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When we woke up from the nap we heard the boys open the door. we both looked up at the same time.

Bryce: don't tell me your doing the dirty-
Kay: no no!! we where sleeping
Quinton: good anyway we brought some food

they placed it down on the mini table in the room.

i got off jaden and i crossed my legs sitting at the edge of the sofa. jaden looked at me i was confused

jaden: come here
i nodded 'no' with my head. he grabbed me and we sat down together. we where eating and i opened my kids meal. jaden put his chicken down.

jaden: why are you eating a kids meal
kay: because there good

he laughed and we started eating all together watching a movie. once we finished we cleaned up and the boys where filming. i was by myself on the couch when jaden came in. he sat next to me.

kay: hey jay
jaden: how are you why don't you come film
kay: i don't like being recorded that much
jaden: are you sure

he placed his hand on my thigh. i looked down at his hand and looked up

kaylen: i'm sure !
jaden: suit yourself

he got back up and walked into the other room. i slowly closed my eyes. my head was hurting. until there was a knock at the door. kind of like banging ?

bryce walked towards the door and it was mads.

bryce: woah mads you cant be here right now
jaden: whose at the door bro?

he walked towards the door and seen her. he looked her up and down. she looked up at him.

jaden; your going to have to leave.
mads: why
jaden: because
mads: i'm dating josh now
jaden: since when?
mads: since now.

she walked inside and walked up to josh and whispered something. he had a disgusted face.

kay: josh are you good?
mads: shut up whore
kay: don't talk to me like that
mads: and what are you going to do about it ?
kay: i'll do this

i got up off the couch and i punched her around her face. bryce was cheering quinton left the room and jaden sat there just staring. josh backed away.

mads had tears in her eyes.

mads: it's only because you love jaden.
kay: who said that?
mads: me because i love him and i want him back away from you your such a whore.
kay: but mads your forgetting he can move on and besides we are not dating you can have him if he wants you.

she got up off the floor and left. i washed my hands and then i sat down. jaden was looking at the ground

bryce whispered to me

bryce: see if she okay!

i nodded and i walked over to him and sat next to him. he was still looking down.

Kay : jaden are you okay?
jaden nodded slowly and then just opened his phone. i was still sitting next to him

jaden: i'm fine kaylen you can go.
i nodded and i got up and walked to my room. i sat on my bed and i was looking out the window. i decided i'm gonna make a tiktok. i made one and posted it. i got 100k in 5 minutes. woah!

i sat there replying to some cute comments there where a few hate comments but i don't really care.

i decided to get changed into warmer clothes and some shoes and i was gonna go out. i was bored.

i was about to exit my room when i heard a few shouts. my name was involved. so i listened.

??: you fucking love that whore don't you jaden.

that must be mads.

jaden: YOUR MY EX TOO.
mads: i cant believe you would love kaylen.
jaden: just leave the house.

there where screams and shouts i couldn't focus .my head starting hurting so i just sat down on my bed.

i was staring at the wall when someone walked in.

josh: sorry about that
kaylen: josh can you please leave.
josh: aren't we friends ?
kaylen: we are but i generally don't want to talk my head hurts from all of the screaming and shouting
josh: it was mads and jaden arguing then the boys tried getting her out but she wouldn't go.
kay: it's fine i'm gonna go on another walk
josh: have you learnt your lesson from last time?

i nodded and i got up and walked past him. i walked towards the front door and exited the house.

i started walking down the street listening to music without my head phones. i heard a car slow down.

i looked beside me and i seen this guy with 3 other
people and they where looking at me.

i look dwon and back forward and started speeding up. they parked there car and they quickly got out and picked me up. i was screaming when one of them put a blindfold on my eyes and my mouth and tied my hands together. they picked me up and put me in the car. they drove so fast i couldn't focus.

2 hours later..

they untied my blindfold and i was on a bed with a man in front of my shirtless and guys surrounding me with guns and stuff fully suited up. i looked around crawling to the back of the bed.

??: don't be scared little girl.
kay: who the fuck are you!!
??: it's daddy.

kay: that is not my dad
??: you will call me daddy
kay: i refuse too!
??: then you'll stay here for longer

he came and dangled over me holding my throat slightly choking me. i was crying and he started kissing me when the other guy undressed me. i seen my phone on the side i tried reaching for it when the guy threw it on the floor and it smashed because it was marble. they undressed me and stared at my figure. they all smirked and smiled. they all got on the bed and they started kissing up and down my body when they pulled down my bra kissing up towards my neck. there breath smelt like alcohol. i was screaming and crying when they held my mouth shut so it was just murmuring.

tw- rape.

they shoved there dick inside of my mouth i was refusing to take it but they still chose too. the other one stuck it inside of me and was pacing in and out fast. i was grunting it didn't feel right. of course it didn't. i was wondering if i would ever make it out.
after they finished doing that they put there clothes back on and they threw my clothes at me. i got changed and sat on the bed crying. they left the room and locked the door for no escape. there was a window. i got up and tried to open it. it was locked. shit. the only thing left is to smash it and jump out. i picked up my smashed phone and i kept punching the window with all of my strength when it finally smashed. i sat at the edge looking down at the grass beneath me. i jumped down and i hit my leg. i got up and ran as far and fast as i could to god knows where. i didn't know where i was when i seen this woman and her child sitting at the bus station. i walked over there with tears in my eyes. bruises all over my body. i limped towards here.

kay: miss miss please help me

i cried out for her help.

??: hey dear what happened to you.
kay: these guys they kidnapped me and raped me top to bottom and abused me i don't know where i am i want to go home please help me my phones broke.
katie: my names katie by the way love come and sit down do you need me to phone someone.
kay: yes can you please phone my friend jaden.
katie: what's his number

she gave me her phone and i typed it in. i dialled the number.

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