Chapter 6

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Hope's P.O.V

I arrived at school with Jake as we usually do apart from Jake rushed off inside the school leaving me on my own to walk the rest of the way inside the school. What was up with him today, was it something I said? or was it from yesterday?

I opened up my locker taking out my books, I shoved them inside my bag and continued down the hall where my first lesson was about to start. I took my usual seat at the back of the class next to Jake but he wasn't there.

All of the lessons went quick and still no sign of Jake, I went to my locker and opened it up to find a note 'were watching you Hope you better watch your back you don't know what's going to come around the corner signed your wonderful enemy' I screwed up the note throwing it in the bin this person was just bluffing.

I went to lunch hall where only Yasmin and Chantelle sat at our usual space, I sat down opposite them. "hey guys, do you know where the others are?" they both looked at each other like they were talking to each other "err they are at a basketball game" I nodded dropping the subject.

"You have P.E next don't you?" I nodded, "have fun Barbies back" Chantelle told me oh the joy of high school whats the worst she could say shredder? "Oh you mean Bethany" Chantelle nodded "yeah Jake told me about her".

I walked into the girls changing room, when I was dressed a girl with blonde hair and too much make up on tapped me on the shoulder "hey, you must be shredder" she smirked crossing her arms over her fake boobs "oh hey you must be barbie" some people laughed while her little minions behind her glared, well what can I say I'm not just going to let Barbie walk all over me.

Bethany turned around wiping her hair in my face walking back to her minions, she obviously doesn't know about me being friends with Jake yet.

I walked out of the changing into the hall where to my surprise Jake was back with Alex and some other boys from P.E last time. I walked over to Jake nervously I wasn't sure if he wanted to see me. He noticed me stand next to him and so did his friends "oh hey Hope" he said doing that amazing grin of his, "hi" I looked down at my nails playing with them nervously.

"Ok kids since I can't be bothered to tech today you can do what ever you want" the gym teacher told us, great teacher he was, all the girls pulled their phones put of their bras while the boys started playing basketball apart from me and Jake, we just stood in the corner chatting.

"Have you met Barbie yet?" he asked while leaning against the wall with his arms crossed on his chess "yeah unfortunately" speaking of devil, Bethany came up to Jake stroking his arm. Jake grabbed her hand shoving it away gently "don't touch me Barbie how many times have I got to tell you" the last part he said slowly so dumbo would understand making me chuckle.

Bethany glared at me with her devil eyes "shut it! Shredder" I tried pressing my lips together but the laughter just came rolling out of my mouth Jake joined me "Jake! Don't laugh with her" Bethany pouted, stroking his arm again with jake also removing her hand.

"Fine be that way, I'll talk to you when she's not around" I rolled my eyes as Bethany stormed of to her minions, "bye Barbie" I waved as she told her friends what had happened. Barbies now a days they need to get a grip.

I got off the bus with Jake, heading into the pub where I worked, Jake was meeting Ollie there since they had dinner here every Monday.

After my shift I went to the back of the pub to get my bag when I found another note stuffed inside of it. 'The plans working out just as we planned were even going to do it sooner than we thought love you wonderful enemy' this person seriously needed to stop pranking me, it's oblivious that its a prank I mean why would they tell me it's coming sooner than they thought?

I decided to keep this one just incase I would need it some time soon, I wasn't going to tell Jake he would only dismiss it as a prank. It's not the first time this has happened to me, it's happened in my old school they would keep leaving notes in my locker and bag.

I grabbed my stuff and headed back to my apartment on the top floor of the hotel.

Thanks for reading

I know it is boring at the moment but I don't want to rush into it to soon.

A picture of bethany ----------->

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