Chapter 16

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I'm probably the most stupid person in the world right now, after i had read that letter i thought the best thing to do was to go to Jake's in the middle of the night. And to make things worse i had decided to take the the route Taylor had shown me, through the forest. Birds dived in and out of the forest singing, the stars danced in the dark sky. 

I could here voices coming from behind some trees and bushes. I slowly and carefully went behind the tree to hear their conversation, it sounded like there were only two guys from what i could hear.

"Have you been following her!" The first guy sounded irritated.

"Yes, i have" the second guy sounded nervous.


"She's Jake's mate" I gasped, they were talking about me. Why was he following me?

"Dammit, that's just going to make it harder to get to her"

"I know Alpha"

"We'll just have to come up with another plan" I stepped back into a hard chest, i gasped has a large hand covered my mouth. I would have tried to get out of his grasp but i felt so calm, this wasn't normal. After the voices of the two men went, the firm hand let me go. 

I whipped around to see Jake in just a pair of jeans, i couldn't of felt more relived to see him right now. "What the hell are you doing out here on your own!" he whispered shouted.

"To come and find you"

"Why in the middle of the night?" he pinched the bridge of his nose, and let out a long breath.

"To give you this" I handed him the note i found in my living room,  i looked around cautiously to see if anyone was here while he read the note. Now that it was falling closer to November i could feel the chill of the winter air, i wrapped my arms around my body to keep myself warmer.

"I don't think it's a good idea to be staying at your house anymore, or Taylor" he noticed that i was starting to freeze half to death and wrapped his arms around me "I almost forgot you were human" he whispered into my ear, i already felt warmer.

"I'm going to shift into my wolf and carry you back to mine, don't move" he removed his arms and i automatically felt the cold air hit me again. Jake went behind the tree and a few seconds later he came back in his black wolf that was taller than me.

Jake bent down so i could climb onto his fluffy back, i got onto his back and got a fist of his fur, burying my head into his fur as he took off. It felt as though seconds had passed by the time we had reached Jake's house.

I climbed off of his back as he went behind the tree and change back into a pair of trousers and a t-shirt. "Come on you can call Taylor on my home phone" I followed Jake into his house still cold from the harsh weather. Once we were inside of the house Jake passed me his Samsung S5, i dialed Taylor's number as fast as I could.

"Hello?" her voice came through on the other end.

"Hey, it's Hope"

"Hope! where the hell are you!?"

"At Jake's, look you need to get your butt over here now it's not safe at home"

"Okay, but you better explain when i get there" she hanged up.

"Jake, I'm scared" his huge arms wrapped around my small frame sending sparks, his chin rested on top of my head as i buried my face into his shoulder. I felt as though this could last forever but of course that damn front door swung open revealing a little red.                                                                  

"Hey Hope, Jake"i unwrapped my self from Jake's arms shoving my hands in my pockets awkwardly. Taylor grabbed a apple from the fruit bowl that was sat on the glass table by the door, "explain" she said as she walked towards the living room expecting us to follow.


I had explained everything to Taylor, Jake had agreed to let both of us stay here in his house until this whole situation cleared over. Jake led Taylor and I up to the first floor, the room he had chose for us had to singe beds in it and white sheets. The walls were painted white and the floor wooden, a white fluffy rug was placed in the middle of the room. 

I couldn't help but feel like i was intruding, i knew Jake didn't mind but his family most likely would. "Jake, i don't know about this" this room was too beautiful to stay in, i felt as though if i touched something it would crumble in my hands.

"It's fine, i would rather you stayed here where i know you will be safe" I looked around the room once more, before i decided that i really didn't want to go back to that cold apartment.

"What about your family?"

"They won't mind, after all you are their Luna"

"What's a Luna?"

"They rule along with the Alpha,me. They help out with the pack and feel as though it is there own family" cool, i have a huge family full of wolf's "oh and they obey your every command".

I couldn't help but wonder to myself, why Taylor and Jake avoided eye contact so much, i guess that's another question for another day. "I'll see you in the morning princess" Jake said and left closing the door behind him.

I settled down on the bed that was on the right side, "Taylor, do you think Jake's family will like me?".

"They will love you" she said with a sad smile, maybe Taylor used to be a big part of this pack of wolf's. I needed to find out, and what about Taylor's family? Didn't she have anyone else apart from her abusive mother?

Thanks for reading.

i know it was short and i have taken forever to update but i have been so busy.

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