Better off dead chapter 13

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Franks POV

All the features of his body dropped in guilt and his hands flew to his eyes to cover the obvious tears escaping them.

Before I could say anything he burst, with tears streaming down his cheeks. "I'm a fucking monster! This is why you shouldn't be helping me! I know it's ironic that a vampire feels guilty for murder but it was your dad, I needed to help and protect you and what did I go and do? I fucking did the opposite and killed your dad!" He cried out.

I wanted to speak but I couldn't, I wanted to hold him but I couldn't. My body wouldn't let me. What my very soul wanted to do most was being stopped by my body. My instinct was against my morals.

"W-why gerard, don't worry... I-I'm not angry with you just why?" I finally spoke, wiping away the tears from his face as I watched his shaky breaths calm down.

"I saw him do it. He hit you square up in the face frank. You were five for fucks sake. What sick bastard does that to a kid, who the fuck does that to anybody? Your mom wasn't home, I think she was working late, so he sent you to bed after he hit you. Can you remember any of this?" He pleaded wanting me to answer.

"I'm not sure, keep talking." I smiled, sitting opposite him on the table top again.

"After I saw him hit you I climbed through your window and sat in your room. I found one of your journals and skimmed it, It was all you writing about that bastard and I remember at one point you said 'what did I do wrong?' And that's when I snapped." He continued.

My face now twisting in all ways of confusion as I tried to work out where this was going.

"I heard you running up the stairs so I sat on your bed- I had a plan, but I also didnt. You ran into your room and shut your door, I remember you turning round and staring at me before you gave me the biggest grin ever and came running for a hug. I sat you down in your bed and hugged you before I told you that I was gonna fix it all..." he trailed off.

"Geewhizz?" I whispered as pure shock plastered my face.

Slowly, gerard began to nod his head "it's me frank, im here...".

Roughly, I grabbed him and wrapped my arms around his frame in the tightest hug I could give. Hesitantly I released him slightly before I pressed my lips against his.

Before gerard even kissed back I melted into the kiss, his lips were so soft against mine that it felt as if I was touching silk. After the realisation hit him gerard instantly began to kiss back, snaking his arm around my frame and pulling me in closer. Tugging slightly at my lip ring my lips formed a smirk and we pulled apart.

"Thanks whizz..." I breathed, smiling slightly.

"Thank you too." He laughed winking at me.

"So how did you do it then, how did the great gee whizz fix it all for little frank?" I laughed slightly, feeling like a psychopath in this situation.

'A vampire admits to killing your dad and you fucking kiss him?' My conscience tried to understand but I listened to gerard.

"When I left your room I went down stairs to go see him, I was only gonna beat him up or some shit, you know so be didn't do it again? But on the way down the stairs I lost it... I rampaged frank. I knew before it took full control and came for you I needed to find something else so I ran to your dad and finally found the closest thing to you... I drained him right there frank and the worst part was that when I got full control again I couldn't stop, i saw what that monster was doing to do and I thought he deserved it..." he trailed off once again dropping his face to his hands.

"Gerard, it's okay, I understand what happened... you don't need to say anymore. And you know what I don't care what you did to him, he was a bastard to do those fucking things and he did deserve what he got! I'm not angry gerard, I want to thank you." I smiled, placing my arm around his shoulder and squeezing him.

"Really? I- I killed your dad frank, I won't hurt you if your angry at me, oh god please don't think that I would hurt because of this!" He pleaded staring up to me.

"No, no I'm not scared of you. You didn't kill my dad you killed an insensitive scum bag and saved me gerard. Why would I be angry?" I laughed, hugging him tighter.

"Huh, nice choice of words, you really have an extensive vocabulary don't cha frankie? Now let's discuss that gee whizz thing then shall we?" He laughed, dragging me into the previous room with the sofa and sitting down, turning on the tv.

'Oh god, gee whizz? What were you think five year old frank? How do I prolong this talk? Bathroom! You need the bathroom!' My mind screamed at me whilst I desperately needed time to try and explain the 'gee whizz' concept to gerard and his sexy little smirk.

"One sec ill just go to the bathroom!" I said, almost running down the hall.

'Oh yeah, saved by the bladder...'

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