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my cheeks felt sweaty so i woke up because it was irritating. i saw nobody noticing i was not at home...? not the couch???? jaden?!?!

i got up and sat up and i was walking around trying to find my phone when i heard the door knob turn. i looked at the door and stood jaden.

kay: hey jaden!!
jaden: you really thought i'd become friends with you?
kay: what do you mean?
jaden: pathetic you are.. i'm not taking you back sweetheart the only thing that's gonna happen to you is that you're gonna stay here.
kay: where are we?
jaden: somewhere.. your never seeing the boys again! they have helped you too much for my liking so you'll obey me with my rules.
kay: jaden that's stupid why.
jaden: now don't be a stupid whore and come here

i backed up towards the bed and sat down i didn't want too do anything. i was looking at him when he walked closer to me.


his fisted raised as i flinched and then he put his hand down. i curled up on the bed he left without a word?! i started crying because he fucking kidnapped me. there was a window right next to my bed so i was just watching the cars drive past when i heard the door open again.

jaden: are you gonna be miserable or come downstairs? you don't have to stay up here but you're just staying with me.
kay: jaden i'll do anything just let me go.
jaden: date me again.
kay: what?
jaden: i want you back date me again.
kay: fine fine okay fine!!

he came towards me and hugged me. i cringed slightly but hugged back i wanted to be let go?

jaden: thanks princess, you can go see the boys.
kaylen: thanks, where's my phone.
jaden: here.

he took it out of his back pocket and i walked down the stairs.the stairs were so creaky. i saw men in the room next to me. i looked behind me jaden was there.

jaden: what are you still doing here?
kay: how am i supposed to get there and who are they? are you keeping them here.
jaden: they're my friends you don't have to worry about it babe, go to the boys. go home. now.
kay: yeah but i'm asking you how am i-
jaden: go in my car

he handed me the keys i got in and drove off. i got to the boys house and i walked in. the house was.. emptied. i walked into my room and everything was gone? i looked around all the boys. no boys. if i'm honest i don't know what i am supposed to do since.. i don't have a phone. maybe they're out i'm just gonna watch tv.

i have been watching tv for so many hours and they're still not back, when i heard the front door make a slight shaking noise. it may be the wind?
or is someone trying to break in. at this point i'm
on the couch literally shaking i'm scared. it stopped. i started calming down a bit and i got up and i opened the door. i saw the car outside (sway boys car.) i closed the door and i fell asleep on the couch watching tv. i woke up with i saw all of them here. thank the lord. i got up and i rubbed my eyes they where just talking while some of them where on there phones. i saw jaden he was in the kitchen doing something. he came back inside with a zoot in his hand. he put it in his mouth and he lit it up. since when did he smoke downstairs?

jaden: oh you're finally awake.
kay: where were you guys??
jaden: we were out.. anyways we got your phone fixed too it's over there.

i got up and grabbed it and i went on it i was so happy. i finally have a phone. i hugged them all and we were all talking. we had fun actually talking tho and jaden was zooted out of his brains.

skip to the night time:

it was around 2-3am.

me and jaden were watching a movie in bed and we had snacks. jadens side of the bed had a bedside table and i leaned over him grabbing a drink. by the way i'm in just shorts and a bra. i felt his hands grip on my waist. his thumb tracing my waist line. i took a sip of my drink and put it down. we finished watching the movie when we randomly started making out. i was laying down when his hand was beside me and the other one holding on to me while he kissed me. we were gasping for air when he put another movie on and he made sure i said yes. he grabbed my waist and he took his boxers off. and i took my shorts and pants off and i sat down on it. i had my head inside of his neck moaning into his ear when he lifted my hips up picking up the past. we couldn't be loud since the boys were sleeping. we went at it for a few hours until i fell asleep. the next morning i woke up to realising i'm not on birth control.. he didn't use a condom either. do not tell me. no no no no no. i was shaking jaden.

kay: babe!! jaden!! wake up quick.
jaden: mh? what's up it's early.

he groaned rolling over.

kay: i need a pregnancy test like now.
jaden: wait what
kay: you didn't use protection.. and also i'm not on birth control anymore.
jaden: cant you get a abortion?
kay: jaden no! that's so mean and i mean i don't mind a child just take me to the fucking store.
jaden: i'll go.

he got up and rushed and put some clothes on. he went to the store leaving me on the bed. i put on jadens hoodie and i put on some pj shorts. my stomach kinda hurts.

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