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the poor baby girl doesn't know who i am and where her mother went. she looked at me.

kay: hello kiara
i smiled at her and she looked at me confused.
kiara: dada who dat?
jaden: that's your... mom
kiara: no dat not
jaden: it's your new mother kiara okay?

she nodded and she climbed into my lap slowly and she wrapped her arms around me giving me a little hug. she was so cute i mean i like being named as her 'mom' but i'm not prepared and i dont think i can get used to this.

jaden: awh you guys are cute
kay: she's so cute

jaden smiled and he took a picture.

kay: jaden.. she has no toys,bed,clothes etc what are we going to do we can't shop all day today that's so much effort and i'm having a bad day

jaden: i mean she can stay in that until tomorrow when you may feel a little better princess

he tucked my hair behind my ears and kissed me. i smiled when i looked inside his ocean eyes. kiara was watching peppa pig eating mushed strawberries. she made a little mess but it's fine she's a cutie. i cleaned up while jaden and her played around it was so cute hearing her laugh.

i walked inside the living room sitting down on the couch closing my eyes trying to have a nap i'm so exhausted from today it's been hard. as soon as i was about to drift off to sleep i heard a little sweet voice call my name

kiara: mommy

my eyes immediately opened and looked at her

kiara: momma i have drink?
kay: of course baby what do you want?
kiara: dooc (juice)

i nodded and i got her a little cup of juice luckily when we did shopping we got little plastic cups.
she finished it and she laid down chilling. jaden laid down next to her on his phone and i fell asleep.


i got woken up from my nap by jaden

jaden: hey babe what do we do she done a shit and we have no diapers.
kay: oh want me to go to the shops?
jaden: yeah hurry babe
kay: okay

i sped to the nearest shop and grabbed some little things that we need and then i rushed back home. i laid her down and i changed her diaper. she smiled after i changed her like a happy girl.

jaden: i'm glad your so understanding.
kay: of course jaden she's like a little baby to me

he smiled

jaden: did you wanna go back to sleep?
kay: no i'm gonna just clean our room i'll be upstairs.

i called jules immediately when i got upstairs i closed our door and i sat on my bed.

she answered.

jules: hey
kay: hey i have so much fucking tea to tell you
kay: basically me and jaden went to sway and then mads was there with their kid kiara and a lot of things went on and then mads abandoned kiara with me and jaden and said she'll come get her in like a month because she's on vacation with her new boyfriend and now we're stuck with kiara and do not know what the fuck to do we have no fucking supplies i'm not ready for a kid.
jules: i was not expecting that but do you mind?
kay: not really i mean she's SO cute but i mean a kid? i'm not ready for that for the next month she's even calling me mommy because of jaden and i'm not complaining but i don't wanna get attached or her getting attached to me and then when mads comes and we don't get to see eachother it's gonna be living hell.
jules: i see where your coming from.. have you spoke to jaden about it you guys are way understanding now that you have matured.
kay: well if i'm honest i have sort of but there downstairs right now watching peppa pig
jules: are you ok you look hurt
kay: what !!! i'm perfectly fine
jules: your hurting kaylen don't lie to me
kay: i wouldn't let a random kid in my house would i if i was so bothered?!
jules: or is it your scared of jaden and your just allowing everything to happen?

i looked down at my bed knowing that's mostly the truth and she knows you WAY to well.

kay: i'm not replying to that jules you can't do that to meeee.
jules: i knew it.. i'm gonna tell jaden if you don't
kay: you know i'm scared of him jules i know i love him but i don't want this to be the reason we breakup.
jules: alright well i have to go im going on set but facetime me tonight alright?
kay: kk love you jules
jules: love you more

i hung up and i stared at my ceiling thinking when jaden and kiara came upstairs.

jaden: hey baby you have been up here for a hour.. nothings changed what you been doing
kay: oh shit yeah i must of zoned out and just been sitting here i was thinking about something
jaden: tell me baby
kay: about cleaning
jaden: babe. don't lie..
kay: okay fine jaden i don't know if i'm ready for all of this for the next month i'm over whelmed.
jaden: it's ok don't worry.. she'll be going out everyday during the day so you don't have to worry about looking after her all day
kay: but part of me feels bad for her because her own mothers a bitch and abandoned her.
jaden: it's okay babe.. let's watch a movie

i nodded and we watched a movie idk what it was but kiara picked it she told us that her real mommy used to put it on for her. to be honest i wasn't really paying attention to it. just thinking

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