you guys are cute

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i was cooking up some chicken wraps because that's the only thing we had left and there my favourite.
i felt someone's warm arms wrap around my waist.
i turned my head and it was jaden.

kay: oh jaden the food nearly done
jaden: okay thank you

he watched me cook over my shoulder talking about stuff. he slapped my ass as i was about to pour the food out on to the wrap.

kay: jaden!
jaden: i'm sorry it's the temptation.

i rolled my eyes and i gave all the boys food. they ate and then carried on drinking.

bryce poured me one drink and i was so tempted to have it but i'm trying to be clean.. i mean one drink will be fine right??

skip 3 hours later ...

i'm on my 6th drink and i'm already drunk i've been having mini raw shots and then drinks with just a little bit of lemonade. the boys were in the pool i was in my bikini sitting there dosing out on the pool
chair. jaden came next to me with wet hair and he shook it on me,

kay: you shook your hair on me
jaden; i know

he picked me up and put me on his lap facing him.

kay: roll a spiff
i said to him while taking a sip of my drink. he got up and got the stuff and started rolling it and we were all gonna share. bryce is obviously gonna have the most because he's a bitch. we all dried off and went into jadens room. we were smoking and the room smelt so bad of weed you got high of the smell instead of the actual spliff. after that i passed out on the bed.. i couldn't move i felt myself awake but i just couldn't move. i tried screaming i don't know if they can hear me, i cant even hear myself. it must be a bad dream. i kept my eyes closed for another hour. i then felt light kisses on my forehead it was quite comforting

we cuddled for a bit and then we ate food i was hungover because i got a bit too drunk.

it was just me and josh downstairs and we were on our phones and then he started speaking

josh: how are you feeling
kay: if i'm exactly honest not that good my head aches and jadens showering and i want him
josh: you guys are cute
kay: are you still with nessa ?
josh: yeah she should be here any minute

just then the door rang and nessa came inside
nessa and josh kissed and they cuddled. she didn't take no notice of me but then jaden came down. he had wet hair and he always puts it on me. i moved and made space for him and he laid on my lap and he looked at me

jaden: hello baby
kay: hey babe

i pecked his lips and he smiled. his hair got
my lap all wet and it looks like i pissed myself.

jaden: did you piss urself
kay: no your hair got me wet
jaden: i make you wet?
kay: ugh shut up u got me all wetttt

he laughs and smirks at me thinking he's cool in front of all his friends.

kay: jaden you aren't funny
jaden: yea i am
kay: no your not

i look up at him looking down at me he's so hot but so dirty minded he's such a bitch

kay: do you want to fight or something why are you staring at me you weirdo.
josh: he wants to fuck youuuuu
kay: shh i don't wanna hear it
jaden: ok can we just watch the god dam movie
kay: not in the mood now
jaden: well i am
kay: i'm going to go get inside my shower and listen to music i'll be in my room if you need me
jaden: don't be too long baby
kay: k

i go up to my room and get my clothes out. i am going to the hype house today so i need to get ready. i shower and i put on a cropped top with some jeans and airforces. i done my hair and some light makeup to match. i put on jewellery and i was trying to find my lipstick and lipgloss when jaden opened my door

kay: oh hey babe have you seen my lipstick and lip gloss it was the light pink one.
jaden: woah baby you look beautiful where are you going like that?
kay: hype house
jaden: we're coming too!!
kay: go get ready then babe

i was searching around my room when i found it and i sat in front of my mirror applying it. i pressed my lips together and i seen jaden smiling at me behind me in the mirror. i laughed at him and he got up and hugged me from behind.

kay: jaden if your coming go get changed
jaden: alright babe meet me in my room
kay: ok ok go get ready!

he left and i got my perfume and sprayed it. i grabbed my phone and i went into jadens room. i heard the water running hes probably doing his hair. he came out changed and ready and he smelt so good. i hugged him and we kissed. he walked behind me as we went downstairs. everyone was ready to go so we left in the cars and we all arrived at the same time. we got out and talked to everyone as we walked inside. i sat on there sofa and jaden came sat next to me. he put his hand on my thigh and i put my head on his shoulder. everyone was talking and i was on my phone. i took a picture of jaden with a funny filter and i was laughing so much. people started looking at us like charli and stuff.

charli: you two are so cute
chase: i know i would love to be like you guys
charli: me and chase are cute.. we just don't want the fans to know we're dating
kay: why don't you want them to know
chase: they always make rumours and stuff it's not nice being talked about
kay: i see were your coming from now. that's sad

charli: does the world know you two are together

i looked up at jaden and he agreed so i'm guessing yeah

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