Chapter 17

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I looked up into my dads eyes and regretted doing so, his eyes held so much anger and hatred "I told you to make me dinner!" his knuckles were going white. The only reason i didn't make him dinner, was because he had beaten me as soon as i got through the door and i was still recovering. "You're going to pay for this".

"Father, why do you do this?" i had never asked him a question before, i didn't know how he would react. He took the belt off of his trousers and stroked the belt as if it was a pet.

"Because you're the reason your mother left and don't you ever call me 'father' i hate you!" and with that he attacked with his belt, the buckle hitting the side of my head causing blood to slowly fall down the side of my face. He had only just begun, he grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me to the top of the stairs, "this is what you get for being a brat" he whispered into my ear before pushing me down the stairs.

*end of dream*

I gasped as i woke up from my past, i remember that day so well because that was also the day my innocnece was taken, not by my dad but by a friend of my dads named Dylan. It broke my heart, i felt so annoyed and angry, it was the only thing i had left. That's why i didn't trust anyone since that day, but Jake changed that. I'm still afraid of people, i don't really like anyone to touch me, accept from Jake.

I leaped out of bed wanting to leave those memories, I looked at a sleeping Taylor and decided not to wake her up. I walked out of the bedroom and went down stairs towards the kitchen, i had completely forgotten about Jake's family living here as well. So i was quite surprised when i bumped into a solid chest, "I'm so sorry" i looked up to see a young face. His hair was brown and messy, but it was his big blue eyes that stood out the most.

"You must be the famous Hope, everyone's talking about" his blue eyes danced with excitement, i watched as he threw his apple in the air and caught it.

"And you are?" he bit into his red apple, juice squirted out of it landing on the floor.

"I'm Brandon, Jake's little bro" he didn't look a bit like Jake, they had the same hair colour but nothing else.  Brandon began biting into his apple, i watched as the juice dripped down his mouth and off of his chin.

"um, do you know where Jake is?" Brandon took his last bite and tossed the apple into the bin behind him without looking. I still felt as though i was intruding, maybe i should help clean up or something.

"Come on Luna follow me" the whole Luna title still kind of confused me. I followed Brandon down a long hall that looked like it belonged in a posh hotel, the walls were pure white and the floor was white with a pattern on it. We were soon outside where the large pool was and where Jake was swimming up and down.

Brandon put two fingers in his mouth and whistled a high pitch whistle to get his attention, Jake stopped swimming and looked up. "I see you've met my pain in the butt brother" Jake said while pulling himself out of the pool, his brown hair looked darker than usual and his skin seemed too glow.

"You're just jealous because i'm hot and you're not" Brandon pulled off his t-shirt and jeans and ran diving into the pool, Brandon surfaced shaking his head.

Jake came over to me and wrapped his arms around me, "Jake you're soaking wet" he only hugged me tighter making my clothes soaking wet. He un-wrapped his arms, "now i have to change" i huffed and went to go back in side when i felt some lift me off the floor in a bridal style, Jake walked towards the pool and tossed me in.

I rushed to grab the side of the pool, this was the second time Jake had done this and he has still forgotten i can't swim. I grabbed the side of the pool and pushed my self out, luckily for me he hadn't thrown me in the middle.

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