Better off dead chapter 3

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Gerard's POV

Hesitantly, I walked over to sit next to frank. Luckily for me my allocated seat was next to him.

Of course I knew who frank was before he had introduced himself, he's the only reason I'm going to put up with this place.

We sat through the majority of the painful lesson without even exchanging looks until frank broke the unforgivable silence.

"So... I'm frank, and you are?" He mumbled away, so quietly I was hard to tell if I was directed at me but of course it was, I already knew what he was going to say before he did.

My head turned sharply towards him, oh how i wanted to tell him my name and the method behind my secrecy right at that moment. But I couldn't, I couldn't tell him anything about myself, yet. Sharply I turned away shaking my head and cursing away to myself.

He must think I'm so strange, I'm guessing he sees me as overly confident or anxiously paranoid. Either way I'm confusing him.

Just as I'm rethinking my plan about keeping my identity undercover a ear splitting noise echoed through the halls.

*bing bong*
"Could gerard Arthur way please report to the senior leadership staff room for a timetable." A monotone woman slurs on.

Well shit.
There's that plan out of the window.

Outraged by the fact that my carefully thought out plan had been foiled by a middle aged woman telling me to meet with senior staff I raised from my seat and walked away.

He knew my fucking name.
I just hoped he didn't remember it...

I walked as quickly as I could away from the maths room, if he couldn't see me then there was less chance of him remembering me.

I hope.

Cautiously, I knocked on the staff room door.

"Come in hunny!" A friendly voice called out.

I am not her hunny.

Silently, I cracked open the door and slinked in the brightly lit room. Why the hell was this room so bright, I mean it was stinging my eyes.

"Gerard, I presume!" The once monotone woman, from the announcement, smiled and hummed in a high pitch.

I gave her a deathly stare and nodded. She had just ruined my plan to conceal my identity from frank in about three seconds, I was not ready to smile at her.

"Here you go!" She handed me the papers and turned signalling for me to go back to lesson.

But why would I do that?

I didn't want to face franks questions yet, or worse his laugh.

I had just ignored him, denied him and walked away after being denied the chance to conceal myself. God knows how he would take it. Would he be mad, sad, angry or fucking happy that I was such a fail?

I say god knows as if he's real, but if god was real why would be do this to me?

Never mind.

I don't wont to talk about that.

Instead of shamefully slumping back to lesson I decided to sit in the boys bathroom and wait for the bell.

"Ten minutes..." I whispered to myself as my eyes trained down to my lesson timetable.

"What lessons do I have then?" I said only now realising that I was speaking to myself on the floor in the boys bathroom.

Mrs stringman had told me that I needed to go to maths for my first lesson and that I should get my timetable during that lesson.

"Maths, been there done that." I chuckled reading the rest of today's lessons.

French, history, English and art. At least I got to do art today.

"Seven more minutes..." A voice called from behind me as I lifted my wrist to check my watch.

Sharply I turned my head to see non other than frank pacing towards me. I put my head between my knees and prepared for the jokes or side comments, but non came.

Instead frank sat beside me and leaned against the wall.

"I know who you are." He stated as panic struck through my body.

I could feel the fear over come my pale body as I failed to hide the expression of terror from spreading across my face.

'Has your plan already failed gerard?' My conscience, who was more than often against me for my liking, rambled on in my head.

'Shut up!' I cursed in my head.

"I know who you are gerard!" He teased.

"You didn't need to hide that from me!" He smiled.

So he knew who I was. Not what I was.


"So I'll try this again, I'm frank and you are?" He laughed quietly and extended his hand ironically.

"Gerard..." I looked up to him finally, god he was so hot.

I think, I mean I was built loving this boy.


Wearily, i reached out for his hand, shaking it hesitantly and looking up to meet his intense stare which was directed at my face.

I threw my head back and closed my eyes.

'You've only been here one lesson and your plan already needs rethinking.' My conscience taunted me, but I laughed it off.

Wow, I haven't 'laughed' something off in a while.

Frank rolled back his head, similar to mine, and let it drop to the side.

"Shall we go to French?" He laughed, gesturing to the door.

"If we must..." I smirked to him.

"I know French is boring but I'm sure the classroom has more appeal than the bathroom floor." He giggled as he stood up and extended his arm.

Taking his gesturing and using his surprisingly strong arms I lifted myself from the ground as we headed to our lesson.

Fuck, what have I started?

Franks my friend, I think. This is not how it was supposed to go.

Talk about ruining your own plans...

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