Chapter 29 (The end)

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"Chantelle?" I don't know why I was so surprised. She did try and kill me before.
"Mmhm. Now I want to get this over and done with, Tom will be so proud of me. But of course I'm going to have help".

Another figure came out from behind the tree. My dad. "You didn't think your little friend could actually kill me, did you?" I gulped as he walked closer.

"Stop chatting and just get this over and done with. Where is Jake?" Two men came over holding Jake by the arms. One of them was Tom.

Jake had a cut on his lip and above his eyebrow. I gasped and went to go over to Jake but my dad grabbed me by the arm.

"You're going to watch Hope die just like George watched Rose die" Tom said to Jake. Jake tried to get out of their grip but he couldn't do anything.

"But before we do that, we might as well beat her up a bit" Tom laughed. My dad let go if my arms and transformed into his wolf.

Before I had time to run he pinned me to the ground. He tried to scratch at face but I covered my face with my arms. He eventually managed to scratch my face on the same place he did last time.

I screamed as I felt fresh blood run down my face. Chantelle pushed my dad off of me. "My turn" she grabbed me by the hair.

"Hurts doesn't it?" She threw me back down on the ground. "It's just about to get more and more painful" she kicked me in the side, I curled up on my side.

She kept punching and kicking me. Chantelle once again grabbed my hair and punched me in the nose. I yelped as blood poured out of my nose. I heard Jake growling and trying his best to get out of their grip.

"I think that's enough, let's end this" Tom said letting go of Jake's arm. My dad quickly grabbed Jake's arm before Jake could try to escape.

Tom forced me to go on my knees. He stood behind me. I felt a cold metal on the side of my head and automatically knew it was a gun.

I looked at Jake who was looking at me with tears running down his cheeks. I felt tears run down my cheeks as I stared at him. "Do you know why he is so angry? Because he has silver in his system which means he can't shift into his wolf" Tom laughed.

"Leave her alone!" Jake shouted, "She's done nothing wrong!" I had never seen him look so scared.

"She's a human, that's what's wrong about her, now say goodbye" just as Tom was about to pull the trigger he was pushed off of me and I tumbled to the ground.

I heard a gunshot go off and imediently sat up. I gasped when I saw Yasmin on the ground with blood pouring out of her stomach. I quickly rushed to her side.

"Yasmin!" She looked at me smiling. "Please don't die" she took my hand in hers.

"Thank you for being a great friend Hope. Please come and visit my grave".

"No, you're not going to die. What about Greyson? He needs you, Yasmin".

"They already killed him. Have a wonderful life with Jake. Have pups and make sure you tell them about me".

"I will, Yasmin" with that she smiled once more and then stopped breathing. I cried, my face buried in my hands. I was so upset I hadn't realized there were wolves attacking each other around me.

I stood up, wiping the tears away. I can't believe I just lost my best friend. I looked at her motionless body once more.

"Come on Hope, we have to go" Jake says grabbing my hand. We run through the woods, tripping a few times. "We're almost there" we continued to run until we reached the house.

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