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the car drive was so silent after nothing felt right anymore my life is so shit. jaden stopped the car at a random place we where still in the woods though.

kay: what are we doing here ?
jaden: we need to talk
kay: what's up
jaden: i really like you and i was wondering if i can be your boyfriend i know it's not the time but
kay: well.. i'll think about it

he nodded and smiled
kay: i'll tell you later on alright ?
jaden : yeah

i smiled and at him and he carried on driving and put on music. we got to the sway house. the hole drive i was thinking if i wanted to say yes or no.

we walked inside and the boys where in there rooms because they weren't downstairs and they would of said if they where out. i ran to the sofa and jumped on it. my favourite couch unused yes yes yes.

jaden walked over to me and lifted my legs up and sat down. i put my legs on his lap

kay: you know jaden i was thinking.. i do want to be your girlfriend.

he looked up and he had a dropped face he looked so happy but in the shook way. i hugged him and he smiled so hard. he wrapped his arms around my waist as i sat on his lap. we watched tv when one of the boys came down. it was bryce.

bryce: oh hey guys
jaden: hello
kay: hey

bryce looked us up and down confused as in why i would accept to sit on jadens lap after yk.

jaden: we're dating now
kay: yes

bryce's mouth dropped too the ground. he gave us a hug and congratulated us.

bryce: should we tell the boys or..
kay: maybe later they don't need to know at this exact moment and we've only been dating for a hour.
bryce: true true anyways wanna watch a movie
kay: yes
bryce: kay go get snacks
kay: but i'm comfyyyy
jaden: bryce you go
bryce: kay picks good snacks

i got up and i walked to the kitchen and just got a bunch on things from the cupboard with caprisons because there my favourite drink.

i threw a caprison at bryce and i gave one to jaden. we started eating while watching this christmas movie since it's nearly christmas. i fell asleep on jadens lap curled up.

jadens pov:

kaylen fell asleep on my lap and she looked really cute so i got bryce to take a picture of her and send it to me. she is so cute i can't even. when the movie finished the boys came down and i told them but they weren't loud about it kay needs to sleep. now we're talking about youtube because we need to post but we haven't got any content ideas. bryce came up with a good idea it was a mukbang while answering insta questions.

josh: when do you wanna do it though?
bryce : later on today we need to post

we all agreed and then we watched something's on the tv and the boys just went on there phones.

2 hours later kay woke up and my arm had a cramp but it was fine since i was with her.

kay: i'm sorry for falling asleep your really comfy.
jaden: its okay mylove

i kissed her cheek and she got off my lap and laid down next to me putting her head on my shoulder

back to kaylen's pov:

i was really sleepy i could go back to sleep but i think they need to do stuff they haven't posted in ages. the boys got up and went into the other living room and started setting up the camera and lights.

i laid there on my phone when i seen jaden look down at me . i shut my phone off and looked at him.
he smiled at me.

he leaned in for a kiss so i kissed him back

jaden: cmon baby let's go film!
kay: i don't really wanna film.
jaden: why not u always want too!
kay: okay fine

i got up and we walked into the living room. they were doing a whose most likely. i was just sitting there and i was saying either if i agree bc there weren't enough cards but that's fine. we were on the 5th question and jrod said 'whose most likely to cheat on there girlfriend.'

my eyes looked right directly at the camera. all the boys were writing names down and i looked up at jaden. i looked at his board and he wrote his own name down. i looked down to my socks until jrod said to them to show the boards.

jrod: show the boards!!

they all started laughing.

josh; jaden is the one to cheat nobody can change my mind he's such a fuck boy

jrod: this is a bonus question for jaden!
jaden: go on..
jrod: when was the last time u cheated
jaden: like 2-3 months ago on my ex girlfriend..
jrod: okay well keep it that way!

he smiled and put his hand on my thigh. he got me to write some names down on the board now since he didn't want to play anymore.

a few minutes later they finished it and jrod was editing. bryce and the boys were in the kitchen getting drinks out like alcohol. quinton don't live here anymore he moved in with his girlfriend and visits here like every few months.

they got loads of alcohol on the mini table in the living room and they put on the tv and drunk. i sat on the sofa watching tiktok.

jaden came in from the front garden looking stoned.

kay: babe come here

he walked towards me and sat down next to me and he rested his shoulder on mine.

jaden: babe can you make me some food
kay: sure what do you want ..
jaden: anything

i nodded and walked into the kitchen trying to find something the boys never have any food in this house it's so annoying like it goes within 2 days .

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