Chapter 11

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Hope's P.O.V

I woke wet and very cold i looked around me to see Yasmin stood there with a bucket in her hands "did you just chuck water at me?" she nodded laughing along with Jake who was stood next to her. I looked around i was on a king size bed in a boys room "Where am i?" the last thing i remembered i wasby the front door "your in my room"Jake replied, my eyes widened what had happened? "Don't worry nothing happened to you well apart from you past out" so yesterday wasn't a dream.

"What about Taylor" i mumbled still tired even though Yasmin just chucked water over me, "She got home fine" Yasmin responded, my eyes widened "wait which home" Jake and Yasmin looked at me in confusion "i think she went back to your place" .

"How long have i been out?" it felt like i had been asleep forever "two days" then why am i so tired? I got out of the bed "do you mind if i use your shower?" what about clothes? i needed clothes Jake nodded and gestured to his bathroom. I scratched the back of my neck i felt rude asking for clothes "um do you know anyone who could get me same clothes?"

"Yeah you can borrow mine, i'll just get them and leave it outside your bedroom door" Yasmin told me, Jake left the room so i went into the bathroom and took my old clothes off. Once i had finished my shower and put on the clothes and make up Yasmin had i left i joined Jake and the gang in the living room.

"So let me get this straight you are all werewolves?" i asked for the 100th time and i knew they were getting fed up with me asking but for all i knew that only existed in Twilight and Vampire diaries.

"Yes we have told you this so many times" Ollie whined rubbing his temples "wel i'm sorry but hello wake up this is like living in Twilight right now, are there vampires?" i used to love reading vampire books that was my only escape out of this world.

 "Yes they do but there aren't may left" Max added, i wonder if they sparkle like Edward or burn like Damon? "Are they ugly like some books describe them?" Max shook his head "They're the same as you and i" this was so exciting i lived in a supernatural world.

"Do you understand now?" Alex asked saying each world slowly like i was a three year old, "yes i do" i rolled my eyes at him. Jake had been incrediably quiet which was odd since he was the Alpha or whatever or call them.

"What you thinking about?" i asked him, he snapped out of his trance he was in "just pack stuff" i could tell he was lying but i didn't want to force him so i just left it until he was ready to tell me. 


We are all sat around the pool, well apart from Yasmin, Alex and ollie who were in the pool dunking eachother under water, of course I wont go in because of the scars but i was enjoying my time sat nex to Jake on a sun bed.

That was until Jake decided it would be funny if he chucked me in the pool with Yasmin's clothes on, "That was not funny" everyone around me was laughing, i couldn't help but laugh with them as i got out of the pool water dripping off of me.

"Do you have a towel?" i asked Jake who was still laughing, "yeah here" he chucked me the towel i instantely wrapped it around me "You're cruel" i pouted.

Jake was stood right on the edge of the pool side, so i done what any living person would do for revenge and pushed him in sending everyone laghing including me, "nice revenge princess" Jake shaked his head getting rid of all the water that was in his hair.

"Princess? thats a new nickname" I wouldn't admit it out loud but i thought it was cute but now that meant i had to make up a nickname for him, "you like it?" he asked, sitting on the sun bed next to me "I don't know it's kinda cheesy".

"Of course you would think it's cheesy i think it's cute" Yasmin added giggling, "Where is Chantelle?" usually she is here with the rest of the gang but today she wasn't "oh i think she has a family situation" i nodded.

Since it was sunday i had to get back home and get ready for school tommorow so Jake took me home in his truck.

I really hated writing this chapter i know it was really bad.

Thanks for reading 

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