go away please!!

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i pointed towards the door on the verge of tears.

jaden: i'll be back for you baby.. you just watch.

he smirked while blowing a kiss and closing the door. i sat on my bed then i decided i wanna go and meet some friends to get things off my mind. i got up and changed into some sweats and i got some trainers on and a coat and a brought a cute bag. i went out my room and in the living room.

bryce: oh hey you okay?
kay: yeah just about to go and meet some friends

everyone looked at me. i seen jaden glance at me with a weird look. i smirked at him.

quin: your dressed up? have you got a boyfriend ?
kay: maybe ..

i smiled

everyone cheered but jaden. he looked sort of mad and he stared at all of them and then at me. he clenched his jaw. well he's mad that's my goal!

kay: well i better get going bye bye!!

i walked out the door and i walked to my friends house. her names mia. i knocked on her door. her boyfriend answered. she lives with him.

kay: hey uh is mia here ?
thomas: yeah she's right in here i'll call her.. BABE
mia: YEAH?
thomas: KAYLENS HERE !!

she ran down the stairs and hugged me.

kay: you wanna go out for a walk?
mia: sure let me grab my shoes
thomas: baby imma go to the hype house then?
mia: make sure to lock up

they kissed and then she left. she linked my arm and we where waking down the street talking. what happened with jaden last night crossed my mind so i decided i'm gonna tell my best friend of course.

kay: there's a really sensitive topic i need to talk to you about though mia.. so trigger warnings rape.
mia: wait kaylen who raped you?
kay: remember jaden? well yeah we where talking and then we stopped he got a girlfriend and broke up with her for me he sort of got obsessed again in the creepy way and then he raped me last night.

she stopped walking and hugged me tight. finally i got it off my chest. she looked at me with tears in her eyes. i felt more bad for her having to hear it

kay: please don't tell anyone!!
mia: i wont.. come on let's take you home it's not safe for you around here.

she sped walk sort of dragging me alone with her
kay: wait wait wait!!
mia: there's no waiting kaylen hurry
kay: i'm confused what's happening
mia: hes crazy jadens probably following us now!

we started running until we got to the roof. we climbed up into my room and i locked the window.

we sat on my bed on our phones checking out the window every few minutes.

we heard footsteps out of my room. the door knocked. my heart dropped down and mia gasped.

Kay: w-who is it!!
jaden: it's me kaylen open this door
kay: jaden go aw-

mia slapped my mouth shut. i looked at her confused

mia: this is the mistake you do.

i pushed her hand away and i opened the window. i climbed out and i ran towards the backyard. i hopped over the fence and then i walked in.

kay: hey guys
josh: oh there you are !! jadens looking for you
kay: don't tell him where i am
josh: oh are you playing hide and seek

he laughed and i pulled a straight face

kay: no he's obsessed with me and it's scaring me.
josh: don't be dumb he loves you!!


i ran under the stairs and i hid the corner. i seen his foot walk past when i started breathing heavily. covering my mouth hoping he wouldn't hear me.

jaden: where ?
josh: under the stairs.

i seen his feet walking towards and he bent down. he looked at me with a dirty smirk on his face.

jaden: i'm trying to talk to you

he grabbed my foot and dragged me out. i seen all the boys laughing, what's wrong with them dont they realise what he's doing,

jaden: we have a announcement we are dating
kay: what no arent
jaden: yes we are
kay: no we aren't

he looked at me dead in the eyes with a mad look. he whispered into my ear "play along now before you regret it." i nodded and then i turned to them with a fake smile. he pulled my chin and kissed me softly on the lips and i faked smiled. ew he's so disgusting.

i fake smiled and i sat down. he put his hand on my inner thigh and started rubbing his finger against my thigh, i felt so uncomfortable i need to talk to someone about this.. not mia she doesn't understand

i got up

kay: i'm gonna go use the bathroom if that's okay?
jaden: who are you talking to ?
kay: jaden
jaden mouthed: its baby to you

i nodded and sped walk to the bathroom. i locked the door and i slid my back down the wall and i was staring at the ceiling not ruining my makeup.

i was just thinking why he's doing this how dont they see what he's doing it's so annoying. it may seem like i'm overreacting but honestly i'm not this is scary.

i flushed the toilet and walked out the bathroom. i breathed and walked back in. the boys where talking about youtube and stuff. jaden smiled at me and i sat down next to him, trying to distance myself away from him he pulled my waist closer to him. i shut my eyes and i just tried making myself fall asleep hoping this is all a dream. i hope it's a dream. dream dream.

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