Chapter 19

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"Can i open my eyes yet?" Jake had his hand over my eyes leading me somewhere i didn't have clue where. Still after everything that has happened Jake said he still wanted to take me on a proper date, so here I am my eyes being covered. 

"Ok, here we are" he removed his hand from my eyes, the first thing i saw was the ocean below the cliff and the stars shining in front of me. The picnic was set up on the edge of the cliff, it was a perfect, cute little date.

"Wow, Jake this is beautiful" Jake took my hand and pulled me to the picnic blanket, i sat down smiling to myself. "You didn't need to do this today, with everything that's going on" I had been dreaming of doing this ever since Jake and I got closer, but maybe now wasn't the right time to do it.

"If i don't get to take you on a date today, who knows that we will be here tomorrow" its been a month since the attack at the ball and none of us felt safe anymore, i always felt like someone was watching me when i am on my own. There is still no sign of Chantelle, we do believe that it was her who sent us the dresses and invites for Tom.

"We do graduate soon, what are we going to do then?" graduation was only a month away and i still had no idea of what i wanted to do, sometimes i would think of opening up my own photography business but then i also  wanted to do something to do with music.

"Well my full time job will be running the pack and with you beside me. But i know you want to get a job and i'm not going to stop you,maybe you should do your own photography business like you told me about".

"Yeah but i don't have the money to set it up, maybe i should just become a piano teacher" ever since that ball i have been taking piano lessons and since i done piano when i was eight, the piano teacher wants me to do my grade five.

"Don't worry about money, i have all of the money you need" i know Jake and i are soul mates but i couldn't ask him for so much money, i know the cameras cost over  thousand.

"Jake, that's too much to ask for" 

" No i will pay it for you, i don't care if you refuse" when i was younger i always thought when i got married i wouldn't take my husbands money i would use the money that i earned. Jake and i sat there for a while staring at the beautiful stars that shone above the dark blue sea. After a while we soon began digging into the food Jake had bought and chatted about movies.

"My favourite movie has to be, Twilight" even though i knew everything from 'Twilight' was real i couldn't help but love the romantic story it told of the supernatural world. Jake began to chuckle to himself.

"You still like that film after finding out about the supernatural world?" i nodded, "Wow ok then, my favourite film is Fast and furious" i knew the film 'Fast and furious' is about cars but i have never watched it.

"I've never seen it"

"As soon as we get home i am making you watch all six"

"There are six of them?" that's too many car films in one night, i would rather do a Twilight marathon.

"You're very beautiful, your eyes shine so bright" i felt my cheeks flame up, Jake moved a piece of my hair tucking it behind my ear, he then cupped my face in his warm hands bringing his face closer to my mine. I closed my eyes and bit my lip as he made our lips touch, at first i wasn't quite sure what to do since this is my first kiss but then i soon kissed him back wrapping my arms around his neck. Our lips moved in sync with so much passion, this is exactly how i pictured my first kiss.

We both broke the kiss in the need for oxygen, Jake leaned his for head against mine, his breath fanning my face as mine did his. I couldn't help but feel so happy, i have finally had my first kiss and it was just how i imagined it. Jake stood up and pulled me up with him, "I won't let anyone hurt you" he pulled me into a hug resting his chin on top of my head, "no one will come between us" i smiled, this was the first time i felt safe.

"I love you Hope" my heart melted with his words, butterfly's erupted inside of me, this to me was the best kind of feeling that i have ever felt. I felt no more fear, just love and pure happiness.

"I love you too"  i didn't hesitate, i knew i meant what i said and i always will even if my dad tries to change my mind about him. Jake kissed my head and went over to the picnic stuff packing it up, i pulled my coat closer to me to protect me from the cold air. I felt something drip onto my head, i looked up to see snow falling, the most beautiful thing winter could bring, and since we are in California it's even more beautiful.

The snow started falling more heavy now and laying very fast, i made a small snow ball from the snow that had just fell and threw it at Jake's back, he spun around fast with the picnic stuff in his hands "did you just throw a snow ball at me?" i nodded and giggled.

Jake put the picnic stuff on the ground and made a small snow ball, throwing it at me, i ducked the hurdling snow ball, i quickly made another snow ball and threw it at his shoulder. "You're not very good at this are you" Jake again missed me as i ducked it, this time made the snow ball bigger and threw it at his chest.

"I'm just letting you win" i rolled my eyes as he aimed another snow ball at my arm and managed to hit me, i grabbed another snow ball and threw it at him but he ducked it and threw another one at me which hit me in the shoulder again. "See i'm not letting you win now" i narrowed my eyes at him and threw another snow ball which hit him in the leg. Jake started running at me while throwing loads of snow balls, i closed my eyes and put my hands above my head.

"Ok i'm done" i got up from the cold snow ground, my hands felt like they were about to drop off, Jake took my hands in his and blew on them, my hands soon went back to being warm. Jake took my hand and in the other hand he held the picnic basket, we made our way back to the car freezing.


As soon as we were home we went straight into the lounge covering ourselves with the blanket and of course as Jake promised we watched Fast and furious, which i can say is pretty good. "Tomorrow i'm going to make you watch all of the Twilight's" i laughed as he groaned.

"Fine but we have to have chocolate otherwise i'm going to die of boredom" i rolled my eyes, i couldn't wait to see him to watch Twilight, best movies ever.

"I have to watch your car films so it's right that you watch my supernatural movies" I snuggled into Jake more as we continued to watch Fast and furious.

Thanks for reading.

This was my first time writing a kissing scene so i hope it is good enough and not too terrible.

I think the song on the side 'Ella Henderson, Empire' suits them ------------->

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