i missed this

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tw- smutty

i was slowly closing my eyes and i drifted off to sleep.when i woke up i heard jaden on the phone. i looked to the side and rubbed my eyes. i turned to the left and seen the house 306.
i got the shivers. i seen some old man walk outside and he had ripped jeans on baggy. they where dirty with a ripped t-shirt with blood marks on his hands. he was smirking while grabbing a axe from the shed. i looked over to jaden who was on his phone.

i opened up my phone and i opened up tiktok. we heard a tap on the window. jaden looked up and seen the old man holding the axe in his hand.

??: OI YOU!!
jaden: uhm what do we do?
kay: I DONT KNOW?!?!?!?!?!

jaden unrolled the window a little bit.

??: oi this girl.. i want her how much?
jaden: what do you mean how much she's mine.
kay: uhm i'm not for sale
??: shush pretty girl my names john.
kay: john sorry i am not into you.

john picked up his axe and looked angry.

he grabbed me by my hair through the window. jaden quickly got up and punched his arm. he looked mad. he quickly drove off and we went back to sway.

we where down the road from sway.

kay: what if they ask where we where what do we say we obviously have got to make a lie up.
jaden: just say that we wanted to hang out with eachother just us two.. it will play it off cool.

i nodded and we got out. i linked arms with jaden and we walked inside. the boys where sitting down and talking. they looked over at us and questioned us

jaden: GUYS GUYS
josh: we missed you guys and we got worried
bryce: where were you guys?!?!!?
kay: we just wanted time alone with eachother to work things out and we finally made up.

they all cheered and hugged us.

kio: are you guys dating?
kay: no
kio: awh man
kay: what
jaden: he wants us to date

he looked down at me. bare in mind i'm 5'2 and he's 5'9. i smiled looking up. i looked at kio.

i went to go sit down dragging jadens arm. i sat down and i rested my head on jadens shoulder. he slowly lifted his hand and put it on my thigh. i looked down and smiled and looked back up

josh noticed my smiling and laughed a little

bryce: dude what's funny we're talking about serious stuff like youtube content and projects.
josh: nothing nothing carry on.

he chuckled to himself and i let out a little laugh. everyone was confused but honestly it was funny.

skip3 hours i had fallen asleep on top of jaden and i woke up on his bed next to him shirtless.

jaden: oh hi sorry i didn't realise u awoke i put you in here since they where being quite loud and i didn't want them to wake you plus u seemed comfy.
kay: i don't mind by being in your bed but did you do anything to me?
jaden: of course not dont worry i wouldn't do that to you i have learnt from my mistakes and i am not that guy anymore you can trust me babe.

i smiled and i went closer to him. he put his hands on my leg and i got inside of the blanket. it got a bit cold. i was watching jadens tv and we where watching this movie. we both haven't seen it

there was a sex scene going on and i looked over at jaden and he was just staring at the tv with a clenched jaw. i didn't know about him but the moans kind of made my pussy wet. i put my leg over the other one and squished them together hoping it would go. jaden looked over at me

jaden: need some help?

i nodded and he got up and locked the door. he came and crawled over to the bed. i smashed my lips against his and we passionately made out until he undressed me and i pulled down his joggers. he shove 2 fingers inside of me making me gasp. entering them in and out in a fast pace. i let out soft moans. i came all over his fingers when i got on my knees. i shoved it right inside of my mouth and i started bobbing my head up and down and he held my hair. i felt a warm liquid shoot inside of my mouth and i swallowed. i stook my tongue out to show him. then he picked me up and threw me on to the bed. placing it inside of me going slow at first then pacing quite fast making the bed shake side to side. i let out moans and grunts as he went faster. he got sloppier and lifted my waist and he paced in and out making me scream into a pillow. ugh this felt so good i cant even describe it. i felt him cum inside of me. we did at least 2 more rounds when i passed out on the bed tired.

i woke up naked besides jaden who had boxers on. i got up quickly and put my clothes back on. i seen jaden slightly wake up.

i walked towards the bed and stood there looking at him. not in a creepy way of course but like yeah.

jaden: mhhhh kay get me a drink
kay: water?

he nodded in a croaky voice and i walked out the bedroom and seen bryce opening the door to someone. i walked behind him and seen addison.

she smiled and she was locking her car. she ran towards him and they hugged and kissed. they went to bryces room im suggesting. i got a drink for jaden and gave it to him.

i seen him stretching standing up near his bathroom door. i gave him the drink and looked up at him.

jaden: so how was it love ?
kay: mhm it was good after a while.
jaden: you give good head
kay: i know i do

he smiled and i walked towards his bed trying to find my phone. i picked it up and i had a missed call from quinton and then josh 2 times. oh.

i called them back and it went straight to voicemail.
i tried again and again until josh picked up.

a/n: sorry the smuts short i have a cold

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