Better off dead chapter 28

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Better off dead chapter 28

(A/N: hey look who's trying to upload more so that you can have the ending of this story soon but there's so much plot she's having a mental breakdown trying to keep up with writing her own story because why the fuck not)

(>•~•)> <(^~^<)

Gerard's POV

The seat of complete and utter power.

I could turn him on so much right now if I wanted.

But I'm not gonna because trust.

I'm also not going to bite him again unless he says I can.

Because trust.

Staring down at him, I stood up and off of him, holding out my hand as he yawned.

"Come on, when was the last time you slept properly?" I smiled sympathetically as I helped him up and put my arm back around his waist, walking him to the bedroom.

"I-I don't know, since you left every time I close my eyes she's all I see..." He whimpered, still slightly startled by my touch.

Pulling back the blanket and walking him forwards, I lightly pushed him so he fell into the right place on the bed. Turning off the light and walking around to the other side of the bed, I climbed in and looked at him, opening my arms and using my face to suggest that he put his head on my chest.

Dumbass, you're in the dark, he can't see you.

Oh right.

"Frank babe, come here..." I half whispered, feeling him come closer then pull back suddenly.

"C-can I trust y-you?" He limply breathed, still shaking lightly.

She's killing him.

This is going to end us.

"Of course you can Frankie... See what I did out there? I stopped and I didn't hurt you and everything is going to be okay, okay?" I cooed, opening my arms wider as he shuffled into them, placing his head on my chest and his arm over my stomach.

~time skip to the next days afternoon~

"You almost ready?" He called out from outside the bathroom door.

Calm your tits frank, looking this good takes time.

"Nearly, just wait in the car, it'll be motivation for me to get my ass out this house and come see you." I laughed but meant every word, he was my motivation for practically everything.


I know.

"Okay whatever, wait I still don't know where we're going?" He chuckled, I could hear his feet shuffling as I messed up my hair in the mirror, the messed up where it looks good though.

Non of that 'I just got attacked by a lion cub but now I'm here' messed up.

"Fine ill tell you, we're going to hooters, are you happy now? Get your fine ass the in car before I get it in the bedroom!" I grinned, fiddling with my jeans.

"I'm going I'm going!" He laughed as I heard the front door open then close.

As if I was taking my gay boyfriend to hooters. We're going to a movie, not sure which one but ill find a fucker to watch.

Running out and up to the car, I saw him sat there perfectly with that stupid fucking grin on his face.

"And what are you up to?" I questioned, pointing to the big ass smirk plastered on his face.

"Nothing, nothing... Just thinking about stuff..."

~time skip to during the movie~

Don't get me wrong, I love vampires, but Twilight is something I do not love.

All those sparkles and shit, it's just not okay, take a good hard look.

We'd been sat in comfortable silence for at least forty minutes of the film, the furthest seats back and to the left, just like Franks old home room seat.

As I was admiring how little people had turned up to this movie showing Frank spoke "you should sparkle." He whispered, looking up at me with a tiny smile playing on his lips.

"No I shouldn't, say that again and ill make you sparkle!" I laughed, watching his hand move from fiddling with his lip ring to my knee.

"Oh, you already have..." He laughed as he winked to me, his hand moving further up my leg.

"Oh come on! Wait that was a bad choice of words!" I sniggered, feeling my face blush as I tried composing myself and speaking again. "That was one time!" I whispered, finally getting the words out, watching his hand rest on my crotch and slowly start to palm me through my jeans.

Sneaky ass motherfucker.

"Let's change that then..." He smirked, suddenly grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the cinema, into the parking lot and to the car.

For some reason I was thinking more about how it had gotten so dark in forty minutes and not the fact that my boyfriend was pulling me into my car to go home and fuck.

The whole quick journey home was silent as his hand remained on my crotch, the vibrations from driving on the shitty roads.

I'm driving here I sit, cursing my government for not using my taxes to fill holes with more cement, whilst my sneaky ass Frank palms me through my skinny jeans.

It's really hard to drive with a hard on you know?

Pulling up outside the house and practically running, I opened the front door as frank ran inside. Just as I'd finished locking the door (safety first) frank grabbed my hips from behind and spun he round, pushing me against the door and kissing me passionately.

Interlocking our fingers and pulling him off me, I paused then laughed slightly "did you just use a bad vampire movie reference to get in my pants Frank Iero?"

"And what if I did Gerard Way?" He smirked, pulling me up the stairs and into the bedroom.

"Well if you did then it obviously worked didn't it?" I smiled, taking off my shirt and pushing him down onto the bed, straddling his hips and kissing him slowly.

"Wait, not to ruin anything but are you still a y'know?" I pulled back slightly, still kissing him just with not as much force as before.

"A virgin? Nah, I lost that a long time ago now shut up I'm trying to kiss you!" He giggled, pulling me closer as I rocked down on him slowly.

That fucking giggle.

Oh god.

Fuck me right now you fucking gorgeous man.

In the mist of all the kissing I breathed the two words he'd been dying to hear.

"Fuck me..."

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