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his hands slowly came back down my body and he looked at me dead in the eye while speaking.

jaden; your going to the party and you WILL dance with me.. don't go kiss any other boys your mine.

i felt his warm breathe against mine and i slowly backed away. i opened the door and decided to just go downstairs and wait for him to go off with mads somewhere because i am not getting privacy.

i walked up to quinton because i needed to talk to him he's the only one i can trust in this house.

kay: sorry to disturb you q but can we talk..
quin: what's wrong kaylen you look sad
kay: come to my room.

we walked to my room and i sat on my bed. he closed the door and sat down beside me.

q: what's wrong
kay: it's jaden he's been harassing me kind of
quin: has he touched you or-
kaylen: no no nothing like that he just wants to be friends and maybe even  lovers when i don't.
quinton: trust me kay he's changed just ignore it

he held my shoulder and i looked down playing with my rings. my eyes filled with water and i looked up

kay: right.. i'll ignore him uh i'm gonna go yeah.

i got up off my bed and turned the knob slowly and walked to the front door. i needed a walk.

josh was holding hands with nessa walking down the stairs when he seen me about to go out.

josh: hey kay where you off too?
kay: i was gonna go shops and buy a new vape.
josh: your vapes fully charged.
kay: oh uh..

he handed me my vape and he looked at me. i seen nessa giving me dirty looks in the corner of my eye

josh: tell me the truth your like my little sister
kay: i was gonna go on a walk to think about things
josh: you have to be careful ok it's not safe out there especially when your wearing that..

i was wearing shorts with a cropped top and a cropped denim jacket.

kay: trust me i'll be fine
josh; are you sure your goi-
nessa: josh just let her go why do you care so much,

she let go of his hand.

josh: because babe she's like a little sister to me.
nessa: i don't give a fuck you seem like you like her and not me you never make sure i'm ok.
josh: i always check up on you
nessa: well you haven't in 10 minutes.

i looked at nessa and back at josh.

josh: just go uh i'll tell quinton your going out.

he closed the door after me and i looked confused. i heard ness and josh fighting when i started walking down the street. i was vaping while thinking about stuff when i seen this creepy man start crossing the street and walking behind me. i looked back and he started looking to the left, i started walking a little bit faster until he started jogging. he got closer to me and he grabbed me by the jacket and turned me around and pushed me on the floor. he was trying to take my clothes off when i was screaming for help. until i seen some guy running towards him. they kicked him and punched him until he limped away. he helped me up and he sat next to me.

??: are you ok miss ?
kay: mmm i'm fine

i rubbed my head

kay: who are you ?
??: my names chase hudson you may know me or you don't but aren't you quinton s little sister ?
kay: yeah i am actually
chase: oh my gosh your Kaylen! nice to finally meet you nicks been talking to me a lot about you
kaylen: oh that's sweet.. i hope it's good things

he laughed a bit and helped me to his car. he dropped me back home to the sway house.

kaylen: can i get your number ?
chase: oh sure here it is..

he typed it into my phone and i smiled

kay: thank you and uh.. chase we can't tell anyone what happened between me and that guy because if quinton or any of them find out i'm dead meat.

chase : hahahahaa okay i won't tell anyone

we side hugged and i got out the car and i closed the door. i waved as he drove off speeding. i smiled as i walk inside of the house seeing jaden shouting and all of the boys shouting i was confused.


they all ran towards the door i stood there startled.

jaden; oh my god kaylen are you okay?

he hugged me im still standing there startled .

josh: hey ka-

i pushed him off me and i closed the door. i walked towards the living room and josh followed me.

kaylen: get away from me josh talking shit about me in front of everyone then act like my best friend dude that's not cool i thought we where best friends i could trust you with my heart.

josh: it was a argument we all had listen i got you involved because nessa got mad because we are close and she broke up with me.. kaylen i love her.

kaylen: then don't involve me inside of your relationship with nessa then she's never liked me and you know that i know you do.

bryce walked inside the living room with jaden

bryce: why where you with chase hudson.
jaden: what the fuck kaylen.
kaylen: he's my friend what the fucks wrong with you guys.. he done me a favour today and i'm happy

jaden: don't trust him kay pls
kay: jaden your not my dad
jaden: you called me daddy befo-

i slapped his arm and he shut up

bryce: oh wow kaylen got exposed
kay: that's when we where dating i don't forgive him he's just a beg.. jaden your so inlove with me aren't you

i looked up into his bright blue eyes.

jaden: maybe i am.
kay: ha that's cute because i'm not anymore and i won't forgive you for what you've done.
jaden: give me a chance kaylen i beg you
kay: jaden-
bryce: c'mon dude give him a chance
kay: you don't understand the pain i felt.

bryce: well give him a chance this boy loves you
kay: we can be friends but i'm not ready for a relationship especially with you .

jaden: so are we friends ?
kay: if i have to be

he hugged me and i slowly wrapped my arms around him. everyone smiled because i wouldn't see myself hugging jaden and i didn't think anyone else would.

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