better off dead chapter 35

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(AN: sorry if these updates are getting annoying, its just I'm going on holiday soon and I really want to get as much of this story up as i can before I go in case I can't update when I'm there so just tell me if I'm bring annoying with all this.)

Franks POV

Suddenly my eyes flew open, my body covered in sweat and shaking uncontrollably.

It was a dream.

I'm okay.

It was a fucking dream.

I'm fucking okay.

But it wasn't just a dream.

And I'm not okay.

It wasn't just a fucking dream and I'm not o-fucking-kay.

I sat up, my trembling body paralysed by fear ad I met the gaze of them.

It was her.

She was here.


"Hello Frankie! It's nice to see you again after the other night in the bar, we didn't even get to speak!" She cheered sarcastically, her copy black fringe falling over her eyes, stopping her intense burning stare from hiring me any longer.

"I-I thought- why? You- your..." I tried, I really did, but nothing came out, just more of my stunned silence, my uneven breaths and her breaths.

Wait she was breathing.

"Don't look so shocked to see me Frankie, we will knew this was coming-" I cut her off with my late response.

"You're b-breathing..." I stuttered, my weak and breathless body still shaking from the dream.

"Oh... He told your about breathing did he? Well yes I am breathing, the only reason being well I'm feeling a strong emotion right now... That emotion is hatred Frankie, I fucking hate you with a passion, in fact every time I even think about you I breath because you are the scum of the earth..." She explained, walking towards me with an all to familiar duffle bag.

This was about to go one of two ways.

And I don't think I like either of those options...

I sat in stunned silence, just staring at the bag.

"Now come on Frankie, where have your seen this before? You know how it goes when I say: come on Frank, we've got to go!" She mocked her own performance that she did in my dreams.

Not even my dreams anymore.

Not even ours.

They were hers.

She had full control of them.

"What do you do now Frankie?" She mused, holding out a hand and pulling me up to meet her eyeline as she pulled me to the back door and led me outside.

I couldn't resist.

I didn't want to go with her, I just physically couldn't move.

I was transfixed and utterly petrified for my life, Gerard's and pretty much everyone's that this physco bitch came into contact with.

"Just sit still and be quiet and you might not die, although the possibilities of you living are very slim." She chuckled heartlessly, pushing me down into the passenger seat of car and getting in the other side.


~ Gerard's POV ~

"Frank? Frankie? Where are you?" I helped, running helplessly around the house searching and shouting for him.

Where would he have gone?

He wouldn't just leave.

Maybe he didn't trust me anymore and was wanting to escape?

Maybe he was taken?

But who would take Frank?

Holy fuck hold up a second, there was only one person who would have taken Frank, if he had been taken.


My thoughts were only confirmed my the unmistakeable stench of that God awful perfume she wore and the note that lay on the kitchen table.

How dare she leave it in such a special place, defacing our special little place with her sickening words.

The note read:

Dear Gerard Way, you sickeningly sweet bastard, I hope you realize that it would have been much easier for everybody if you had just grown up and killed him for yourself the first day you two fuckers met. Now I guess I'm the one doing all the growing up here and ending this once and for all, literally in Franks case and I hope you realize that if you don't grow up that'll kill you too.
-yours always, Luna xoxo

"Fuck..." I muttered, storming from the kitchen, tears spilling from my eyes as I grabbed the car keys from the mantle and practically ran to the car.

"I'm coming Frank, I'm gonna save you..." I promised emptily to nobody except myself because but this point even Luna knew of I didn't save Frank I could save myself.

My mind raced as I thought of all the places they could have gone.

Her house?

Too obvious.

Franks old house?

She knows I would check there.

Outskirts of town?

Too stereotypical kidnap movie.

I pulled over violently from speeding down the road and dropped my head to the steering wheel thinking hard about everything Luna had ever said to me that could help me find Frank and that monster.

She wasn't like other vampires, she was worse.

All of us were monsters, evil and twisted, sadistically taking pleasure in killing the innocent.

But she was something else, entirely.

She will stop at nothing, until at least myself or Frank are dead, of course it would be much preferable to her if both of us died in the worst way possible.

"Movie theatre!" I breathed suddenly, throwing the car back into ignition and speeding towards town as I remembered what she had said to me so many years ago.

"If somebody ever took you from me I don't know what I'd do... But I know what I'd do if I caught them, I'd take them to the movies show them the perfect life on the screen and then take theirs..."

But of course, back then, to the young and impressionable vampire known as Gerard Way, threatening to kill somebody was the most romantic thing that could have been said.

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