Better off dead chapter 10

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Franks POV

"Frank you're my mate..." The words seem to fall from his mouth as he grabbed either side of the bathroom door frame above his head and dropped his head down.

'What? I'm his mate? Where is all this vampire stuff coming from? Surely not?' My mind churned to itself.

Just before a frantic flurry of questions left my mouth I had another thought.

'Frank if this is true then you should be calm, god knows what's going through his head!' I had finally began to see reason through all this impossible madness.

"Gerard... Are you trying to tell me you're a vampire?" I tried my hardest to keep my nerves from causing a stutter but I failed.

His head hung motionlessly, his black hair falling just so that I couldn't see his eyes.

'Be brave frank...' My mind seemed to leave it up to me instead of forcing thoughts into my head for once.

Placing a hand on his shoulder and using the other to guide his head back up to my eye line I spoke calmly once again "gerard, it's okay if you-"

Cutting me off, gerard spoke dragging his hand through is hair.

"Frank... I don't wanna say it but all I can is yes... I'm a fucking monster!" He became louder as his rant went on, using his fist to hit the wall before he dropped to his knees in front of me.

Silently, I dropped down by his side and let him continue to speak.

"I don't understand, but I do, why did you have to be my mate! It's not a bad thing, I'm the bad thing! Ill hurt you frank, I know I won't be able to control myself! I don't want to hurt you frank..." His shouting was nothing more than an angry whisper now.

"Gerard I know you would never hurt me..." I said lying, I knew he already had.

"Can't you see! I've already hurt you, I couldn't control myself then and I can't control myself now!" He shouted again.

Comfortingly, I lifted him up and wrapped my arm around his waist, slowly walking him to what I presumed to be the lounge. Silently placing him on the sofa I sat beside him and waited for him to speak whilst I kept my hand over his shoulder.

Vampire or not he's still my friend and he still has feelings.

"Frank it's better for you if you never see me again..." He said through shaky breaths.

"And how is that?" I chirped feeling a smirk grow on my lips, I knew I wasn't gonna go anywhere just yet.

"I'll hurt you frank, and besides if I can't get your blood then ill die, the world will have one less problem if I'm gone. Eventually the only toxins that will save me will be yours and if your not around I can't get them..." He trailed off leaving the rest up to my imagination.

"The world might have one less problem but ill have one more... You're my only friend gerard." I needed to say no more as I could see a sigh of defeat play across his pasty face.

"Is there anything I can do?" I reluctantly smiled.

"No frank, even if you help ill have to hurt you..." He composed himself and sat opposite me cross legged.

"How? Surely there's a compromise?" I promisingly questioned now understanding the chances were slim.

"If you hang around, I'll have another 'episode' when I run low on toxins and you'll just keep getting hurt like this!" He said holding his hand to my wound and rubbing his thumb over it slightly.

"There's no easy way out for either one of us, that's why on rare occasions like these vampires don't get emotionally attached to their mates and just drain them on the spot. It's much less fuss for everybody, but I could never do that to you..." He trailed off again.

Not this time, I needed to know this time.

"Why couldn't you do that to me gerard?" I questioned as if the answers wasn't already obvious.

"I'm invested frank, I saw what those other monsters, like me, were doing to people, like you, and I couldn't bring myself to be like them! I protected you frank, since I found you when you were young. It's probably gonna sound weird but I watched over you, I didn't want to hurt you and I still don't..." I turned away not daring to look me in the eyes.

"Gerard I don't think that's weird at all, you were only trying to look out for me. After all there must be another way to keep us alive!" I laughed slightly at my optimism.

"Wait before you answer that, what would happen if you drained me on the spot..." The words sent chills down my spine alone.

"It depends, if I just drained you, you would die. But if You consumed more of my toxins and then i drained you, when your normal blood was gone the toxins would heal you in the only way they know..." He went silent.

"A vampire." I stated.

With a nod he looked away once again and glanced over to the window.

"I couldn't ask you to do that for me, I wouldn't want to do that to you! After all these years of keeping you out of danger I would finally be the one to put you in in!" He talked away to himself.

I knew what he was talking about though, he was thinking about turning me...

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