be a long weekend.

Longer if frank was here.

If you get what I mean...

I should stop now.

Frank would like it here.

Maybe one day?

Franks POV

Get it together frank! He's only been gone two days for fuck sake! He left on Thursday morning and its only Saturday, get yourself the fuck together boy.

"Ugh fuck..." I groan, rubbing my eyes in bed and propping myself up.

The dreams are back and they're getting even more vivid, the whole time I'm asleep it's like I'm just being taken away from everything I know and I'm being put somewhere completely new.

Rubbing my head I run Gerard's words through my mind "don't listen to her." It's getting harder to do that by the second. All I can do when I'm sleeping is listen to her voice, it's mesmerising, hypnotic almost.

Last nights dream was by far the worst, it began in the usual way: luna taunting me with Gerard in the dark room but then something else happened, she untied Gee.

He walked up to me and kissed me, making me feel as if all my problems had just disappeared, and then without saying anything he just bit deep into my neck. Even though it was a dream or a vision or a whatever the fuck that persuasive bitch was making me see was it felt so unbelievably real, just like the night he had bit me or what I could recall from that.

I was 100% shit faced remember?

After he bit me, in the dream, he just walked away leaving me with my neck pouring unrealistically unhealthy amounts of blood and her. she just laughed and told me she was right, that I should have trusted her all along because now look at me, just as she predicted I was dying because of Gerard.

Maybe I should trust her now?

Pulling myself from bed and dragging myself to the kitchen I shook my head, trying to rid myself of the thoughts.

You can't trust her frank, remember what Gerard said.

He lied in the dream so he can lie now.

Can't you see what she's doing? She's tearing you apart!

I can't do this anymore!

He'll kill you frank! You won't stand a chance!

Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!

I can't handle this.

Pouring my coffee, silent tears streamed down my face.

I was breaking, she was tearing me apart from the mind and Gerard was nowhere to be seen.

"I-I fucking need you back..." I sobbed, gripping my cup, not caring about the burns it would leave on my palms.

Rubbing my hand over my neck I felt my healing wounds from at least a week ago, when Gerard needed a 'top up'.

"Oh shit!" I winced, dropping my cup of coffee at my sudden realisation.

Gee was in Baltimore.

I was not.

And Gerard hasn't 'topped up' in over a week.

He was low.

I wasn't there.

He's going to fucking kill somebody...

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