at my window..

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i was asleep when it turned 3am.. i heard a faint knock on my window. i got up and looked out and seen jaden sitting there. i got the roof top so when i climb out of my window i can sit on the roof and look at the stars. i opened the window slightly

kay: jaden what the actual fuck.

i whisper shouted at him.

jaden: come out and look at the stars with me
kay: it's late out
jaden: i know you used to sneak out at this time shut up and come out here it's fun.
kay: seriously?
jaden: yes get a jacket and come!!

i sighed and i got my jacket and climbed out. i sat next to him and we where looking at the stars.

jaden wrapped his arm around my shoulders and i felt quite comforted. but he needs to stop.

kay: uh jaden..
jaden: enjoy the moment kay.

he said lighting a spliff handing me it. i know it's wrong and i've never really got that high before i've had a few drags and then we talked. we watched the stars some more and i felt nice. but it wasn't at the same time. then he tucked me into bed and kissed me forehead and left the room.

The next morning

i woke up at 11am and i seen 2 messages on my phone. it was from a unknown number.

??- it's me jaden this is my number
kay- k thanks

i saved his contact as 'jaden.' and then i scrolled threw tiktok and messaged some of my friends. josh came inside of my room.

josh: oh good kaylen your awake.. jadens looking for you uh maybe you should go and see him.
kay: oh tell him to come here
josh: i thought you didn't like him
kay- i don't i'm feeling nice today
josh: oh good stay that way please

he laughed as he walked out of the room. so did i and i cant even lie. i heard my door open. it was jaden.

jaden tried kissing me and backed away

kay: no please
jaden: why not just one kiss

he tried kissing me again

kay: jaden please i beg you.
jaden: fine whatever anyway what do you wanna do today?

he smirked at me trying to cuddle me. i slightly move in the corner. i know i said i felt nice he's just weird.

jaden: what the fuck kaylen i'm trying to be nice

he got up and locked the door and he turned and looked at me. i got goosebumps from his face. he looked at me stern and started walking closer to me.

jaden: don't fuck with me other wise nasty jaden will
make a comeback and i'm not scared for it.
kay- jaden im not scared of you anymore
jaden: yes you are i can see your arms are full of goosebumps you are scared of me.. aren't you little girl

he towered over me with one arm with his chain dangling down. i looked at him just grossed out what the fuck whys he doing this he makes me uncomfortable in my own bedroom ew this is werid

kay: can you just please get out of my room
jaden: what are you gonna do? scream and cry again

he had a grin on his face like when he was hurting me. i gulped and then i sort of pushed him away.

kay: i'm going to get changed uh i'll see you later

i tried pulling him out of my room.

jaden; i'm not leaving
kay: please

i got up and went to the bathroom. i locked my door and got changed and brushed my teeth and washed my face. i walked out and he wasn't there. good.

i sat down at my dressing table and done my hair. i sprayed perfume and i put on some jewellery.

i walked to the kitchen and got a drink of some juice then i walked to the living room and sat down.

the boys where just talking about plans for today apparently there was a party at the hype house ?

kay: where's the hype house i haven't been yet
quinton: it's where nick and mia live.
kay: oh my gosh i miss them so much
bryce: how do you know them lh
kay: they're my best friends i haven't seen them in months though so i miss them.

josh: here he comes .
kay: who?

bryce pointed behind me. jaden was standing there with mads they where holding hands. she fake smiled and then i fake smiled back. i turned around and crossed my arms. i was pissed whys she here.

jaden and mads sat in between me and noah.

jaden: oh kaylen it's good to see you i haven't seen you since yesterday how cool.
kay: very funny jaden.

he smiled at me and i slowly budged away. jaden creeped his hands on my body when mads was making tiktoks with the boys.

jaden: so kaylen..
kaylen: jaden i beg you stop touching me you have a girlfriend and i don't want you anymore i'm over it
jaden: your not over me i've seen your love letters to me from after we broke up .. i was in your room.
kay: what snooping threw my stuff !!
jaden: of course why not

kay: oh jaden your so weird
jaden: no i'm not your weird everyone wants me a part from you.. i bet you miss my massive dick.
kay: please fuck no i don't miss it

i got up and i walked upstairs to the bathroom. i needed to use the toilet. i closed the door and i turned around and i seen jaden standing there

i jumped in fright what the fuck how did he get here

kaylen: jaden how the fuck did you get here
jaden: i can read your mind baby

he locked the door and walked towards me pinning me against the wall staring down into my grey eyes.

his hands explored my hips going up to my neck..

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