moved on already? MH

210 3 4

skip a week...

it's been a week since we broke up now i am really sad and cry a lot about it but it's for my own good and i'm not planning to get back with him anytime soon. i was laying on my bed when i seen josh walk into my room. 

kay: oh hey
josh; you good?
kay: yeah just thinking
josh: do you miss him?
kay: well he's my first love so.. yeah but it's better this way without him.

josh: not to make you anymore mad but mads is living in your house with there kid and they're dating again..

i just stared at josh for a second in shock. HOW DARE HE BRING HER IN MY HOUSE???!?!

i am in utterly shock when i grab my phone off my nightstand and i dial his number.

calling 'jaden.'

jaden: what's up kay
jaden: it's my house too..
jaden: well she lives here now so come grab your shit if your living at sway your probably gonna get with josh or something he's always with you that's why we aren't close anymore
kay: you do realise he's in the fucking room..
jaden: HEY BRO
josh: don't hey bro me that's fucked up jaden
jaden: anyways guys i have no time for this i'm finally happy with my beautiful child and girl.
kay: well what makes you think i'm happy with her being in my house.
jaden: i didn't think you where gonna be happy but you're my ex so it doesn't matter right?
kay: just drop my stuff off to this fucking house by tonight.. EVERYTHING of my stuff at this house and i'll come outside and get it
jaden: i can't be arsed come here and do it.
kay: jaden- *sigh* fine i'll come now.

i ended the call and looked at the door where josh was suddenly gone. oh this is fucked up.

i got my shoes on and i got in my car and drove off. i was outside and i park on the driveway. i was texting jaden seeing if i can come in and mads can go in the backyard. i don't wanna be near her. he messaged me back.

bold; jaden
kaylen- normal

where are you come outside
i'm inside come in and get your fucking stuff kaylen i ain't joking around
get that bitch out the house
stop being pathetic
i'm not coming in then
if you don't fucking come in i'll beat you up in front of the street.

opened: 6:34pm.

i got up to the door and i opened it. i seen mads and her kid sitting down on my favourite couch. i ignored her and ran upstairs with jaden whose sitting on the bed. i closed the bedroom door and got bags and started throwing random shit of mine in it. we where arguing while i was doing it

jaden: your making such a big scene
kay: big scene? your my ex i want my stuff
jaden: well kaylen you know i've moved on and i don't wanna be with you no more i moved on mid relationship.
kay: then don't fucking come back i don't want you what makes you think i need you? i Dont fucking need you jaden to survive.
jaden: oh by the way i liked mads for ages since we have been dating i sort of used you and stuff so i hope you know that now.

i dropped my bag while packing. i looked at him why is this hurting me. tears formed into my eyes

kay: so you really don't want me
jaden: well i've got a girlfriend and kid downstairs what makes you think i want you

he chuckles.

i looked at my stuff trying not to cry i know but i sort of want to get with him in the future.

kaylen: thanks for your opinion jaden i'll be on my way i'll come tomorrow and get the rest or i'll get griffin and bryce to come over. thanks for your time.
jaden: i'll walk you out-
kaylen: no jaden it's fine.

i got 3 bags and walked down the stairs and went to my car. i got in and i instantly started crying.
i was still outside his house when i looked at the house just imaging all the memories and how i might never get this back. i seen jaden looking out the window. i put my middle finger up and drove off. i went to a starbucks drive threw and got a drink and i sat in the parking lot just crying my eyes out while listening to music. when i stopped crying i drove back to sway. i went to park on the drive when i see his car. for fucks sake. i got out and i'll bring my bags in later.
i walked inside and i seen them all laughing.

bryce: oh hey kaylen your back!!
kay: mhm.
bryce: are you ok?
kay: i'm fine

i wiped my cheeks and went to my room not saying another word to anyone. i heard them all talking and i just had enough. i walked into the living room and sat down  next to griffin. he's like my older brother since quinton isn't really.. there for me anymore he distanced himself away from everyone to focus on his girlfriend and music. not a surprise. i was on my phone when i looked up and my direct eye contact with him. i immediately look away i was biting my bottom lip and griff looked at me

griffin: hey lil sis are you good?

he whispered to me

kay:yeah i'm fine.
griffin: it's him isn't it

i nodded he looked at him and then back at me.

kay: i miss him griff
griffin: you ended it but it was for your own good now listen it isn't your fault your better off without eachother it's the sad truth kay kay.
kay: but i really love him and i didn't realise until now when it's finally over and done with.
griffin: most relationships are like that just come on be happier it's gonna be alright
kay: i'm trying griff
griffin; it's okay take as much time as you need

i smiled and i looked back at them all.

josh: is there something you wanna talk about kaylen and griffin.
kaylen: i was just going on a rant to griffin.
jaden: mh talking about me lil girl?

he smirked.

kay: your disgusting no.

actually yes you where kaylen.

jaden: mh would you like to share then? since it isn't about me who else would it be about?
kaylen: it's not your business to worry about
jaden: but i care.
kay: no you don't you wouldn't of-

griffin covered my mouth

griffin: kaylen.. what did we say no lashing out
kay: mhk fine.

jaden: haha good girl.

i gave him a dirty look

bryce: wait jaden are you and mads still dating?
jaden: of course why wouldn't we be?
bryce: oh just asking.

i got up and got a drink i felt lightheaded . i was in the kitchen reaching for a glass when suddenly my head felt like a weight just knocked me down. all i remember is trying to shout for jaden.. i want jaden now!!

i was crying when i felt someone putting my head against there chest and playing with my hair. i heard HIS voice i felt his heartbeat. i was still with blurry sight when i look across from me who was griffin staring him down with every move

when my vision went ok i looked up. he smiled. i looked back at the boys who where acting normal. i got up off his lap and i felt him push my body backwards on to him.

kaylen: uh jaden can you let go
jaden: oh yeah sorry

he let go and i sat next to griffin falling asleep.


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