Chapter 7

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Hope's P.O.V

"Can you stop copying my work please" Bethany was sat next to me in art copying my work, why did I even say please? "I can do what ever I want to" again I rolled my eyes, I swear I could slap her but I'm not going to I'm just going to keep cool. "Besides I have to paint something rubbish to keep my reputation" just keep your cool Hope just ignore the Barbie, I was painting a picture of my home back in Arizona.

I made it look like one of those typical cabin haunted houses because that's what it felt like, I lived on the border line that separated Arizona and California, and that is where I escaped to straight into California on a coach.

"You're only jealous because you can't paint" did I really just stick up for myself? "pff why would I be jealous of a shredder and it's painting" did she really just call me a 'it' "stupid human" I heard her mutter, why did everyone keep saying that.

After I had finished my painting I went over to the sink to wash the pallet not long after a boy a bit taller than me with black short hair joined next me. "So your the famous Shredder everyone talks about" the boy next to said, I wish everyone would stop calling me that and why did everyone talk about me?

"My name is not shredder it is Hope" I hissed at him, "oh I'm sorry that's just what everybody has been calling you" how come I never knew about people talking about me? "what do people say about me?" I asked while finishing off washing my pallet "um I can't tell you" he said before walking off, well that wasn't annoying.

After art i went to music which i actually loved, my mum made me have piano lessons when i was 4 and i done it up until the day she left when i was 8. I still remember how to play a little just not as well as i used to. Once the teacher was done talking to us she gave us a piano piece called 'heart by heart' by Demi lovato, i sat down at a piano and began playing. When i had finished the piece i hadn't realized a crowd of people had gathered around the piano and were clapping.

I felt my cheeks burning i hated being in the spot light. Grabbing my bag i hurried out of the class just as the bell went. rushing down the corridor i went into the lunch hall and sat with Jake and his other friends. "Hope do you mind if you come to the girls bathroom with me?" yasmin asked, i noticed her eyes were all red and swollen, i nodded my head and followed her into the girls bathroom.

Suddenly i was pulled into a hug with Yasmin crying on my shoulder i was never good in these situations so i just rubbed her back "whats up Yasmin?" i pulled out of the hug looking up at her now wet face. "This b-boy i l-like i just f-found out he likes this over girl" she sobbed, ugh boy problems wasn't really my thing "it's just one boy there are plenty out there" this girl could get a boyfriend with the click of her fingers, "you don't understand he is my mat-" she quickly covered her hand with her mouth.

What was wrong with what she was about to say? The girls bathroom door opened with a loud bang against the wall and guess who stood there. The plastics. "look guys Yasmin is crying, she is so pathetic" barbie said flicking her ugly hair, "shut up barbie" i spat at her, where was all this confidence coming from? "well well if it isn't the famous Shredder" don't slap her Hope she isn't worth getting germs on your hand.

"No boy will ever love you your to worthless" she giggled, and that's when i slapped her hard around the face that stopped her giggling, she held her cheek shocked that i slapped her. I grabbed Yasmin's arm and ran out of the girls bathroom, we both giggled as we walked back to the lunch hall taking our usual seats.

"what are you guys laughing at?" Jake asked, "Hope slapped Bethany" at first he looked shocked which then faded into concern even though I'm not sure why i was the one who slapped Barbie. "Did she hurt you?" he kept looking all over my face "i'm fine i just thought she deserved a bit of payback" i shrugged my shoulders like it was nothing but to me it boost my confidence up."Good girl" Max smirked , " i never thought i would ever hear about the day Hope slapped someone" Alex commented smirking along with Ollie. 

After school me and Jake got on the bus as usual and headed back to the pub. I put on my apron thing and started working doing my usual job as taking the order and serving the food to people who can't be bothered to cook.

I had gained quite a lot of money so Chantelle and Yasmin asked me if i wanted to go shopping tomorrow which was Saturday and i accepted, i had never gone shopping before my dad always bought clothes for me which would be rare.

thanks for reading

that was one of those boring chapters to fill in the gap, sorry it's taking me so long to update.

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