feeling so tired

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i heard the sound of HIS car pulling up. oh why cant he just leave me the fuck alone. i got up and looked out of my bedroom window which lead to the front yard. i seen him slam his car door shut. i quickly got my stuff and ran down the stairs. i seen him walk into the front door.

jaden: oh there you are!
kay: well i'm leaving i don't wanna be here now i'll go find somewhere to stay just wait.
jaden: so you're just gonna go?
kay: why not?
jaden: because!
kay: well you don't act like it and i'm done
jaden: are you breaking up with me
kay: no.. just leave me alone i'm probably gonna stay at sway with my brother bye jaden.

i got my stuff in my car and he didn't even try stop me which is a bonus. i got too sway and i seen my brother outside with josh making a tiktok. i waited until they finished. they turned around and came towards my car

josh: what you doing here?
kay: came too stay jadens being a dick
josh: okay make yourself at home

i got my stuff out and went to my old bedroom and sat down on my bed which was still there. i started crying just tears pouring out my eyes. WHY DO I CARE? ugh this is annoying. i was staring at my ceiling crying when i heard someone knock on my door lightly.

kay: who is it

the door opened revealing jaden

jaden: i wanted to come here and-
kay: what do you want jaden
jaden: to apologise.
kay: for what your always gonna be like this your never gonna change even with how many arguments we have and conversations when you say your gonna change but don't.
jaden: i'll leave you alone
kay: well good i was about to be on my way anyways i'm probably gonna eat something

i got up and walked past him it left awkwardness in the air when i walked inside the spacious kitchen. it revealed the boys who where sitting there on the table eating some food. i go over.

kaylen: hey guys what you doing
bryce: waiting for jaden he said he was gonna talk to you... wait if your here then where's he?
kay: he came inside my room i just left i don't wanna deal with it now
bryce: why don't you guys work things out

kay: you don't understand do you Bryce
Bryce; what do you mean i don't understand
kay: how he treats me at home you don't even see half of it since we moved out the main reason he wanted us to leave so he can abuse me and have sex with me all the time without you guys saying something and confronting him about it.

bryce : well i didn't really expect it to be that the way he explained it.
kay: key word "the way he explained it"

josh: kay wants some food
kay: uhm sure what have you got
josh: theres a spare burger we ordered one too many

i took the burger and sat with them and ate until jaden came in the room. i stopped talking when he did. i just couldn't be bothered to be honest. the boys went to go film which left me with him
he broke the silence..

jaden: i'm sorry kaylen..
kay: mh it's whatever at this point
jaden: can i have a hug
kay: uhhh

he got up anyways and hugged me. my arms where sitting there awkwardly until i caught bryce's eye and he signalled for me to hug back. i closed my eyes tightly while i hugged his torso. he looked at me dead in the eyes after

jaden: i love you kaylen
kay: ................. i love you too

he smiled while i was looking at bryce. bryce needs to tell me what to do now i don't know it's just awkward. he pulled my arm lightly and we sat down on the couch. he slightly pushed my head so it was laying on his shoulder. we sort of cuddled while watching tv i felt a bit uncomfortable but i'm too scared to say.. mh i'm just going to have to leave it. i felt his phone vibrating and he fell asleep so looked at it

'mads❤️❤️' is calling...

i looked at the phone and back at him.. you know what i'm not gonna argue i'm just gonna have to have the courage to breakup with him i can't anymore this is too much headache for me.

i threw the phone at him and his eyes shot open.

kaylen: your girlfriends calling
jaden: girlfriend? your my girlfri-
he looked at his phone

jaden: i can explain.
kay: explain??? no i don't forgive you anymore you know what jaden i'm breaking up with you i'm fed up with this shit now it's annoying just fuck off out of my life i can't believe i stayed

jaden; your seriously breaking up with me?
kay: seriously i am i'm tired of your bullshit every week and it's true so don't expect us to be together anytime soon.
jaden: fuck you, your a bitch anyway i'm gonna go to my new GIRLFRIEND suck my dick.

he got up and stormed off out of the house i sat down and i was just staring at the floor.

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