Better off dead chapter 20

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(A/N: A/N at the end, please read! Read it after the chapter of course...)

Gerard's POV

Oh no.


I know there not just dreams anymore, it's a she.

And she's doing it again...

"Then describe her frank! I need to fucking know!" I snapped, slightly shocked at how I spoke.

"I'm so sorry frank I d-didn't mean to shout at you I just really need to know..." I apologised, grabbing his hands and holding them in mine.

"S-she's, I mean she w-was, she had really dark hair and a f-fringe." He stammered, shaking his head and taking in a shaky breath.

"I've never been able to see her properly, it's so dark Gerard, the only thing I ever see is you... You're all so bruised and c-cut up and it's scaring me! Is she doing it to you or was it me! I'm so scared of what this all means..." He cried out, hugging me tightly and breathing heavily into my shoulder.

"I-I'm so sorry frank, there's nothing I c-can do... Just p-please, please don't listen to her... She's wrong, I won't do any of that frank..." I whispered, holding him tighter then letting him go.

"Then what can I do Gerard? What's going on with me? Why is this happening? I'm such a fucking mess up!" He shouted, throwing his arms up in the air then grabbing at his face.

"Shhhh... Come here." I cooed, moving his hands from the now irritated skin on his face and pulling them around my waist.

"I'm gonna tell you exactly what you need to do, okay?" I breathed, pulling him closer and wiping my thumb over his cheek were his tears had began to dry.

"Mhmm..." He nodded, his hands still shaking as they rested on my hips.

Slowly, I leaned in and pressed my lips onto franks as I felt the trembling of his hand stop against my hips. Pulling at the fabric of my shirt, I could feel him bunching up his fists into balls as he transferred all his anger, that was so terribly masked by his tears, into his passion for the kiss. The way he held my frame tightly in his arms and the way his lips ravenously kissed mine screamed pure lust masked by his pain.

Reluctantly he pulled away, his breathing returning to normal again, his hand now completely still again.

"I know what's happening frank," I began, sitting on the kitchen table and holding his hands to my knees. "My ex, Luna, she's a vampire too. We dated before I first found you, when I was in denial about, y'know everything. Anyways, she has this ability, power if you will, and she can manipulate people's dreams and she can make them believe anything she wants them too. After we broke up she threatened to use this against me, but she never did, until now... She controlling the dreams frank, and there's nothing I can do... All I can say to you is stay strong and never, I mean ever, believe her..." I breathed, pulling him closer and resting my head on his shoulder.

"Why can't you do anything Gerard? Why can't you fix me?" He sobbed into my chest as his hand grabbed at my shirt from behind.

"you're not broken frank, you're just a little misshaped, and I'm a little misshaped and I guess we're like jigsaw puzzles because we're misshaped and that's what makes us fit together..." I cooed, stroking my hand up his hack in a repetitive motion.

"I can't help you because it's not you... It's her, she controls the dreams, and I can't stop her it's her ability. Lucky bitch, I can't do shit except hurt people, but I guess that's one of the glories of being a full blood! Just- you can't listen to them frank, okay? No matter what you see, no matter how believable she is and no matter how evil I am do not fucking believe it because I would never lay a finger on you again if you asked me... I love you frank, just remember that..." I spoke, loosening the hug and holding him by the hand again.

"I love you too Gerard..." He smiled sweetly with a yawn, stretching out his back.

"How about you get some more sleep?" I suggested, smirking at his yawning face.

Kinda like a silent lion roar but with a strange eye twitch and spontaneous groans.

"What if they come back though, I can't deal with them again, not three times in one night gee... What am I going to do?" He sighed, leaning against the kitchen door.

"I'll show you..." I whispered, grabbing his hand and leading him to my bedroom.

Lifting up the blanket and gesturing for him to get in, I walked around the bed and kneeled down pulling out a box labeled 'idek'.

The irony is in the name because oh I do know all to well.

When I made this box I was an ironic little shit okay? Don't judge me!

"What are you doing?" Frank giggled, as I climbed onto the bed with a secret object and leaned over him hanging on a random nail stuck in my wall.

"Look familiar?" I grinned, admiring the sentiment I nailed to my wall.

"Oh my god! I-is that? It is isn't it! You kept it after all this time?" He beamed, touching the hanging feathers.

"Why wouldn't I keep it? It keeps the nasty monsters away remember?" I laughed, mimicking young frank.

We stared up at the object I had hung on my wall. A dream catcher. The dream catcher I brought frank when he was afraid of monsters at night and I couldn't stay with him because of his asswipe parents. The dream catcher I kept for fifteen years. The dream catcher I was using once again just because I wanted frank to be happy.

"Thank you so much, but one more thing," he slightly questioned waiting for my response "because you said the only thing we can do about the dreams is to not believe in them and remember what's real, will you, y'know cuddle me?"

I could sense the blush on his face as I leaned over to him and placed a kiss on his cheek, nodding to him.

"Of course ill cuddle you..." I laughed slightly and wrapped my arms around his waist from behind.

"Thanks... Goodnight Gerard..." He yawned, glancing up to me.

"Goodnight frank..."


A/N: hey guys! Sorry this is REALLY late up, or at least I fell like its really late up. Anyways I'd just like to say sorry for the wait on this chapter and I'd like to ask a question. What are your opinions on changing the ex luna into the ex LynZ? I personally love LynZ and have nothing against her but is just like to check if you guys would like me to change it to that or keep it as luna! There's smut coming at you soon by the way *runs out of the room*

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