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i looked over to my left and kiara was sleeping and jaden was just on his phone. i looked at kiara for a few seconds just admiring her. mads and jadens creation.. woah just thinking about it makes my brain hurt. i went downstairs for a drink and then i got ready for bed. it was 7pm and i decided i wanna go to bed early tonight. todays been such a bad day for me. i cant even explain whoever else goes through this dayum there strong because i don't think i can do this anymore it's so hard ugh.

jaden: hey baby where you going?
kay: i'm gonna get ready for bed

i picked out my comfy set of pjs and then i got changed. i caught jaden looking at me while i changed. my bra got stuck and i couldn't take it off and i got mad.

jaden: babe need a little help?
kay: yes please.

he got up and he took my bra off for me. i smiled at him thanking him. i threw it on the floor brushed my teeth and washed my face and done my little skin care NIGHT routine and then i got under my covers. i turned out light off by the remote and put on the little bedside lamp. jaden watched my every move he looked so dazzled.

kay: what? have you got a staring problem?
jaden: funny joke that.. no i haven't your just so amazing and beautiful .

kay: awh thank you jaden you mean a lot.
jaden: you going bed early?
kay: well yea i feel tired today i don't know
jaden: goodnight princess.

he kissed my lips softy and i turned the bed side lamp off. jaden was on his phone when i was looking at him just staring until my eyelids shut and i just dreamed about me and jaden just living our best life on a nice vacation it's my dream to go on vacation with this dickhead.


i heard kiara letting out little cries and i woke up i looked at her and hugged her and asked if she's ok
kay: hey hey hey.. don't cry it's going to be ok? what's wrong kiara tell me
kiara: tv!!
kay: okay okay wanna watch.. peppa or ben and holly or anything you want ?

i said flicking through the tv suggestions

kiara: peppa my favourite !!

i put it on with maximum 6 volume and i closed my eyes again not sleeping just closing my eyes it just helps me focus and makes me feel refresh like i just had 20 hours sleep after not sleeping for a whole day. best feeling ever for me. i felt a light kiss on my forehead my eyes fluttered open and i seen jaden above me smiling.

jaden: wake up beautiful.
kay: ughh do i have too.
jaden: yes you do now get up

he tucked my hair behind my ear and we kissed. i noticed kiara taking notice and i pushed jaden off my playfully. he took kiara downstairs and made her some food. once she ate she was off jaden didn't tell me where just yet but i don't think she's coming back. i ate some cereal and then i was on instagram scrolling and i seen mads crying on her instagram story. i played the video and turned my volume up fully.

mads: so guys *sniffs* if any of you have contact of jaden hossler tell him to contact me immediately thank you guys *cries more*

i called jaden because i was curious what was going on and something must of happened

jaden: hey baby
kay: hey babe what was mads's story about?
jaden: she wanted kiara back she couldn't live without her apparently and her and her boyfriend didn't go on holiday due to restrictions there and stuff.
kay: ok when are you coming home i want cuddles.
jaden: soon.
kay: kk bye bye i love you
jaden: love you more darling .

i ended the call and i just chilled for a bit when i heard the door lightly knock. i got up to unlock the large white door. i seen jaden standing there with his little sister in his hands. she's 5.

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