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i woke up the next morning with no missed calls no texts or anything... i guess he never came home. i didn't wanna be alone and i didn't like the feeling. i didn't wanna call anyone over because i just don't wanna speak to anyone. it was all my fault he left when he apologised. i'm such a bitch. i then got a notification on my phone it was jaden.

my lover<33
bold- jaden

hey baby i know your probably mad at me right now but i'm sorry please forgive me
just leave me alone right now i'm sorry if you wanna come home come but i just am not in the mood to talk i just wanna sleep today or something
so are you being moody with me i told you so many times stop being like this then our fights wouldn't happen and it wouldn't be your fault
can you stop blaming it on me like it's my fault that you didn't believe me. piss off now it's annoying
shut the fuck up you dumb whore

end of conversation.

i know i may seem like a bitch right now but he keeps calling me one so i'm gonna act like it. i decided to stop being miserable and i'm gonna go out maybe to get food with myself i don't even know i'm so lonely and if i invite jules she'd probably force me to breakup with him.

2 hours later

Imessage: bruce balls
bryce: bold text

jaden is mad what have you done
why do you assume it's me all the time
you guys must of argued.
i'll speak to him for you?
just fucking leave it i'm done with this shit for today i wanna go sleep or die.
don't take it that far over a petty argument
arguments are not petty no matter what it is you didn't see it and the way he must of explained it didn't make it seem like it was bad.
what's your side of the story
i don't wanna talk about it
just say kaylen.
fine he thought i was cheating on him with some guy because josh got a new car and was waiting for him outside the house and then he flipped off at me and then i said i wanted to be left alone he called me names and stormed out of the house
that's petty come on kaylen.
well no it's not in my eyes... i see different things to you guys. plus your boys im a girl
whatever you say
so are you gonna forgive him?
well of course i didn't say i didn't forgive him i just want to be alone right now he can come home i don't know why it's so hard too
let me ask him.
read 3:56pm

he said he'll come home if you don't argue with him and stuff
well i'm not gonna argue
kk he'll come in like 20
bye kay!!
read 4:00pm.

10 minutes later there was a knock on the door.
i walked downstairs and answered the door he looked at me dead in the eyes. i looked down in my hands and i felt him snake past me. i shut the door and i walked inside following him.

jaden: so... anything you wanna say to me?
kay: if i'm being honest what is there to say
jaden: your such a bitch not even a 'i'm sorry baby please forgive me'.
kay: ugh stop calling me a bitch
jaden: you like it you always act like one!
kay: shut the fuck up

he stormed upstairs and i heard our bedroom door close. i sighed as i went in the kitchen and made lunch i was hungry. i made chicken strips with fries. i walked upstairs and i opened the door and i seen him laying there in a mood.

jaden: what
kay: i made us food..
jaden: k i'll be down.

i walked downstairs and i sat there at the dinner table and i was eating. i heard footsteps leading to the kitchen and he sat down. it was silent as we where eating when i looked up and he did.

jaden: what you looking at slut
kay: nothing..
jaden: mh thought so.

we finished i cleaned up and then he went on the game with his headset on. i sat down on the lovesack and i was watching tiktok. i heard jaden take his headset off

jaden: boys imma play later !

he walked over towards me

jaden: i'm sorry babe i love you really come on
kay: i love u too just don't do that again jaden.
jaden: mh thank you for forgiving me.

he kissed my cheek and he sat down but sat on my arm by accident. i accidentally moaned and he looked at me confused with wide eyes.


i was trying to hold my laughter back

jaden: did you just moan...
kay: maybe
jaden: horny bastard
kay: HORNY??? where did that come from
jaden: you moan for me don't you sweetie

he lifted my chin and looked at me. i started blushing and i hid my face in his chest.

jaden: awh your so cute when your flustered.
kay: shh we don't talk about it.

i put my finger over his mouth and he bit my finger. i screamed and he covered my mouth.

jaden: why'd you do that? are you a bad girl?

i shook my head

jaden: bad girls get punished.

he smirked at me.

jaden: so.. are you a good girl or a bad girl ?
kay: i'm good
jaden: are you sure love?
kay: mhm

he slapped my thigh and rubbed it and we where watching tiktok together.

jaden: oh wait someone's calling wait... hello?
??: hey jaden there's a party tonight wanna come
jaden: uhm can my girlfriend come?
??: up to you dude
jaden: okay uhm what time is it
??: in 3 hours
jaden: okay see you there
??: bye!!

call ended

kay: whose that?
jaden: my friend asking if you wanted to come to a party.. with me of course
kay: uhm you can go i don't feel like going
jaden: are you sure babe? it'll be fun to get out?
kay: yes baby i'm sure now go have a blast

we kissed and he got up to go get ready. i knew i wasn't gonna let him go to the party by himself. i am gonna sneak there when he leaves.

20-40 minutes later..

jaden: do i look ok?
kay: you look amazing
jaden: imma head out and get the boys see you!
kay: alright babe!!

he left.

i went upstairs and got ready into a tight short dress with my hair down straight with some light makeup with jordan's. i put perfume on and jewellery and i went outside to my car. i sat in my car and i replied to jadens message.


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