i cant take it anymore.

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when i opened my eyes the boys where nowhere to be found but jaden was sitting on the sofa across from me on his phone smiling. i rubbed my eyes looking around for bryce or griff

jaden: oh by the way griffin told me to tell you they had to go to a meeting so i have to look after you for a few hours.
kay: i can look after myself
jaden: they know what your like you'd probably try killing yourself or something your stupid.

kay: k well i'm going to eat

i got up and i walked into the kitchen i made food and i ate and i fell back asleep because i didn't wanna speak to him.

skip a few weeks after we broke up so about 3-4 weeks?

it was the morning and i quickly changed into some sweats. all the boys where sleeping i quickly
got in my car and i drove to my old house. it was 6am everyone was sleeping. the odd few cars drove past of course because of work, i sat outside for a few minutes just waiting for a min. i was waiting for mads,jaden and kiara to leave i know they're going somewhere at this time. i seen the door open and it was jaden.

jaden: baby bring kiara into the car
mads: one second mylove

she picked her up and put her in they buckled her in and they kissed. they got in the car. jaden got out of the car and walked back inside. he came back outside and noticed me. i quickly ducked my head down. he walked towards the car...

jaden: kaylen your spying on us?
kaylen: not spying i wanna come home i miss you so much and i miss our house please jaden
jaden: your seriously doing this when i'm happy and you're not? your pathetic get away from this house you aren't apart of my life anymore and you can't even deal with it.. you know what kaylen your so lucky i haven't murdered you yet

kay: i'm sorry jaden im apologising like all the times you apologised to me..
jaden: well it's different i'm going out somewhere with my GIRLFRIEND and child so get away.
kay: please i want you back jaden
jaden: so you're begging me to breakup with my girlfriend for you?
kay: mhm.

mads: babe what's going on?
jaden: see mads is calling me.. i gotta go kaylen i'll see you around at sway otherwise i don't wanna see you i'm trying to be nice.
kaylen: this isn't you.. you'll regret it when i'm taken by someone else NOT you.
jaden: i don't care-

mads: jaden come on we have to leave !
jaden: see now get off this drive!!

i turned my car on with tears in my eyes i reversed off the drive. i got back to sway at 6:50am. i quickly walked in and snook into my room. i saw griffin sitting on my bed with his arms crossed staring at his watch.

griffin: kaylen griggs where did you go?
kaylen: it doesn't matter can you get off my bed i wanna sleep i've had a long hour.
griffin: kaylen i'm not being mean or anything but stop fucking going to jaden everyday.
kay: it's hard
griffin: i know but you need to fucking stop before i block his number on your phone and i won't be able to get it back.
kaylen; you wouldn't do that
griffin: oh yes i would.
kay: well can you excuse me i wanna sleep.

griffin; so what did you do
kay: i'll tell you in the morning
griffin: now.

kay: fine i went to jadens house because i want him back and don't shout at me before you do.
griffin: i'll be having words with jaden.
kay: whatever.

he got up and left. i closed the door and i laid down. i was watching TikTok when i got a phone call. it was jaden

jaden: hi
kay: hello
jaden: so why did you really sneak out to see me?
kay: i miss you
jaden: you think i don't miss you?
kay: well yeah.. that's what you sort of said
jaden: i was saying that because mads is there i really miss you kaylen.
kay: wait really!!!
jaden: yeah love, but we gotta stay as best friends for a bit if that's ok? we can't make it sus.
kay: that's perfectly fine
jaden: i'm glad you understand darling.. now mads is coming back to the car i gotta go
kay: bye!!

he forgot to press the end button so i decided to stay on the call to see what goes on.

jaden: hey babe
mads: who where you on the phone too?
jaden: oh my friend
mads: WHAT friend jaden? it better not be her
jaden: it was my friend blake now calm down
mads: mh blake? alright sure now take me to my moms i don't wanna come back for a bit
jaden: wait so you're staying at your moms for a bit with kiara?
mads: no shit.. now drive me there.
jaden: ok ok.

i ended the call after.. i love how mads knew it would of been me, i always come back 😏😏😏

skip a few hours..

it was 11am when i was laying on my bed watching TikTok's all the boys slowly woke up as the hours went by. i got in the shower and i washed my hair, i got changed into some leggings and jadens old thrasher hoodie i kept. it's my fav.

i dried my hair and put it in a messy high ponytail and put some socks on. i put on my chapstick since my lips felt crusty. i walked into the living room and seen jaden walk through the door. we instantly made eye contact i felt my stomach make summersaults and my cheeks burnt. he grinned at me and walked to the boys.

i was walking to the kitchen when i got stopped by griffin.

griffin: kay you've got his hoodie on
kay: i know
griffin: he's here
kay: i know
griffin; kay he doesn't want you.
kay: i know
griffin: i'm looking out for you
kay: thanks well i wanna eat so let me go
griffin: ok.

i got some food and i sat down next to jaden there where no more seats left

authors note;

also i got this idea from a girl from my comments thank you for the idea love it was great! i forgot your username so sorry about that but you'll
know who you are <33

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