better off dead chapter 36

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Franks POV

I was alive.

I felt like I was dying.

But I was alive.

"Hey Frankie! It's good to see you're awake, it really is!" Luna beamed sadistically, practically trotting over to me on an overly optimistic way for somebody who gave off such an off vibe.

I really just hate this being.

She's not even a women to me, a woman is somebody who is strong and independent and can free think without restrictions, they are anybody who wants to be a woman except her, she is not worthy of this title.

She is evil.

"Why am I here?" I spat, looking around to find myself in a all to familiar abandoned movie theatre, a 'home made' movie screen playing a stereotypical Romance movie.

Yuck, flowers and shit.

"Why do you think babe?" She laughed, sitting beside me in the emptied theatre and looking at the screen.

"Okay first off, don't call me babe and second of all its probably because you want your bitchy revenge on Gerard I guess." I smirked, literally laughing in the face of danger, she had ruined me so if there was a force on Earth that thought I wasn't going to be a sarcastic ass to her face to face then they were insane.

"You're smarter than they say Frank Iero... So what would you like me to call you, Gerard's bitch? Or what about slut? Or easy kill?" She smirked back at me, now almost sitting in my lap, my hands restrained behind my back as she nibbled up my neck, from my collar bone to my jaw line.

Not this shit again.

With Gerard it's sexy but not with you bitch.

Before I could protest she harshly punctured my skin with her fangs.

Total fucking bitch.

If I die like this I will not be happy.

Letting out a harsh hiss in response, all to much to her liking, she liked over the wound and then suddenly did it again in another spot.

The agonising process continued until my neck and collar was littered in the small painful red marks.

"I don't want you to die just yet, the fireworks haven't even'll be dehydrated, drink this." She explained, wiping her mouth and chin of the red substance of which I was already severely lacking as she shoved a glass of liquid to my face, no matter what it was I was thankful for it.

She was right, I was dehydrated.

Pretty much drinking every drop of the unidentified liquid, I let her move the glass from my mouth because of my lack of arms at this moment in time and I let her speak.

"It isn't going to be long now, babe... Oh wait you don't like me calling you that, sorry easy kill, you're so fucking weak agaisnt me its amazing." She mused, walking over to a door and peering out of it.

"Why don't we start with calling me something like... Your Majesty or royal highness." I corrected, trying my best to turn around and see what she was looking at.

"More like royal pain in the ass... I'm sick of waiting for the douche to show up, maybe I was right after all, maybe he doesn't care!" She grinned, checking a timer I didn't notice she had set. "Change of plan Frankie, you don't get to see the fireworks, main event if you will, in fact I don't either... Only that fucker, if he shows up..." She smiled walking back over to me and sitting back onto my lap like before, her face buried in my neck.

Only this with what seemed to be much worse intentions.

An intention to kill.

Agonisingly, her fangs pierced my neck, making what I could only feel to be a deep wound.

I was already faltering in my consciousness as my body hardly had any blood in it to begin with.

Thanks Gerard, well it was my idea but that's not important.

Blurred vision and uneasy breaths are all I can feel until I feel nothing but empty.

The last thing I felt: the cold ground hitting my body as she untied the ropes and let me fall to the floor.

The last thing I tasted: that God awful juice.

The last thing I could smell: the unforgettable scent of her terrible perfume.

The last thing I heard: an empty silence foiled by my name bring shouted frantically in a familiar voice.

The last thing I saw before complete isolation and utter oblivion?

Gerard, shouting and crying, gripping a piece of paper and running towards me.

And then?

My eyes closed...

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