Better off dead chapter 19

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Franks POV

I sat in the centre of the kitchen table, half naked and shaking, whilst staring into my bowl of fruit loops.

Fruit loops.

I love these little fuckers.

Especially at 5:30AM.

I shit you not.

Hearing the spoon quietly click against the bowl as my hands shook terrified me.

Why am I shaking?

I'm not cold.

I'm half naked but I'm not cold.

Braking the silence in the room I heard Gerard shout from the other room.

"Make me some coffee I'm getting up to be with you!" He called out groggily, I could hear the sleep in his voice.

"You don't have to babe, you can sleep if you want." I laughed but lied, oh god please get up. You don't have to but I really want you too.

"You can't sleep so I won't sleep!" He grinned, now leaning in the doorway with his 'I'm an adorable little shit' smile on his face.

"Whatever you want..." I smirked back, pouring out two cups of coffee and handing him one.

"Nice choice of mug by the way." He giggle, pointing to my mug and slurping his drink.

"Oh yeah, it really spoke to me on a personal level..." I grinned, my voice laced with sarcasm.

My third fluent language.

The mug was all black except bold white writing that read "I'm literally emo but let's not call it that".

I stared down into the almost black liquid thinking about the reason I was awake so early in the first place.

The dreams.

I know they mean something but what?

Should I trust mystery bitch?

Of course not gerard loves you!

But she sounds pretty trustworthy she said she was giving me a warning.

I wouldn't have dreamt it if it didn't mean something.

Just realising that I was sweating I spoke to Gerard almost inaudibly.

"They're back..." I whispered, facing away from him and putting my mug on the counter top.

"What are Frankie?" He questioned, walking up to me and wrapping his arms around my waist, and placing his head on my shoulder.

"The bad dreams... They're back but they're worse than before... They're about you gerard, and it's awful! They tell me you'll hurt me and that I can't trust you! That one day were in love and the next I'm dead! They scare me gerard, I'm really scared at the fact that they are making me scared of you!" I cried out, flinching slightly as if somebody had hit me and Turing around to face him.

"No Frankie, no. I would never hurt you like that, you know that right?" He cooed, embracing me in a tight hug and rubbing his hand on my back.

"Stop! No, stop! That's exactly what he said!" I wailed sounding in pain, and pushed him back slightly.

I just wanna disappear.

No you don't!

Yes I do.

"That's what who said frank?" He breathed, realising I needed space and stepping back, sitting on the table as I leaned against the bench.

"Dream Ger- Gerard in the dreams..." I whispered, walking back over to him and sitting down beside him.

"We'll let me phrase it better then, I cannot and will not hurt you in Anyway frank. Why would you believe that I could even think about doing that?" He smiled, placing his arm around my bare back.

Yes! Warmth!

"S-she's so convincing Gerard, everything she says just sounds so truthful but so evil and dirty! I scares me, everything she says about you is just so real to me. Her voice makes me want to trust her but I just don't want to and that is what's tearing me apart! I'm so worried Gerard! You love me don't you?" I choked out, panicking with every thought I dared to think on the subject.

"Of course Frankie! Don't ever question that, I love you more than anything! I've never love some- wait who's she?" He broke his hurried praises with the sudden question I don't think I could answer.

Who is she?

So caught up in thought I only manage three words.

"I-I don't know..."

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