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i woke up and i heard footsteps near me.. my eyes fluttered open after a rough night. i seen Cynthia in the kitchen since she is quintons girlfriend. i was gonna ask her to come sit but she don't like me anymore for going back to jaden before in the past.

i sighed and i looked over to jaden and seen him rub his eyes. i smiled a little and he looked up at me.

jadn: oh your okay! i was glad last night you where sick so badly i got worried so bad for you i'm glad your okay though now!
kay: yeah last night was rough i remember bits of it
jaden: don't drink or smoke that much again missy!

i laughed a little

kay: i won't.. i just had something going on that day i won't do that much in a day.. little bits but not that

he smiled at me

jaden: well.. im gonna shower i've got dried up sick on me you laid on me with sick pouring out your mouth i didn't mind because your cute.
kay: awh thanks i'll help you wash your clothes if you want too i feel bad for being sick on you
jaden: i've never seen you want me so badly it was nice to finally feel that attention between us

i smiled a little and he got up and left to shower. i decided to go on my phone. i searched the hole sofa and the table. oh. i walked to quintons room since sometimes he likes taking my stuff and keeping it safe when i haven't got 100% attention on it.

i walked in and cynthia was about to change and quinton was in bed on tiktok.

kay: oh hey quinton!
quin: hey sis i got your phone
kay: that's what i came here for !
cynthia: ew what are you doing in here pedofile im trying to get changed and you walked in there's a thing called knocking if you didn't know.
kay: sorry i didn't know you would care so much
cynthia: well then don't cry when jaden doesn't knock next time then you cry on the roof overdosing yourself on random shit that isn't good for you
kay: well..
cynthia: i hope he rapes you again.. GET OUT.

i pressed my lips together and closed the door. as soon as i turned around i seen bryce

bryce: oh hey kaylen what's wrong you look sad you where happy just a few minutes ago
kay: cynthia being a bitch again saying jaden should rape me and all that stuff again.
bryce: what the fuck didn't quinton say anything?!
kay: nope as usual it happens all the time
bryce: well what did you do
kay: walk in the room to get my phone

bryce looked mad. he knocked on the door loudly and he walked in and cynthia was still in the same position as when i walked in

quin: oh hey bro!
bryce: your a bad brother q what the fuck
q: what did i do
bryce: you let cynthia tell your sister that she should get raped again and over dose and all that stuff !!
q: i didn't exactly hear and she doesn't mean it
bryce: doesn't mean it?!! she shouldn't say that.
q: oh well.. she keeps going back to jaden

he only ever acts like this when he's with her. my eyes filled with water because what the fuck it's such a sensitive thing to say when i'm slowly recovering. i heard bryce walking mad and slamming his door. i walked down the stairs and i sat on the couch with a blank face. jaden came down with grey joggers no shirt and wet hair. he had the socks i got him on.

jaden: hey kaykay what's up
kay: i'm fine
jaden: somethings wrong

he tucked my hair behind my ears. i stared at my lock screen of me and my brother just wondering how selfish he is when he's with her. i was so mad inside i could just break everything.

jaden: kayl-
kay: cynthia being a bitch again sayin you should rape me again and saying i should over dose again and all of those things jaden that's what!

a tear dropped..

jaden: i'm so sorry i won't do it again ignore her come here give me a hug.

i hugged him and then got up

kay: i'm going out i'll be back.

i got a knife with me not to kill myself for some activity to do. i got a stuffed animal from the corner shop and i walked to the forest my calm place. it was spooky but a calm place. i started stabbing the stuffed animal and some anger got inside of me i didn't know who i was. stabbing a stuffed animal pathetic right? but it got a bit of my anger out. i walked around with it in my pocket. i was looking around for something to just throw. i seen someone walked in the distance and i grabbed them.


i was about to pull the knife out when i felt someone grab me from behind. it was jaden he picked me up

jaden: calm down kaylen!!
kay: NO LET ME GO!
jaden: i'm sorry about her..

he locked me in his car and looked at me out of breath. i screamed really loudly and jaden closed my mouth and then let go when i stopped

jaden: what the fuck kaylen why would you do that why do you have a knife what happened to you
kay: cynthia shes pissing me off and everyone is in that fucking house they always hate me when there girlfriends do. IT SO ANNOYING JAY.

jaden: cynthia is so wrong for saying that
kay: i know she is
jaden: let's go on a drive..

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