Better off dead chapter 25

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Franks POV

"Fuck..." I whimper, tears still rolling down my face as I hang up on the call from Gerard.

He doesn't know.

Just as much as he needs me right now every bit of me needs him ten times more.

Every time I close my eyes I see her, the perfectly pale complexion, her choppy short black hair and her unmistakable cherry red lipstick that is so perfectly painted on. She's haunting me and everything I do and I know the only way that I can stop this is having Gerard by my side.

"Three hours frank... Just think..." Stumbling up to the bathroom mirror and wiping away a stray tear, I pull at my hair and try to occupy myself until he gets here.

You know what you haven't done in a while?


You haven't gotten drunk since Gerard bit you.

And what's better than wasting yourself?

Nothing, because that's all your good at and all you'll ever be good at besides letting Gerard drain the blood from you.

Kill yourself with alcohol now or just let Gerard kill you when he finally gets back and sinks his teeth into something.

The voice in my head cluttered and disorganised my thoughts, I hadn't her the voice since I'd met Gerard but this time it was different.

I knew the voice because it was hers.

All this time the voice telling me to kill myself was hers and she was back.

That's why the only sane part of myself that she hasn't destroyed yet needed Gerard, I needed to tell him that even before we knew how this would end, she did.

Grabbing my jacket and throwing on shoes, I incoherently mumbled something to myself as I locked the door and began my hunt for somewhere.


I could get a drink.

~time skip franks has found a bar and had a few drinks~

"8:15..." I grumble, my head hanging down staring into my drink.

Grasping my neck and stretching it out, I look around for the first time in what seems forever. The scene of the bar has changed completely and has gone from smokey old dudes playing poker to smokey old dudes playing poker whilst idiots dance around to shit music, get shit faced mortal (a bit like myself) and pretend to have fun.

Taking another, what seemed to be a sip but turned out to be a gulp, the light buzzing sensation filled my body.

Hmmm intoxication.

My best friend.

Continuing to look around her voice started up again.

That's right, drink yourself to death. At least this way Gerard won't be able to kill you...

Shut up he isn't going to kill me.

Frankie your lying to yourself, aren't you?

Yes I am...

Maybe if you keep drinking you'll poison lover boy when he bites you, but that would only be a plus wouldn't it? Your death, then his...

I'm- I'm not sure anymore...

This is why i needed Gerard, I was going to lose this fight without him.

I see you Frankie, do you see me?

Her voice chimed as my head shout back up, only to meet the gaze of a girl stood at the other end of the bar, with choppy black hair, pale white skin and perfect cherry red lipstick.

It was luna.

Grabbing my jacket from the stool and throwing my money over the bar I ran out into the street and towards Gerard's house. My vision blurred from the large consumption of alcohol I tripped and fell into the hedge next to the house. Being to drunk to stand and to scared to move I stayed still.

She hadn't followed me.

She didn't come and kill me.

That's because she's right, she knows Gerard will do that part for her....

"No please stop, I-I can't fight this anymore..." I choked out in sobs whilst I couldn't help but believe that I should trust her...

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