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20 minutes later jaden came back and he threw the bag at me.

kay: gosh didn't need to throw it.
jaden: listen if your pregnant.. i just don't know what i'd do. we weren't planning for a kid.
kay: you have a kid with mads.
jaden: that's different i was young.. stupid and wanted a kid.
kay: i'm gonna take the test there's a high chance that i probably won't be.
jaden: ok go.

i took the bag and i done the test. it's not the first time i've done these. i waited for the results. i was laying on the bed on my phone when i realised the timers up. time to go and see. jaden got up and checked first since he wanted to know. he sounded nervous until there was silence in the bathroom. maybe no?

kay: what is it?
jaden: you're fucking pregnant.

i immediately started crying. jaden sat on the bed and started going on a rant.

kay: it's not my fucking fault okay stop shouting at me.
jaden: cant you abort it.
kay: no i'm keeping our child jaden.
jaden: for fucks sake this had to come around.
kay: are you gonna tell the boys.
jaden: well i'm gonna have too.
kay: you can tell them now.

i wiped my tears when jaden went downstairs to tell them. i washed my face and brushed my teeth. i put joggers on and i laid in bed on my phone. i was bored and to be honest my head hurts from crying so much. this may seem overly dramatic but i have a sick feeling in my stomach.
is this gonna fuck my life up forever?

jaden: they're happy about it i mean a little sway kid but like i don't know if i'm happy.
kay: so you're happy enough for mads to have a baby.. you lived with her kid for ages. your probably not even gonna be around ours.
jaden: i told you i was dumb and i wanted a kid now i don't it's different kaylen.
kay: but you're not listening to me.
jaden: just shut up.

he grabbed his phone off the bedside table and he walked out of the bedroom. i'm guessing he's going out. for fucks sake. i walked downstairs and the boys looked at me . i lowkey felt awkward.

bryce: hey we heard the news.
josh: we're so sorry about jaden.

kay: it's fine guys hes such a dick.

they hugged me and we spoke and stuff. i was still sad because my child.. i don't want her/him to grow up without a father. i mean i went through a lot with my childhood and i mean it's not exactly nice for them to get the kinda same thing.


skip around 8months.

you found out the babies gender. it's a baby boy!. you and jaden have lost contact you're living in a apartment. your around 21. you and jaden stopped speaking after you found out the gender of the baby. you have a few friends, also you lost contact of sway. your life has gone a bit healthier.

the sun beamed into my bedroom in the morning and my stomach ached so badly. the baby's due date is getting closer and closer i'm really nervous. I got up and i put on my tv and started playing music while i made breakfast. i made avocados and toast that's been my go-to breakfast since i've been pregnant. i sat down on my couch watching my phone while eating when i heard my door knocking. i got up to answer it because it may be my best friend madison. yes madison beer.

madison: kaylen open the fucking door.
kaylen: sorry maddie!!
madison: bitch, i have news!
kaylen: what get the fuck inside and tell me!
madison: you know jaden right?
kay: yeah? what about that dickhead.

i said locking my door. she pulled out her phone and shown me a video of jaden and kiara. kiara is like 4-5 and she can walk now and speak.

Kay: ew gross get that beast off my screen.
Madison: you gotta admit she's kinda cute.
Kay: i'm on about jaden he isn't cute.. plus i'm not that mean to hate a fucking child.

after this conversation we had we started just chilling in my apartment talking as the usual. when a random phone number starts ringing me. i haven't been actively posting on social media so i doubt it's like any.. famous... dude i don't know.

i answered because it's funny to answer random phone calls. me and madison huddled tight listening for the other person to speak..

??: is this Kaylen Griggs?
Kay: and whose asking?
??: Jaden hossler's manager.
Kay: uh how have you found out my number.
??: It doesn't matter, jaden would like me to call you to say he would like to meet up with you.
Kay: why?
?: you're carrying his child.. remember?
Kay: yeah i know that i'm on about why is he bothering now?
??: just don't question it, what's your address?
Kay: i'm not sharing my-
??: please kaylen.
Kay: fine. ++*\*\*]{%{%^[%]|%]>[>>
??: Good, he'll be over soon.

the call ended. i hit my head on my couch stressing what have i got myself into.

madison: don't stress, it may affect the baby.. we can go get you ready and he'll be here. if anything happens i'll be right here it's gonna be alright.
Kay: what if he tries anything i don't want to date
madison: Kaylen.. deep breathes just listen to me
Kay: fine. i'm gonna go get ready you keep a eye on the door.

i got in a quick shower and i braided my hair into 2 french plates. i put on a cute sweats set. i put perfume on and i walked down the stairs to see jaden hossler sitting on my couch. he was on his phone sitting slouched. i walked up to madison sitting next to her. it was so awkward. i looked at him and i caught him looking at me.

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