Better off dead chapter 14

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Gerard's POV

'He just kissed me... oh wait what! He just kissed me! Frank just- just did the kiss thing... he just kissed me.' My intense conscience laughed.

I sat patiently waiting the return of frank on my sofa whilst he went to the bathroom. I looked down at my clothing choice, wow much effort in this one.

Who isn't impressed by the 'I'm still wearing the clothes covered in your blood off the previous night' look.

'Well shit. I'm still in franks blood soaked clothes.' I thought to myself.

Before I could change frank came waltzing back in and pounced on the sofa beside me with his knees tucked up to his chest.

"So about this Geewhizz thing then, I think somebody needs to do some explaining!" I taunted, running my hands through my hair and smiling cheekily and winking.

'Did that kiss even just happen?' I subconsciously thought.

"Well maybe, now that I've thought about it, you need to do some explaining first mr Whizz! What were you doing snooping in five year old franks life so often hmmmm?" Frank grinned, smiling back at me, expectant of some justification as to why past gerard used to hide in young franks house.

"Well, if I'm honest, I don't think I have a reason. Wait. I do! When I finally found you my plan was completely thrown out the window. I traced down my mate expecting to meet an adult vampire and you were a human child! I literally did not know what to do with you, so I watched over you. And, in time, I guess my fondness of you grew and I came out of the shadows for a while. My curiosity got the better of me! All I wanted was to finally interact with my mate but instead I got a five year old cutie who just wouldn't shut up about how pointy my teeth were!" I laughed, smirking at frank.

'I guess we aren't acknowledging the kiss then...' I thought to myself in mid convosation.

"No matter how old you were you were my mate and I was gonna be there for you so I decided to watch over you, ya know, scare off little kids on halloween so that you could get the full sized chocolate bars from the neighbours house first and shit." I grinned, reminiscing the times I was not so proud of.

Scaring five year olds, well done Gerard! Excellent use of time!

"I can remember all those times you know, they were awesome. I can remember, I would run upstairs to go to bed or something and you would just be sat there waiting for me to play Legos with you or something! At one point my mom kept asking why I loved being in my room so much and I just said its where my friend is, I guess she never thought there was actually a vampire upstairs reading her son a story. Why did you leave Gerard?" His voice that was laced with the fondness of his happiest memories now coated in sadness all of a sudden. He extended and arm and grabbed my own, pulling himself closer.

"The night I snapped and got your dad, I realised something, I couldn't be around you when I was like this. I was literally risking the life of the only thing that could ever bring me this much happiness to play Lego at eight at night. I left so I didn't hurt you frank, I only wanted what was best for you, like I did when I first found you..." I trailed off, examining franks features.

"Well even if I was in danger it was the best couple of years I could have asked for... thank you again..." he breathed, leaning in closer to me.

'Does he want to kiss again? I thought he was forgetting about that? What do I do? Do I just g-' my sudden train of thought was silenced all at once by the peaceful sensation of franks lips against my own.

I could feel the smirk on his smug face as he snaked an arm around my waist and leaned in further.

An annoying thing about being human is that you need oxygen, like breathing. It's annoying because I really just want to kiss frank all day but that isn't going to have much appeal if it means being suffocated is it?

"Damn needing to breath..." I heard him whisper under his hitched breath as we pulled apart for frank to breath.

"I could get used to that..." I smirked, leaning my head against his shoulder, still in his half embrace kissing stance.

"Well if we're getting used to it I better stop saying thank you, I'm so polite I'd beat myself up!" He laughed holding me tighter.

'Oh there's possibilities Gerard, there's possibilities...'

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