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jaden: so.. kaylen how's it been?
kay: mh the same.
jaden: oh you seem the same, anyways how's OUR baby boy doing.

he touched my stomach and my heart starting racing. i haven't felt his touch in months!

Kaylen: mh he's going great! his due dates in a few days so.. i may give birth to him in the next few days.
Jaden: ah perfect timing because i want you to become a part of my life again.. not to date just to see our little boy.
Kay: uh that's fine actually just i don't want to date you that's why it's a bit of a problem.
Jaden: that's fine, plus i've got a girlfriend so.
Kay: mh okay. do you want me to grab you a drink? we have water..juice.. i don't know.
jaden: water please.
kay: mh okay.

i was about to get up when madison stopped me.

madison: i'll go get it for you..

she signalled for me to talk to him more. i sighed when i realised he was just looking at me. not in a creepy way like a mesmerising way.

jaden: i have missed you Kaylen.
Kay: oh.. i missed you a little.
jaden: well.. have you ever considered calling me you know i've always been here for you.
kay: no
jaden: oh okay. straight to the point well just text me if you need anything.
kay: are you leaving?
jaden: well yeah since i have to go to the studio and stuff my girl keeps texting, remind me on our baby boy.
kay: i will do.

he got up and walked towards the door and i followed behind him. madison just tipped the drink inside of the sink. she just wanted us to talk. that little bitch. i opened the door and he walked out. he stood outside of the door in front of me. he looked down at me.

jaden: can i have a hug?
kay: uhh.. sure

i side hugged him since i can't hug him my stomachs in the way. i closed the door and locked it. i turned around to madison pissed off.

madison: why you so mad?
kay: why would you leave me in there to talk to him we haven't spoke in months.
madison: geez i was trying to help you-
kay: it's not helping when he's literally trying to get back with me.. even though he said he isn't.
madison: well next time don't tell his manager where you live.. he's apart of you now.
kay: ugh im so tired now.
madison: have a nap.

kay: wake me up in about a hour.

i laid on the couch and i fell asleep with a soft pillow beneath my hair and a light blanket.

skip a few nights later.

it was the middle of the night when i started experiencing a pain in my stomach. it was a really bad one. i was tossing and turning in my bed when i felt water drip down my bed and leave a stain on my bed. my water broke. shit!. i got my hospital bag and i got in my car and drove to the hospital. my contractions were kicking in more
and more. a nurse came up to me when she saw me inside of the hospital. she led me to a room and she helped me deliver my baby. the pain was so bad i was gasping for air and crying so bad but eventually after 7 hours of pushing and crying AND PAIN. my beautiful baby boy came into this world. i grabbed my phone and i called jaden while they were doing tests on him making sure he's healthy before i can take him home

kay: jaden!
jaden: what it's literally 9am in the morning.
kay: i'm at the hospital our baby is here.
jaden: OH SHIT!! i'll be right there. which hospital?
kay: the one near my house.
jaden: okay bye!

i ended the call when the nurse handed me him. i got to hold him in my arms for the first time. the nurse took a picture of me and him together. i was cuddling him and comforting him while he cried. then the nurses helped me change him and stuff and weighed him. he was 6 pounds. i was holding him while he slept on my chest waiting for jaden. the nurse was asking me questions and we became friends. she was so kind.

jaden: im here!!... oh my fuck he's so cute.
kay: he looks like you sort of.
jaden: he's adorable.
kay: do you wanna hold him?
jaden: yes.

he sat down on the chair and i put him inside of his arms. they immediately connected. he held him for a few minutes and i took a picture of me,jaden and him.

jaden: have you thought of a name?
kay: yeah.
jaden: ok what is your idea.
kay: like either elijah or caden.
jaden: they're cute names.. mhhh i like caden.
kay: his names caden then!!

nurse:Uh Kaylen what would you like to call him
Kay: Caden.
Nurse: alrighty we will get your paper work ready and your birth certificate and then your ready to leave.

me and jaden spoke while we admired him. i was so happy finally my babies here. i love him. if jaden thinks that he's gonna bring us back together he isn't. after a few more minutes i was in the car on my way home. jaden drove i was in the back with the baby. when he got outside of my apartment block he helped me inside and then i put everything down.

Kay: thanks.
jaden: my girlfriends calling wait... hello?
mads: where the fuck are you jaden ive been waiting for you to bring food for kiara.
jaden: i've been busy alright baby calm down
mads: fine hurry home, i miss you.
jaden: okay bye.

he ended the call and i was about to close the door. he pushed it open slightly.

jaden: can i have a hug at least?
kay: you better hurry kiara's hungry.
jaden: so no hug?
kay: go feed kiara because i knew you were fucking dating mads again. this whole time the reason me and you fell apart. now go.

jaden: well if i didn't care then i wouldn't of helped you from the hospital.
kay: well you're cadens dad. it should be something that's normalised.

i closed the door and locked it. ugh i hate him.

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