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we were all talking and stuff and i got bored there all they talked about was social media nothing exiting since they said that's basically there life

jaden: babe i'm bored
kay: tell me about it,. wanna walk to the store ?
jaden: yeah let me tell them.. guys me and kay are gonna walk to the store so yeah

they all say bye to us and me and jaden go. we held hands and we were talking and laughing he kept making me laugh with stupid jokes.

jaden: you know i love you so much kaylen right
kay: yeah i love you so much too.
jaden: that's good.. i'm so happy we are together you don't know how much i missed us being together i'm the happiest guy ever.

he kissed my forehead. i looked up at him and smiled and we hugged. i'm so in love with this guy. we brought some stuff and he kept tickling me randomly in the store and i am VERY ticklish and he even knows it. he got some new vapes so i stole one. he started chasing me down the road and i was laughing so much i fell on the grass. he stood above me and i was laughing. i seen his eyes and he was just looking at me sort of smiling. i cant tell if this is gonna be a bad idea. he picked me up and carried me the whole way home i just couldn't stop laughing

jaden: big baby
kay: your more of a big baby
jaden: how am i a big baby you are
kay: sh hossler
jaden: i love my nickname
kay: good hossler
jaden: that makes me horny
kay: hossler hossler hossler hossler hossler hossler hossler hossler hossler hossler hossler
jaden: do you want me to fuck you in the road
kay: no not right here
jaden: are you horny
kay: noo
jaden: okay okay

we got to the hype house we barely stayed there for long after that. we went home and i went straight upstairs i was so tired. i was in jadens room and i was laying on his bed while he facetimed his other friend cooper next to me

cooper: whose the girl then jaee
jaden: that's my girlfriend
cooper: oh my fuck is that kaylen
jaden: yeah dude
cooper: AHAHAHA I remember when we used to get drunk in your kitchen when you two lived together.. she was so young when you dated her
jaden: two years coop.. it's not bad
cooper: yeah it isn't bad

kay: don't remind me when i lived in that house
jaden: i want a house just me and you
kay: what
jaden: just me and you in a house.. that'll be cool
kay: i guess it would be
jaden: i'll look for houses
kay: what you wanna move ?
jaden: your my girlfriend we need privacy
kay: i guess u could say that.. but what about the boys you guys are best friends you can't just move out because of me.
jaden: im sure they'll understand right ?
coop: i don't know jay they might take it the wrong way how your explaining everything
jaden: leave this down to me guys... it will be ok.

skip a few hours later:

jaden: boys we need to talk
josh: sup jay?
jaden: me and kay wanna move out.. well i do i think we need our privacy i'll still be in sway just not in the house 24/7?
bryce: i mean if that's what you want dude.. if it's just about sex then stay we won't bother you but if it's other things then we understand.

i just sat there looking at the boys i didn't really wanna move out but i'm scared to tell him. he's so excited to move out but what if we argue and he hurts me whose gonna save me? i cant save myself he's a dickhead sometimes. oh well.

SKIP TO THE MOVING DAY (sorry i keep skipping i have ideas but i wanna get to them)

we moved all of our stuff into our house and we shopped for furniture and our house is cute.
i was sitting down on our new couch on my phone when jaden walked into the living room on the phone sort of shouting.

kaylen: babe are you okay who is that?

he put his finger on his lip in the sign to be quiet.
i stayed quiet while he shouted then the phone called ended and he put his head in his hands .

kay: baby what's wrong?
jaden: it's mads she gave birth she didn't even tell me she's fucking pregnant when we dated.

i looked at my phone and played with it and then i looked up and he looked so mad and sad

kay: i understand there your children you can still see them i'm not stopping you.
jaden: thank you babe i love you
kay: i love you too.
jaden: i'm gonna go get ready and see them.. i'll facetime you when i'm on my way back.

he got up kissed my forehead and then walked off. our house isn't a mansion it's sort of a ordinary house it's a 4 bedroom for when we have guests over and yea. i was kinda scared to be home alone so i invited my friend over. her names jules leblanc we have been friends for YEARS i grew up with her family. i got my phone open and called her number

jules: hey kaykay (she calls me that.)
kay: hey wanna come round my new house ?
jules : ofc send me the address
kay: okay coool byee

she hung up the phone and she came round right away. i opened the door for her and she hugged me tightly.
jules: nice place you got here.. who do you live with there's so much stuff just for you
kay: my boyfriend
kay: jaden...
jules: what jaden? your ex jaden?

i nodded while playing with my fingers

jules: are you okay?
kay: yeah
jules: okay good now let's watch tv

she jumped on to my couch and we watched shameless because that's our favourite show

jaden came downstairs he looked so hot with his wet hair. he came up to me nodded at jules and kissed my forehead.

kay: hey jay
jay: hey imma go but i won't be too long alright?
kay: okay okay call me when you get there babe
jaden: of course

he got a apple kissed my lips and left.

jules: where's he going dressed like that.. jeezus
kay: mads has a kid with him he goes to see them
jules: and your fine with that?

she scoffs.

kay: i mean yeah if i had a kid with vinnie he would be fine with it we talked about it

*vinnies your ex by the way!!*

jules: you guys are so weird
kay: right.. well shall we make food and sleep ?
jules: my two favourite things ever of course.

we made food and we had a nap because that's fun for us we just eat,talk,tiktok,sleep.

authors note: THANK YOY GUYS FOR THE VEIWS MAKESURE YOU GUYS RECOMMEND THIS BOOK TO PEOPLE ID REALLY APPRECIATE IT. thank you guys so much happy new year i forgot to mention<33

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