Chapter 15

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As I walked into the school stares came from each student wanting to know my short story on the fire. All that could be heard was the tapping of shoes against the cold floor, no one moved from there places. I moved a strand of hair that had fallen into my face out of the way and continued to walk down the hall with Alex trailing behind me giving each student a glare.

I didn't understand why everyone had to be quiet, were they angry that the school was shut for that small amount of time? Or did they think I started that fire and risked many lives? Whatever the reason was I hated being the center of attention.

"Everyone thinks you started the fire" Alex said as we sat down in our chairs in our first class, I rolled my eyes of course they did.

"What about Chantelle? she was there too, did anyone say anything about her?"

"As far as everyone else knows they think she left with the rest of the class"

"Have you seen her yet?" Alex shook his head, I wanted answers, why would Chantelle do this? Does she hate me that much she wanted to kill me? And last of all, was she the one who told my Dad?

Once the rest of the class sat down we waited for our new teacher to arrive, the old one quit because he didn't want to die if there was another fire. Finally our new teacher walked in with his back to us as started to write on the board.

"Ok students, today in English we will be studying Romeo an Juliet" I knew that voice it couldn't be...

The teacher turned around to reveal the face of my Dad, I rushed to pull my hood over my head so it would cover my face. I knew he used to be a English teacher when I was four but I didn't think he would ever go back to it.

I kicked Alex's leg next to me, "Alex! that's my dad" my voice began to shake as did my hands, I needed to get out of here, I wonder if he knew I was in here? He must do.

"Come on lets get out of here" Alex grabbed my hand and walked me to the door when my fathers voice interrupted, "Where do you think you two are going?" come on Alex think of a good excuse.

"I'm taking her to the nurses office sir" he didn't  deserve to be called sir, he hadn't yet seen my face.

"Ok but hurry back" Alex stormed out of the door dragging me along with him, we started running until we made it outside into the car park.

"He knows I go to this school" I shrank down against Alex's car and buried my head into my lap, I kept shaking my head I wasn't going to cry. I felt a strong arm wrap around my shoulders, I knew it was A lex since he was the only one with me.

"I don't mean to damper your mood but I think your dad is a werewolf" how could my dad be a werewolf? He can't even get his butt off the couch.

"Thats not possible"

"I think he was turned, I saw some yellow in his eyes which means he has been turned, if your  born a werewolf your eye colour will stay the same but his is yellow" I bet Yasmin was behind this.

"That just makes this situation worse" Alex nodded his head in agreement, "Do you want to go back to Jake's house or stay here and wait until we have to go to P.E" I wasn'r going to let my Dad walk back into my life and destroy it.

"Lets stay" I said and stood back up, "Is Jake at school today?" Alex nodded and stood up next to me.

"He came in not long after we got here" Alex and I walked toward the P.E class to get changed, "meet me in the hall" Alex said as he went into the boys changing rooms, where else was I going to meet him?

I got changed fast to avoid any of the girls having a go at me, I done what Alex said and met him in the P.E hall where Jake was standing as well. I'm guessing Jake knows about my dad because he was frowning when talking to Alex which he did when he was thinking.

"Hey Jake" I said which made him turn his attention on me, "Are you alright? I heard about your dad" I nodded as he pulled me into a hug, i wrapped my arms around him and grabbed his shirt "I'm scared Jake".

Jake stroked my hair, "nothing will happen to you as long as i am still alive"his assuring words comforted me, I didn't want to leave Jake's warm hug but the class was about to start.

Jake took my hand and couldn't help but smile, if all this stuff wasn't happening me and Jake would be able to go on dates but no my Dad decides to ruin everything as usual.


The day whizzed by with no sight of my Dad yet anyway, people kept coming up to me and asking why i started the fire and if i said i didn't do it they wouldn't believe me. I was sat alone at home in front of the TV waiting for Taylor to come back from the shop.

I was staring at the coffee table when i spotted a white square bit of paper, out of curiosity i picked you the white bit of paper, on it said:

Hello Hope, I know where you live now, it won't be long before you see me again my sweet daughter,

love Dad

 He knows i live here, oh my he could be in here, all of my lights are off and the sun has gone down. This is just like those horror movies, when the girl is home alone and the killer is right behind her. But he did say soon that doesn't mean tonight right?

Thanks for reading

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