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i opened my eyes and i was on the couch. nobody was in the room with me so that's okay. i sat up and i looked to my right and i seen jaden. oh my god

kay: can you let go of my arm please
jaden: awh baby you fell asleep on me
kay: why do you want us to fake date
jaden: so you can fall inlove with me again.
kay: i'm not gonna fall inlove with someone who does this to me... i want a normal man
jaden: fine.. i'm letting you off on this one but be nice to me or else you don't know what i can do to you.. especially down there

he smirked and slapped my thigh as he got up. i looked at him disgusted.

jaden: you may wanna cover up sweetheart

he looked at me up and down and somehow my top was off. how can he let me be naked in front of everyone. good job i had a bra on lol.

skip to later throughout the day. jadens just been trying to talk to me all day.

jaden; if you don't talk to me i'll take that vape
kay; you wouldn't dare

he grabbed it out of my back pocket of my jeans.

he ran off and i chased him. he ran outside and he jumped inside of the pool. he had shorts on and i had my clothes on.

kay: jaden fuck you dude fuck you.
jaden: don't be mad because i took your vape your addicted.. you need to stop
kay: YOU made me addicted YOU made me start vaping because YOU ruined my mental health. YOU made me take drugs and drink alcohol. YOU did.

jaden: jeez don't need to put the blame on me little one it's not my fault.. you pissed me off.
kay: don't mean you do that to someone... i don't wanna remind myself i'm trying to be ok with you
jaden: well keep trying little girl

he called the boys out and they all went inside the pool . i walked inside and i went to bryce's room. he's gonna have cigarettes or weed.. i need some.

i walked in and then i was looking through the draws i came across some and i picked up the packet of weed. i looked at it debating either if i should. i am. i walked to my room and rolled a spliff. i sat on the roof and i climbed over a bit. i can see the boys hopefully they don't notice me. it's a nice view over this side of the house, i was watching the sun go down and i was smoking it thinking. i done the hole thing. i was high as fuck. i jumped down off the roof and i walked into the kitchen. i walked to the cupboard and got a glass of raw vodka and i was drinking loads of shots. i got drunk too. i was walking funny and i walked outside. the boys where cooking on the bbq. jaden noticed me and got out

jaden: hey kaylen your okay !!
kay: who are you

my voice was a hole different tone.

jaden: kaylen have you been drinking and smoking.
kay: yeah i want another spliff roll one jay jay..

i fell into his arms and he caught me. my eyes kept closing not because i was tired. i could barely even keep them open due to getting drunk.

he helped me back to my room. he picked me up as we walked to the roof. we sat down looking at the stars. the boys where listening to music and eating when jaden sat down with me in his arms.

jaden: i'm so sorry kaylen i know i done this to you.
kay: don't worry about me.. i'll be gone soon.
jaden: your not leaving me.. please don't do this

his voiced cracked.

kay: it's honesty jay.. you broke me too much now i can't even with life this why i say these things and do the things i do because of you but i don't want you to feel bad because i love you still.. i never stopped
jaden: neither did i.. nessa done something to me
kay: i'm sorry for that
jay: well wanna watch the stars ?

my head nodded weirdly and we watched the stars just staying silent. not the awkward silent. the nice silent we could tell eachother what we wanted through our minds.. it was cool but weird.

jaden: do you want to go down and eat you need to eat and drink..
kay: i guess

he picked me up and we walked downstairs into the garden. he got me plate and he put some chicken wings on and he got me a glass of water. i took a bite of the chicken wing and my head flung back hiting my head on the chair i felt dizzy and sick at the same
time.. i could pass out anytime this moment.

quinton: sis are you okay?!
kay: mhawhahwoxxkaj

i mumbled and quinton or any of the boys didn't understand but jaden did.. somehow.

jaden: she's saying she wants to go to bed
quinton: how do you understand that
jaden: i dealt with her drunk before i take good care of her il go put her to bed

he picked me up and placed me into my bed. he put the covers over me and he kissed my forehead. i smiled a little and he walked out the door and i watched him go with the little gap in my eyes. he closed the door and i really wanted him to stay with me. i don't feel the best but we bonded. i know i may seem dumb for keep going back after what he's done but.. i'm not gonna date again i'm just gonna stay as friends and keep it on a down low of being scared in my own house if you get what i mean?

i got up out of the bed and i stumbled nearly falling in every footstep outside. i stood at the door and the boys where talking and eating food. there girlfriends where there mostly jaden didn't have any one there with him. he looked back and smiled at me.

he came and ran towards me.

jaden: you okay? what happened did you feel sick? why did you get out of bed? kaylen are you alright!!
kay: jaden im fine i just wanted you.
jaden: what's up?
kay: can you stay with me

i played with my nails looking down.. i looked up and seen him smile a little bit. he held my hand and we walked to the living room. he got us some water and a snack and he put on a movie. he got blankets and stuff and then we laid down and chilled. i felt sick a little throughout the night but he woke up straight away and helped me<3.

authors note- HEY GUYS!! thank you for the reads it's not that much on this story but i guess you guys can share it to your friends ? my other stories where bad but i think this one will be good. sorry if you don't like it. share with your friends see if they enjoy the story maybe? idk? BUT THANK YOU ANYWAY
i love you all for reading though <3 

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