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i heard jaden and his sister talking but i still stayed asleep. i seen them getting up there probably getting breakfast. when they left the room i showered. i was washing my hair and shaving so i was in there for about 10 minutes so far. i heard the door open and seen jaden.

jaden: goodmorning babe why didn't you come down we were waiting for you?
kay: i just woke up and needed to shower
jaden: can i come in with you to save water ?
kay: jaden don't be a idiot no of course not
jaden: but your my girlfrieeeeeeeeend
kay: your probably gonna just try fuck me
jaden: i'm not denying it but still can i?
kay: fine.

he took his clothes off and got in the shower with me. we were talking and he kept hugging me from behind. i grabbed the shampoo bottle and and i was about to pour some in my hand when it dropped. i bent down and got it when i felt jadens dick touch my ass. i turned around quickly and he smirked at me.

kay: stop being horny
jaden: never

he held on to my ass tightly which left a mark.

kay: leave me alone and let me shower in peace
jaden: please just 5 minutes a quickie?
kay: jaden i said no!!
jaden: fine kiss me

i sighed as i grabbed his throat not tightly and we madeout. he touched my waist going higher to my boobs slowly squeezing them it felt nice. i let out soft grunts into the kiss when i pulled away. water dripping down from my face. i was a bit horny now so i bent down and i touched his hard dick stroking it when i slowly put it in my mouth.  he leaned against the shower wall when my head bobbed up and down and he flung his head back moaning softly trying not to be loud. he grabbed my hair and pulled me forwards and backwards making me get every spot. i felt a hot liquid come into my mouth minutes later. i stuck my tongue out and i shown him

jaden: now be a good girl and swallow it.

he said lifting my chin up watching me. i swallowed it and stuck my tongue back out. i got up off my knees and i stroked his body as i lifted. he turned me around and immediately spanked my ass making me moan trying not to be loud.

jaden: let me hear those moans..

he spanked me as many times as he wanted and then he stuck it inside of me. i was leaning against the wall of the shower when he went slow at first but picked up the pace when i was screaming of pleasure if felt so good. he pulled my hair like he was riding a horse and he went so fast to the point my moans didn't get a change to come out. we did this for about 20 minutes when he came inside of me and he put his fingers on my pussy and put it inside of my mouth. he stuck his fingers in my mouth and started pacing his fingers in and out. he then started kissing me and we made out a little more then he got out of the shower and went back to his sister and i finished showering and i got out and got changed. i walked downstairs with wet hair and i sat down on the kitchen counter. i heard the tv playing so emery was ok. i was watching jaden make us breakfast.

kay: is that my baby making breakfast *gasps*
jaden: yes it is anything for you princess.

he walked over to me and stood between my thighs. i kissed his nose and he smiled at me. he finished making breakfast and we where eating telling eachother what we wanna do today.

jaden: morning sex feels so nice
kay: mh i haven't had sex in ages since that time i was a bit rusty but i need to loosen up
jaden: round2 later ?
kay: maybe if i want too.
jaden: i'm not gonna force you

he looked me up and down i just looked at him and back at my food. i ate my food and cleaned up emery came into the kitchen tapping my hip.

emery: kay
kay: oh hey em what's up?
emery: where's jay?
kay: i'm not sure shall i go look up stairs?
emery: yes please

i dried my hands and i walked to my room i seen jaden laying on the bed watching tv.

jaden: babyyy
kay: hey uh emery wants you?
jay: okay i'm coming

i looked at him and smirked he kissed my cheek as he walked past me and he went downstairs. it was time for emery to go home!! jaden took her home. once i finished cleaning jaden still wasn't back so i watched tv until i heard a knock

it was josh.. josh? what why's joshua here i
opened the door and looked at him confused.

josh: hey is jaden in?
kay: not right now.. did you wanna come in?
josh: yeah

he walked past me and i closed the door.

josh: there was a massive argument at sway
kay: oh shoot what happened ?
josh: between me and nessa
kay: again?
josh: mhm
kay: so what will jaden do to make it better ?
josh: just comfort me he's my best friend
kay: oh okay well make yourself at home

i was watching tv when my phone rang. i picked it up it was jaden.

kay: hey baby
jaden: who the fucks cars outside our house
kay: it's-
jaden: are you fucking cheating on me!
Jaden: he don't have that car
kay: come in fucking side and see for yourself

he ended the call and then he stormed inside he looked at me and then josh who was sitting all the way on the couch.

jaden: thank god it's josh not some guy.
kay: why wouldn't you let me speak
jaden: well what do you expect me to do believe it's some of your little friends
kay: well jaden i don't lie unlike you
jaden: are you really arguing with me when my friends here we can finish this argument later

kay: no we'll finish it now your acting like this when your friends here but your a simp alone.
jaden: shut up and move bitch
kay: your so annoying

i snatched my phone off the couch and i walked upstairs to my room. i was on my phone scrolling through tiktok in my bed. i heard the door open.

jaden: josh left... what's wrong?
kay: i'm not talking to you
jaden: stop being ignorant it's a petty argument.
kay: petty? you always argue
jaden: oh so your being like that?
kay: being like what
jaden: a moody bitch
kay: no what-
jaden: oh your always like this a moody bitch i wish we never got this fucking house together.

he slammed the bedroom door and i heard him storm off outside. he slammed the front door and sped off you could hear the screeching. i sighed as i opened my phone clicking onto his contact i was looking deciding if i should call him?.. i am

i called him...

jaden: FUCK OFF
kay: i'm sorry jay...

he ended the call i hit my head in my pillow
i cant ever be happy oh my god. i fell asleep trying to not cry about this situation.

i woke up after 4 hours and he's still not back i had a missed call off bryce so i called him back

bryce: hey kay
kay: u called?
bryce: it's jaden he's here right now i don't know if he's coming back home tonight he told me to tell you because he don't wanna talk to you right now but he'll stay here if he don't come back ?
kay: oh
bryce: i'm sorry
kay: i'm gonna go...

i ended the call and i couldn't control the tears pouring from my eyes. they fell and fell i was crying while watching movies in my bed. i then eventually fell asleep for the night

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