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i woke up with knocking on my door it's probably quinton telling me to get up: we've been in sway for a month now. i'm comfortable here now.

kaylen: who is it..

i rubbed my eyes

quinton: wake up for school!!
kaylen: mhk
quinton: i also need to talk to you..
kaylen: tell me.
quinton: your crazy ex is here he's moved back in
kaylen: jaden?

quinton nods slowly and i look at him quite terrified. jaden done some horrible things. i've never forgave him but the boys are his best friends so i guess i'm going to have to deal with it.

quinton leaves and then i got the flashback.


i was screaming on the grass for help everyone walked by. jaden towered over me and started kicking me again making me scream more and more. people looked over and walked away.. he got away with it. he finally left me in the park crying in pain on the grass when the next day i woke up in my bed with quinton crying on the end of my bed.

end of flashback,

i'd never forget that night, i got up and showered i got changed into a cropped top and some baggy jeans wit my grey over sized jacket and jordans. i did some light makeup and put my hair in a low ponytail with a few rings and a necklace. i walked out of my room and went downstairs..

i seen jaden and all of the boys laughing, i stood there a second and i went to go get a apple. i caught eye contact with him and i quickly looked away in fright. he had a evil smirk on his face. i was eating my apple with my right leg bouncing waiting for someone to come check on me. i need to go to school. we are all leaving for school soon now

jaden walked inside of the kitchen i was about to get down when he stopped me and closed the door.

jaden: don't be scared little girl.. i've changed.
kaylen: jaden no you haven't leave me alone
jaden : what's wrong kay..
kay: you've traumatised me i don't want to be with you please leave me alone.

jaden: give me a chance i don't want to date you but i don't want everything to be awkward.
kay: let us just go to school and i'll see-

he hugged me i didn't hug back. i walked away and he followed behind me. i put on a fake smile.

kay: shall we go
jaden: yeah shall we ? i'll sit next to kay

they all nodded and i walked to the car with jaden walking beside me smirking by what he's done. we got in the cars and then we drove to school . i sat next to jaden and he slowly placed his hand on my thigh. i slapped it away.

jaden: why are you being like that

he whispered to me

kay: just please stop.
jaden: no.

we got to school and i ran out of the car nearly crying. he is such a dickhead. i found addison smoking at the side of the school. i ran to her

kay: please light me one i need it..

tears filled my eyes as i puffed on it. we started talking and she questioned what happened but i didn't tell her it's too much especially for what everything that's happened. we walked into school and i went to my locker . jadens was right across from mine. i felt hands snake around my waist.

i looked up and seen HIM.

kay: can we just get through the day otherwise i won't forgive you it's so hard to forgive you actually.
jaden: okay fine.. let's get to class.

lucky enough i didn't have any classes with him today.

skip to after school:

we got in the car and i sat next to jaden again. once we got home i got out and i sat on the sofa just minding my own business on my phone. i felt someone go inside of my pocket.

i looked up and seen jaden trying to get something
kay: what do you want
jaden: your vape you've got the best flavour
kay: get your own.

i wacked his hands and i took it out of my pocket and put it inside of my mouth. i blew the smoke into jadens face purposely and he looked up and smirked.

jaden: that was hot
kay: uhm bye.

i got up and i walked to my room. i closed the door and locked it i sat down on my bed and done some homework. my head didn't feel good so i took my shoes off and changed into a cropped tub top and some grey joggers with nike socks. i walked out and i went to the kitchen to get sone pills.

i was looking threw the cabinet when i seen josh walk inside of the kitchen. he's a good friend of mine

josh: oh hey kay i didn't see you in here before
kay: i just came in since i'm trying to find something
josh: don't over dose again please.
kay: i wont it's just jadens being a dick again.
josh: try to ignore him or something
kay: oh i try for a fact

he laughed a bit and he helped me find them. i took 1 and he smiled at me. i hugged him. he's my best friend since i came here. he's always comforted me.

kay: anyway i might have a nap or something
josh: wanna hang out though?
kay: where
josh: my room there's no where else since jadens everywhere talking with the boys

i nodded and i grabbed my phone off the couch and i walked to joshs room. i jumped on his bed as he closed the door.

josh: tell me about jaden kay.
kay: well you know the story and then ever since he's been back he's been quite clingy and stuff.

josh: i hope things get better

i smiled and the boys ordered post mates but i didn't want any. my mood isn't good for food right now.

i walked to my room and i sat down feeling dizzy. i've just ate a apple today. i got a bottle of water out of my mini fridge and i went to sleep. lucky it's Saturday tomorrow .

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