Chapter 24

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Ding dong. I rushed down the hall towards the front down, "I've got it" I yelled. I opened the door revealing an middle aged woman and man with two boys with them, one young and the other in his twenties.

"Hi, we're are here to see Jake. Who are you?" Why did they look so familiar?

"Um, I'm Hope, Jake's mate" their eyes widened in shock, should I have told them that? I shut the door behind them as they walked into the lounge.

I heard someone rushing down the stairs, seconds later Jake came into the lounge a little shocked to see these people here. "Jake who are they?" I whispered so they couldn't, which was probably stupid because they're werewolves.

"Uh, my family" he whispered back even though they could hear. Thats why they looked familiar, Jake definitely looked like his dad and older brother, but not so much his mum or younger brother.

"What are you doing here?" Jake asked leaning against the door frame. Jake's mum cleared her throat and opened her mouth to say something but Jake's dad interrupted.

"We heard about your mate and wanted to see if it was true or not" Jakes dad crossed his hands over his lap, "And obviously it is" he said looking at me.

"Is that a problem?" Jake asked crossing his arms over his chest. Jakes older brother stared at me, making me feel self conscious.

"If she is getting you and this pack in danger, then yes" I shifted my feet awkwardly. Now the whole of Jake's family stared at me.

"So what do you want me to do? Because I am not rejecting her" Jake huffed. This is not the way I planned on meeting his family.

"I don't know. How about get rid of her?" I rubbed my hand over my face, this is going so bad.

"Dad, Jake's mate is standing right there. Don't be rude" Jake's older brother said, that was the first time he had spoken.

"I don't care. She is human! How can you agree with this!?" I really did not want to be here right now.

"She, does have a name" I mumbled forgetting that they could hear me. I automatically covered my hand over my mouth.

"What's your name?" Jake's mum asked sweetly. Jake's dad kept giving me a death glare.

"Uh, Hope" I looked up at Jake who was staring back at me. Was I really putting him and the pack in danger?

"And I 'hope' you get out of my sons life" Jake's dad scoffed. I rolled my eyes, I love Jake but I don't think I could ever get on with his Father.

"All due respect sir, but I don't think that's any of your business" crossing my arms over my chest I glared at Jake's dad.

"Jake, it seems you got yourself a brat" Jake's dad stood up from the couch and walked up to me. He stopped just in front of me, standing way too close for my liking. "I think you need a little respect".

"I'll give you respect when you earn it" I spat, this man has definitely not earned my respect. Jake pushed his father away from me.

"I think it's about time you left Dad" Jake said 'Dad' as if it was venom. Jake's dad smirked before budging into my shoulder as he walked towards the door.

Jake's Mum gave me an apologetic smile while following her husband. Before Jake's older brother walked passed he said, "I'm sorry about my messed up family. My name is Harry by the way and my little brother is Ashley" Harry gestured towards the 14 year old boy Brandon had told me about.

Both of them walked past me and followed their parents. "I'm sorry, I didn't know they were coming" Jake rubbed his face with both hands.

"It's ok its not like my family is perfect" I didn't even know who my Mum was. Did she have another family?

Before Jake could open his mouth, Yasmin came running into the lounge. "I have a date with Greyson, Hope you have to help me get ready?" I nodded my head as Jake walked away.

Yasmin grabbed my hand dragging me upstairs. "I'm so excited" she squealed pulling dresses out of her wardrobe and onto the floor.

I picked up a dress that was black,short sleeved and went down to the floor at the back, and cut to mid thigh at the front. "This one" I said, holding the dress up to Yasmin.

"Yes! That is perfect" She grabbed the dress and got changed in the bathroom. Ten minutes later, Yasmin came out looking gorgeous.

"Yasmin! You look beautiful" Yasmin had added a silver necklace and a few silver bracelets.

"Come on, I need my make up done!" She giggled. Yasmin sat on a stool in front of her dressing table. Since I was no expect on make up, I done her foundation and natural eyeshadow with mascara.

"I think you should leave your hair down" she nodded and brushed through her hair. I heard a knock on the front door and ran down.

I opened the door to reveal Greyson, "Hey, is Yasmin here?" Greyson was dressed in a light gray shirt with black jeans.

"Yeah, she is just brushing her hair" I opened the door a little wider so Greyson could enter. "Please take care of her and do not get her drunk" I said seriously, Yasmin and drinking does not go well.

"Don't worry about that, I don't drink" he said smiling. Yasmin came rushing down the stairs.

"Sorry I'm late Greyson. I'm also sorry if Hope gave you a lecture" she laughed while slipping her black heels on.

"You look absolutely stunning" Grayson's mouth was wide open, I couldn't help but laugh at how cringy that was.

"Well let's go then" Yasmin linked her arm with Greysons. Greyson led Yasmin outside and opened the car door for her.

Shutting the door I went into the lounge and sat next to Jake. "Want to watch a movie?" Jake asked.

"Yeah, which one?"

"I was thinking Insidious" I'm surprised Jake said a horror movie since he is scared of them and I'm not.

"Sure as long as you don't wimp out" I laughed.

"No that won't happen because I'm your knight in shining armor" I scoffed and laughed a little.

"I don't need a knight in shining armor" I smirked.

"Oh really" before I could say anything else he started tickling me. I burst out into uncontrollable laughter. "Say I'm your knight in shining armor".

"Y-You're m-my knight in s-shining armor" he stopped tickling me. He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me on the lips, I kissed him back wrapping my arms around his neck. Our lips moved in sync, I ran my hands through his hair.

"Am I interrupting?" I heard someone say, Jake and I pulled apart. Taylor stood in door way giggling.

I threw a pillow at her "go away" she laughed and walked away. I turned back to Jake and continued to kiss him.

Thanks for reading

Sorry its taking so long to update :(

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