back to basics

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i hit my head on my pillow again sighing. i seen jaden come out the bathroom with the towel wrapped around his waist. i looked at him.

jaden: i was just showering i'll go.
kay: okay.
jaden: listen.. kay im sorry i-
kay: this isn't the time to apologising.
jaden: but i want us to be back to normal.
kay: well how are we supposed to be back to normal if you can't control yourself from cheating all the time with the same girl over and over.
jaden: but if it was a different girl would it of been more serious or like...
kay: jaden that's a stupid question it would be the same.. just don't cheat and i'll forgive
jaden: i'll try my hardest just one more chance.
kay: i'll think about it and remind me once it's no got it?
jaden: got it.

he walked out the room and i was watching tv when i heard the door open.

jaden: hey i was wondering are you gonna make food because i'm hungry and don't know what
kay: what do you wanna eat
jaden: anything
kay: just make cereal im not hungry so i'm not gonna make food if i am not gonna eat it.
jaden: ok well imma head over to sway you coming?
kay: uh i'll meet you there
jaden: kk

he left and i got up and just put sweats on i done my hair in a messy bun and i got my shoes on and left. i knocked on the door and bryce opened it.

bryce: hey jaden said your coming over
kay: yup
bryce: how are you
kay: mentally no
bryce: right.. well come in!!

i walked in and walked straight to my favourite couch. i heard my brothers voice in the back i haven't seen him in ages he just don't call me anymore or anything. i looked over the couch and i seen quinton and jaden.

kay: Q!!
q: kaylen?
kay: hey omg kay!!

he hugged me tightly and i hugged back. he came and sat next to me and we where catching up with eachother. until i seen jaden walk outside and he was on the phone. mads.

quinn: is there something wrong sis?
kay: no no nothing
quinn: i know your lying tell me
kay: last night jaden cheated on me with mads and mads has jadens kid from before when they dated and now he see's her all the time..
quinn: that's stupid
kay: right

jaden: guys mads calling me telling me to see kiara what should i do?
bryce: i mean it's up to you
josh: don't go
everyone: no

jaden: what about you babe?
kay: uhhhhh i don't know

i turned my phone on i was on tiktok. i felt someone touching my hair it was jaden standing from behind the couch. i looked up he smiled down. i just allowed it i've gotta play it cool.

jaden: babe.. can i speak to you upstairs
kay: uhm sure?

he walked me upstairs to his room upstairs and he sat me down on the bed and closed the door

jaden: so are you ok with me now
kay: i said don't ask that q-
jaden: are you ok with me just a simple question?
kay: jaden let me go

he held my arms back to the bed and he looked down at me with a mad face.

jaden: when we go downstairs you'll kiss me and cuddle me and act all fine with me got it?
kay: no i won't do that i don't wanna force myself to do things because your friends don't cheat.
jaden: who said they don't?
kay: me i did and i know they don't

he let go of my arms..

jaden: you're such a whore

i went to go to the door to go downstairs and leave this stupid house when jaden slammed me against the wall slightly choking me and stared me smiling and laughing sort of

jaden: you think your gonna go anywhere.

kay: LET ME GO

jaden: no baby

he slapped me around my face and he dragged me on the bed and started slapping me and punching me. i begged for him to stop and at this point we where fighting until i heard footsteps outside the door. he slapped me and i was practically crying at this point.

jaden: make me

he held on my wrists so hard pinning me to the bed just laughing at himself

josh: what the fuck are you doing

i managed to get up and he grabbed me by my hair and he pushed me on the bed and stared at me.

jaden: so.. you forgive me now darling?
kay: just let go of me your such a dickhead
jaden: mh what did you say
jaden: smh you better watch out kay..

he smirked at me and licked his lips while staring at my body. i felt uncomfortable hes gross ew. he let me go and i stormed downstairs crying.

josh tried coming up to me. he pulled my shoulder back and kept trying to comfort me. i just i'm so done now with jaden oh my fucking god. i stormed home driving like a race car driver i got home and i locked all the doors. i grabbed the bottle of alcohol and i drank all of it in one go and more and more alcohol lead to me pouring out with sick. i just sat in bed drinking alcohol crying and watching sad tiktoks. my arm and legs really hurt so i checked them out it's covered in bruises. nobody can see this i guess i'm living in sweats for a bit. until i got a call from the sway house groupchat. they all where on the call and jaden was there. when i joined me and jaden suddenly looked at each-other at the same time.

kay: ugh hey guys what's up
josh: we wanted to talk about what happened and you and jaden need to work things out.
kay: but why-
jaden: oh this bitch is about to start arguing!
kay: what the fuck jaden no im not i-
bryce: STOP! this is the whole point stop shouting at each-other and work things out
jaden: aye listen guys i have to go pick up my daughter soon i have no time for this.
josh: so you care about mads and her kid more than your own girlfriend.
kay: EX girlfri-
josh: your girlfriend right?
jaden: don't do this guys why are you doing this she's just being a slut and she'll soon be sucking on my cock just you wait
kay: your dicks small
jaden: not what you where saying in bed
kay: ok that's enough jaden stop this i don't want to argue with you but your being a bitchy boyfriend and your not letting me speak
jaden: i have 2 minutes before i go to mads's so hurry because i don't wanna be late.
kay: why do you care so much? do you like her
josh: aye listen kaylen.
kay: what i'm asking a fucking question.
jaden: if i did i would be fucking her now but i am not and i'm waiting for you to let me come home
kay: your just gonna abuse me or sexually assault me again and i'm not having it.
jaden: it's my house i'll bring my daughter there if i want too i paid for most of it
kay: if your coming here with your child then i'm going somewhere else
josh: where
kay: somewhere ok.

i left the call and i was getting stuff ready i was about to go out in the car when i heard something

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