1st day.

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i put Caden inside of the baby bed and i got changed. i Laid in bed when he started crying. i got up and realised it's time for his milk. i made a bottle for him quickly and i fed him. he fell asleep inside of my arms. i softly laid him down in his bed and i fell asleep.

i heard my phone ringing so i answered half asleep. i heard the witches voice on the end.

kay: mads what the fuck do you want
mads: why are you contacting jaden? you have been done for months now block his number stupid bitch you probably still like him.
kay: fuck off i've just had my kid and he's the dad he has to be around does he not?
mads: well no he was never there for kiara.
kay: but Kiara is sitting at home with her dad right now is she not, my kids been born today and his own dad wasn't even fucking here.
mads: so block jaden.
jaden: mads babe what are you doing on my phone

mads: sorry babe i was trying to find a number .
jaden: who are you on the phone too.
kay: jaden get your girlfriend.
jaden: kaylen?
mads: yes kaylen.
kaylen: just leave me alone.

i ended the call and went to sleep, i just generally can't be arsed for there shit, i'm tired. i woke up in the morning i was so tired. i waited for caden to wake up since he hasn't woke up yet. i turned on my tv and i started to watch tv. i put the volume on 6 i didn't wanna wake him since i can't be arsed to get up.

Madison: bitch you left your door unlocked.
Kay: oh madison!! i'm sure i locked it?
Madison: you had your baby and you didn't tell me?
kay: sorry i've been busy and i've had no time
Madison: it's okay!! He's adorable what's his name
Kay: Carson.
Madison: cute, has jaden talked to you?
kay: yeah he came to the hospital but we had a bit of a argument so.. he's at home now.
Madison: that's adorable.

she took her shoes and coat off and she got inside of my bed. we talked about the baby and stuff. she was talking about how she wanted a baby.

Kay: how are you and your boyfriend?
madison: we have been off.. i told him i wanted a kid and now he's gone weird. i don't know why.
Kay: That's what jaden done.
madison: men aren't shit. now, what time do you have to feed your baby?
Kay: in around 5 minutes let's go make the bottle.

we walked to the kitchen and i started making the bottle. i heard his little cry and madison ran over to get him. i was in the kitchen while madison was in the living room with him. i heard the front door knock. quite quietly. i walked over and opened the door with the bottle in my hand.

Kay: jaden?
jAden: i came too see my baby.
Kay: he's inside with madison.. take those shoes off your gonna get mud on my carpet.

he closed the door i locked it. he came for Caden so i  expect him to go straight to him but no. he walked over to me and he put his hand on my waist. i pushed his hand off me.

Kay: can you not jaden.
jaden: what why?
kay: i don't want your druggie hands on me.
jaden: awh come on kaylen.
Kay: go feed your son. i'm gonna clean up a little bit.

i handed him the milk bottle, it was cooled down don't worry. he looked at me confused.

Kay: mh?
jaden: come with me.. it will be cute OUR little family
Kay: nothings cute, it would of been if you didn't leave, you would of got to be with me. but no. you chose mads remember? stop switching girls. and Cadens hungry go feed him.

i pushed him into the living room and jaden and madison where in there feeding him. i cleaned up the sides and i started cooking pasta i wanted it. i was sitting on the counter on my phone while the pasta boiled.

jaden: he's been fed.
kay: okay?
jaden: what do you want me to do now?
kay: go spend time with him.. what else.
jaden: or i could spend time with you.

he stood in between my thighs while putting his hands on them. i looked down at him. how does this man have the audacity. i scoffed and i jumped down. i put the pasta sauce and the meat on the stove. i started stiring it. i felt his cold hands slip around my waist and his head on my shoulder. i felt like crying, i didn't say anything though just to.. keep him sweet before he does something bad.

Madison: Kaylen!! your babies done a sh-... am i interrupting something?
Kay: no.. sorry.. jaden move now.

i pushed his hands and then i picked up Caden and i changed his diaper. Madison smiled at me.

Madison: you love him don't you.
Kay: who Caden? of course.
Madison: no jaden.
Kay: no?
Madison: Come on Kaylen
Kay: .... no comment.

madison: i'll take Caden.. go speak to him and your food as well.
Kay: oh yeah.

she took him out of my arms and i poured the food out onto a plate for me and madison. jaden didn't want any. i sat on the couch with Caden in his little cot in front of me. i put on the tv and me and madison were watching a movie. jaden was on his phone.

Jaden: fuck... i was supposed to be back at home before mads woke up.
Kay: you're telling me you snook here?
Jaden: yeah.. you think mads would let me
Kay: go home man.
Jaden: that's what i'm about to do.

he said bye to madison. he kissed Caden on the forehead and he looked at me. he kissed my cheek and he left. my head hurt after he left. i'm gonna miss him now.

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