Chapter 4

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Hope's P.O.V

I was getting ready to meet Jake when one of the managers of the hotel just came walking in not bothering to knock, "can I help you?" I asked still doing a braid to the side "we have a spare room on the top floor available to rent, it has a kitchen a bedroom and
a bathroom".

Looks like I don't have to move out of here after all "ok, how much is it to rent a month?" if it was too much then I wouldn't be able to stay there "it is $20 a month will that be ok for you" I nodded, how did they not know that I was here for a holiday? I followed the manager with my two bags full of clothes and money, when we reached the room he gave me the key and left I walked inside the room where a kitchen was a small table and a chair, their were two doors which I'm guessing led into the bedroom and bathroom.

I went through one of the doors which led to the bedroom, there was a double bed in the middle of the room and a small walk in wardrobe there was a tv in front of the bed. I placed my bags down on my bed, I quickly went out of the hotel and to the bus where I was going to meet Jake to go to the beach for some ice cream.

I took my usual seat on the bus next to Jake who had a black top on showing of his muscle and a pair of jeans "hey" he grinned, "hi" I replied with a smile We sat in comfortable silence the rest of the way there. When we go there we raced to the beach and obviously he won I mean he is like one of those sport freaks but he makes it cute, please tell me you just thought that you can't think that about guys remember.

My dad use to hit me if I even hugged a guy even if the guy was just my friend that's why I never had my first kiss. Jake and I walked down the beach with our ice creams and finally found a spot on the beach. "go ahead ask me some questions" he said so I did.

"Ok, do you have siblings?"

"Yes I have a older brother and two younger brothers" big family.

"Do you get on with them?"

"No, Who does?" he laughed.



"What's your biggest fear?"


"What so you mean time?"

"I'm afraid that I won't have enough time to do the stuff that I've always dreamed of doing, I'm afraid I won't have enough time to love".

"Hmm, what about pets?"

"I have a golden retriever"

"How many girlfriends have you had?"

"Why do you want to know"

"I'm the one asking the questions you answer"

"Ok, ok um I think I have had five" for some reason this made me jealous to think of Jake and other girls all over him.

"Ok I'm done" I said licking my ice cream, "really?" he asked raising his eyebrows "yes really I have no more questions" he nodded while thinking "ok well I just want to ask you a couple of questions since I didn't get to the other day" I nodded waiting for him to ask away.

"Do you have a job?"

"Yes at the pub next door to where I am staying"

"Oh yeah I know that pub, I go in there every Monday after school my auntie owns it"


"Yes okay next question, what are you afraid of?"

"My dad finding me" I knew he would be looking by now and probably very angry. "He won't find you I promise"
"he will i know he will" both of our ice creams were finished now "if he does I won't let him hurt you" I nodded not wanting to talk about the devil also known as my dad.

"Back to school tomorrow and the she-devil returns" he put his arms behind his head relaxing, "who's the 'she-devil'?" I sat up a little better "her names Bethany she's like the schools Barbie an she thinks I'm her ken but I'm not".

"Where has she been?" this 'she-devil' is not going to like me hanging around Jake "she's been on holiday with her snobby family" Jake pulled a face when he said 'snobby family' "sounds like schools going to be fun tomorrow" he nodded agreeing with me.

We spent an hour of talking about the people in our school before walking down the beach again. When we were walking we spotted a group smoking and drinking "Hope ignore these people and walk fast there's going to be trouble".....

Thanks for reading

I know it was short but I wanted to leave the whole trouble part for the next chapter which will be up soon.

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